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Last Updated

Tempus IMMORTS PLEASE READ! 01/05/97
Alvis Strings 01/05/97
Lethargio eq 01/28/97
Donelan Cursed items 01/09/97
Faia removal of "over rent" 01/23/97
McClellan Shadow skill 01/04/97
Leech balance of con/str/dex 01/09/97
Kervorkian Restrict hunt to areas, please 01/10/97
Leech sniper 01/10/97
Lethargio snipe command 04/13/97
Quetzalcoatl 100 million milestone 01/17/97
Bulk EQ requests :P 02/06/97
Lagmonster Info 01/29/97
Leech blah 02/01/97
Rufus PLEASE READ 03/30/97
Greenspawn In response and addition to Rufus 02/13/97
Gail Call For Socials 02/11/97
Mina Instant Death 02/21/97
Lagmonster Weapon Characteristics 03/07/97
Lethargio pkill chars 02/27/97
Bulk New Prompts 03/01/97
Ptah Playerkilling 04/14/97
Ulric blinding, and renting 03/17/97
Lagmonster hit points. 03/20/97
Lethargio new emote? 03/22/97
Lethargio bashing 03/24/97
Lethargio new board 03/29/97
Beam aliases 03/29/97
Lagmonster Clan Passwords/Tokens 03/30/97
Ptah Redesign clans? 04/28/97
Tsukuyomi new emote idea 04/01/97
Croaker What's wrong with pkill (very long) 04/01/97
Croaker How to fix pkill - very long 04/07/97
Manic oh stuff 04/07/97
Beam eye face slot 04/13/97
Beam lvl 50 blues 04/14/97
Beam newbie movement 04/13/97
Daer money matters 04/14/97
Beam silence 04/14/97
Mina disband 04/18/97
Manic xp loss 04/18/97
Daer Pets for RP! 04/21/97
Croaker Capture the Flag idea 04/20/97
Lethargio lamps 04/29/97
Drxt QUOTE 04/27/97
Lethargio color descs? 04/28/97
Malthus D.E.R.T. 04/29/97
Elidan dert bags vs. backpacks 04/30/97
Lethargio first aid 05/24/97
Threshold stun 05/17/97
Lethargio zip 05/18/97
Typ A New Spell 05/06/97
Zak Bandaging/poulticing 05/05/97
Malthus Ideas 05/05/97
Bulk XP loss in Pkill 05/07/97
Lethargio weapons 05/14/97
Celebrindal new slot 05/08/97
Daer The Gradual Depreciation of Items 05/15/97
Ptah For debate: new score display? 05/24/97
Faramir Grouping 05/16/97
Lagmonster Blind 05/25/97
Lagmonster New Option for Befriend 05/16/97
Irony fight changes 05/31/97
Lethargio str/dex fighters 05/17/97
Daer befriend/consent/mesmerize/etc 05/30/97
McDougan BLOODY CLANNED 05/20/97
Z'ha'dum New HOL layout 05/28/97
Galron this new afk thing.. well heres an idea! 05/23/97
Istishia bandages 05/30/97
Radagast Idea 05/31/97
Densiva this mud is a bummer! 06/05/97
McDougan shtun 05/31/97
Whiz a thought for newbies 05/31/97
Croaker Some Notes on Quests 05/31/97
Myriad Opinion on Negative posts 05/30/97
Isamu-Dyson O.K. fair enough Ptah! 06/01/97
Ulric My opinion on mages.. 06/09/97
Grumble fight changes and perc 06/09/97
Manic give it up 05/31/97
Ptah Hopefully coming soon 06/03/97
Ptah Whew, too much to answer 06/05/97
Tancred Quit y warning 06/07/97
Tancred *sniff* bags 06/05/97
Fenris command suggestion 06/04/97
Lethargio about -mind eq 06/04/97
Ceres A few ideas about the changes 06/05/97
Ulric Magic changes for Create 06/09/97
Beam perma 06/09/97
RigorMortis Recall too powerfull ? 06/08/97
Galron The Damage Done by MOBS *WHINE* 06/06/97
Zak To hit and level diff 06/06/97
Brigid tform and the new changes. 06/09/97
Pegasus An idea 06/07/97
Lethargio some ideas 06/07/97
Lethargio fleeing? 06/08/97
Edina New Bash. 06/10/97
