

The Patron Goddess of Thieves,
Gerbils and other Small Rodents


An Imp

At one point Ptah and Kaige had a horde of gerbils that kept having babies every time they turned around. The highest count was 30, hence the reason she always hands you a gerbil before she leaves. The zoo is currently empty unless you count their two rugrats. =)

The old auction system was also her work, as well as many skills and spells as well as the basic mechanics of the new free-form clan system..

Kaige's areas on the mud include: Arabian Nights, Aztecs, Sherwood, The Alhambra, Carribean Pirates, and works on maintenance and additions to the areas of French & Indian War, Gold Rush San Francisco, Ancient Nazca, Beowulf, Viceroyal Peru, Port of London, Tea Route & South Seas, and Seoni Jungle, India

Kaige's Homepage can be found here.


In real life, Kaige got her nickname at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland where LegendMUD got its start in life running on "Stimpy", a MacSE/30.

Washington College has had an influential role in the lives of many Legend immorts. WC alumni include: Charity, Fionn and Mania. And of course if not for WC and Ptah not being able to attend Cornell, he and Kaige would never have met.

Besides having a common alma mater, the original team of Legend immortals played countless hours on Worlds of Carnage. If not for Carnage's innovative efforts in the area of mob acts, and the camaraderie there with Sadist, Flagg, Elessar who went on to become an imp at Renegade Outpost (under a different name), Chocorua (then Ozzy), and Breton, LegendMUD would not exist.

Kaige was a member of the original development team for Origin Systems' Ultima Online with Sadist and Ptah. Rufus also worked on the project as well.

Besides mudding, Kaige's interests include economic theory, sci-fi/fantasy books, music, graphic design and trying to keep up with two toddlers full-time.

Click here to see more pictures of the kids!

A picture of the kids, Elena (with Snowy) and David.

Which leads to a whole photo gallery of the kids.

This cartoon used to refer to Mika and Gabe, but it also currently applies quite well to Elena and David. What one doesn't think of, the other will.