Connecting to Legend

In your Explorations of this Volume, you have found the Description of this Distant Land most appealing, yet you have no Passage booked to travel to this World? Merely read below for advice and Assistance...

    LegendMUD is located at 9999.. Like all muds, it can be reached by a variety of means, all of which use the Telnet protocol. Chances are your web browser is already set up to connect to Legend. If not, if you have a modern browser you can run Legend in a window here on this very website. If you are anxious to connect, you should click on one of the two links above, and start playing! However, the staff of LegendMUD suggests that instead, you download a mud client suitable for your computer, and use that to connect. Read on for more details, including instructions on how to connect via America Online!


Telnet Link

    This will simply launch whatever Telnet application you have configured as a helper application in your web browser. Look elsewhere on this page for instructions on how to set up a helper application if you haven't done this already.

    Note that if under normal circumstances you cannot connect to a site with a port number, clicking on that link will not help. Also note that raw Telnet is not the ideal method for connecting to a mud as it does not provide a text input window and your text will be broken up by the mud output as you type.

A Scythian deer, from the 7th to 6th century B.C.
    Please check at the bottom of this page for information on obtaining a Telnet application.


A web mud client written in Java

   If you have a Java-capable browser such as Netscape 2.0 or later, or Internet Explorer, then at the link above you will find The Cup-O MUD Client (v1.3), a Java applet mud client which will connect to LegendMUD.    NOTE! When using the Cup-O MUD client, you will want to make sure that you have color turned off for your character as it is not supported.

   We suggest that you make use of this Java client only if you are unable to connect via other means. Java is still slower than a program native to your machine, and the implementation of Java mud clients is usually not perfect.


MUD Clients

    A mud client replaces regular Telnet for connecting to the mud. As long as you have a SLIP/PPP connection to the Internet, you can use a client on your PC or Macintosh. If you have a Unix shell account, you can also use a mud client. In general, we highly recommend use of a client in order to provide a more enjoyable experience and a better interface than Telnet. The following clients are recommended by Legend.

    In using any of the clients which suport multiple sessions, please be aware that multiple sessions to LegendMUD are not permitted by our Player Code of Conduct.

We support MCCP (mud client compression protocol). Enabling this feature in your client should speed your connection.

Windows clients

Macintosh clients

A russian icon
A Russian icon of Saint Nicolas, 13th - early 14th century
Unix clients

   With all Unix clients, check into the possibility that a client has already been installed on your server. Many Internet Service Providers have made both of the following programs available to their users. It may be possible to request that they install either of these two clients for public use, rather than taking up your disk quota with the program. Keep in mind that neither of these two clients will be particularly easy to use if you are accustomed to a graphical environment, and that compiling them may prove difficult for you if you are not familiar with C and GCC. Both tintin++ and TinyFugue are extremely powerful and capable programs, and the choice between them is largely a matter of taste.

Other platforms


Downloading Telnet

   Telnet is the name of the protocol which allows networked computers to log into each other (or into programs running on remote machines). It is the protocol used to log into muds as well.


Connecting through America Online

   It is possible to get mud clients working through America Online. If you using a web browser other than the standard AOL one, then you are already set up and can simply launch your mud client after you have conneted to AOL in the usual fashion.

   If you do not have this set up, America Online fortunately makes it easy for you. Go to keyword internet or tcpip and read the relevant documents, and you should be able to get get set up in no time.

Detail from an illuminated manuscript, The Life of Sir Galahad


Configuring a mud client or Telnet app as a helper

   What follows are instructions for configuring Netscape and Internet Explorer to use either a mud client or a different Telnet application than the default. You may not need to configure this at all; Internet Explorer uses the stock Windows telnet as a default under Windows 95, for example, and if you use a Macintosh with Internet Config, most of the work has been done for you already. You can however set up your mud client of choice as the helper application if you so choose.