Ulric DexMud 06/12/97
Ptah "Line too long" 06/16/97
Beam read next 06/11/97
Asilidae 3 ideas 06/13/97
Kai suggestion about pick lock 06/13/97
Gho AC 06/13/97
Lethargio dex and spells 06/14/97
BokChoy dex mage vs. con mage 06/16/97
Hazard create mage healing 06/15/97
Arsene headbutt 06/15/97
Daer More stats, new reqs! 06/17/97
Mhsa hitroll and damroll items overpowered. 06/18/97
Odacova Perception 06/21/97
Lethargio More on Perception 06/21/97
Lethargio spr? 06/24/97
Mina bleeding 06/24/97
Demandred Spellbook, why so confusing 06/25/97
Orca addition to a characters desc 06/25/97
Lethargio entrance 07/01/97
Orca xp loss 07/04/97
Lethargio eq for newbies 07/04/97
Asmodean Games 07/04/97
Orca headbutt 07/02/97
Blair MRTI 07/05/97
Lethargio idea on how to balance... 07/19/97
Daer More stats, new reqs! 06/17/97
Belrix Soo 07/27/97
Orca skills balance 07/20/97
Beam option 07/14/97
Ptah Discussion, this board, that board... 07/24/97
Lethargio trophys 07/21/97
Dial comments 07/21/97
Starbiter NO TITLE 07/25/97
Penn Curio shop 07/26/97
Stradivari New Channel 07/22/97
Jen-Creature Color 07/23/97
Lirra Cross Playing... 07/23/97
Orca changes 07/25/97
Lethargio magics 07/25/97
Charity Zandy's Mort Builder Plan 07/29/97
Chaykin Idea! 08/02/97
Orca blah blah *flop* 08/06/97
Beam mobs cheating, xp loss, etc 08/01/97
Charity cheezy fight specials 07/28/97
Cypher Ownership Question 07/30/97
Lethargio when you die... 08/04/97
Chaykin ID and judge 08/02/97
Crowe channels 08/03/97
Rufus Mobs 08/06/97
Croaker In response to the above... 08/14/97
Arsene Changes 08/07/97
Ptah Whee! my take. 08/14/97
Beam message decay 08/08/97
Arsene Changes again 08/09/97
Ptah radical concepts? 08/29/97
Charity stat boost items 08/14/97
Tyche just something 08/19/97
Lethargio medeocre stats 08/16/97
Penn another shop idea... 08/21/97
Orca warcry/snipe/backstab 08/24/97
Legion Alignment Maximums + and - 08/17/97
Lethargio some stuff to make perc more useful... 08/24/97
Egami Stopping fights 08/27/97
Dameon Pick locks 08/20/97
Plankton Excellant edition of LT 08/23/97
Lethargio clan tokens 08/31/97
Hastur Seoni quest screw up 08/31/97
Hollio i fallen into a exp hole:( 08/27/97
Aeolus Balancing the mud 08/31/97
Blair new fight system? 08/31/97
Lethargio Perc 09/01/97
Chaykin judge skill 09/01/97
Teresa Death and Perma-Death 11/07/97
Legion LIGHTS OUT 10/29/97
Trinity New channels 11/02/97
FairfaxII Create Heal 11/17/97
Arsene Con Fighters 11/16/97
Lethargio choke 11/17/97
Bran Times..... 11/22/97
Xatreka Food is food? Hmm not sure. 11/20/97
Haul MIND REQ 11/20/97
Daer Coupons and Roleplay 11/24/97
Dameon Damroll 11/22/97
Fenris recent crashes and thoughts about them 11/25/97
Celia Perc 11/25/97
LadyAce MYTH: Imms don't care about players 12/01/97
Crackerjack Create mage pkillers 12/03/97
Densiva Why is it you guys take forever 11/26/97
Daer Policies from Above 12/01/97
Tony_Stark stuff 11/27/97
Kinch Dealing with Harassment 12/05/97
Colin Unfair Skill Prereqs 11/29/97
Crackerjack Create mage food 11/30/97
Rufus Create healing 12/08/97
Manic fleeeee 12/14/97
Zak A Certain Quest 12/15/97
Jaret low dex 12/15/97
Bulk Perc/Spi 12/19/97
Stick skill ideas 12/20/97


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