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read next

1997 Topic Index

Posted by Beam on 06/11

Read next is cool and all, but i thought of something else.

If you get spammed while reading you can't just hit enter again to refresh the message, like you can using the old way. Can we a refresh?

From: Ptah Wednesday, June 11, 02:48PM

The old system didn't support a refresh. Were you using ZMud by any chance? ZMud can be set to keep the last line typed in your buffer, so hitting return just sends it again. That is probably what you experienced?


From: Beam Wednesday, June 11, 11:18PM

yah im using zmud and can refresh using it, but maybe you could still use a refresh command?

From: Ptah Wednesday, June 11, 11:59PM

I think I can pretty easily. Lemem see what i can do, and remind if you don't see it soon.



1997 Topic Index