Discussion Index

To hit and level diff

1997 Topic Index

Posted by Zak on 06/06

I think the idea is good in that it keeps people killing mobs of their own level instead of people on lvl 35 killing lvl 50 mobs all the time.. the only problem is that in pkill wont it be a bit rough on people that are 10 levels below lets say a lvl 50 in that the lvl 40 char will barely hit the lvl 50 char. I'm level 35 and have a hitroll of 4.22 and of my 11 hits only bout 2 were hitting the level 50 mob i was attacking. It sure makes sure that I wont ever kill a lvl 50 mob again and will stick to my level mobs or a bit above my level. Just wondering if it will be a b harsh on pkill and whether or not the 10 lvl limit should be reduced to a 5 lvl limit or something more practical. Might make any fight initiating move on a 5 lvl limit basis and any spells/skills that are used to prep someone before a fight a 10 lvl limit.. -shrug- Zak


1997 Topic Index