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Roleplaying Workshop


This workshop took place on November 19th, 1996.


Rusalka says, 'A while back, when i was first rping, .'

'And playing,' Rusalka says.

McDougan sits down on the ground.

'One of the imms did a workshop for rp,' Rusalka says.

'You came in, brought your character in, and people discussed it,' Rusalka says.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes nods solemnly.

Pflanzen says, 'Nifty.'

TerrorSpawn nods solemnly.

McDougan hiccups.

Banba has arrived from the south.

'Aye?' McDougan says.

Rusalka says, 'That was my idea, at nay rate.'

Major Benson Weneford Payne has arrived from the south.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes nods solemnly.

Pflanzen says, 'So like we can just toss out questions and ask for advice?'

Rusalka says, 'So.'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes looks up into the sky and ponders.

Rusalka says, 'Right.'

Pflanzen smiles happily.

'Woah, spammy,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

A sad-eyed child says, 'Hrm.'

Rusalka says, 'Anyone feel like going first?'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'I will.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Rusalka smiles at a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes struts proudly.

'What's your character personna :),' Rusalka says to a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes.

'I have arrived, the festivities may now commence,' Conan says.

McDougan hiccups.

'Okie, I'm not going to use accent because its to hard to convey ideas,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

'In this,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Frodo is an orphan, that was originally adopted by Northstar and Jondalar before they broke up.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Conan sits down on a couch.

'Lately, none of the MacLarens have been on, so I've sort of been abandoned,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

'So, since none of Frodo's family is around, he's become a bit wild,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Annoying, mischievous, a prankster.'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Reckless.'08:10

Rusalka nods solemnly.

McDougan hiccups quietly to himself - must be real beer in that barrel!

'I've always do you do his speech?' Rusalka says.

Rusalka figures Frodo must type really fast :)

A sad-eyed child giggles.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Well, in the beginning I would say a word out loud, and type it phonetically.'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'I would try to talk like a 4 year old with a lisp orally and type what I heard.'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'But now it just comes naturally.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'Part of the role,' Rusalka says.

McDougan hiccups quietly to himself - must be real beer in that barrel!

Pflanzen peers at McDougan, looking him up and down.

Rusalka says, 'So a specific type of speech is one way to distinguish a character.'

Rusalka nods her agreement with McDougan.

Rusalka says, 'As well as socials.'

'I made a set of macro EMOTES just for frodo,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Rusalka sits down on a couch.

Pflanzen says, 'What's the best way to come up with original spins on roles that are already out there?'

Rusalka says, 'Another way to make him stand out :).'

McDougan lies down in a gutter.

'For awhile, I was carrying around marked papers that were marked as: "a picture of the bane sidhe by, fROdo,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Conan smiles at a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes.

'And I would give them to nice people and friends I had made,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Pflanzen doesn't want to be just another druidess lass.

TerrorSpawn smirks.

Rusalka says, 'How did you come up with the idea for frodo..all at once?'

Rusalka says, 'Or in pieces?'

Ptah says to Pflanzen, 'Hang on, we'll get to you :).'

TerrorSpawn says to Pflanzen, 'ALL druids are kewl.'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'I just sort of free-styled him.'

Rusalka nods her agreement with Ptah.

Conan defends Pflanzen's honor.

'I spend maybe an hour laying in bed one night thinking up a character,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'I took little things I did as a child, and changed them to things frodo did,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'When I was around 4-6 I actually talked similar to Frodo did.'

'Incorporated parts of yourself ,' Rusalka says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes nods solemnly.

'I always have and do read a lot,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Banba says, 'One way (although annoying..) is to speak a completely different language. .'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'And I've gotten many ideas from books.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Rusalka nods her agreement with Banba.

Banba says, 'Whoops, was supposed to be a tell..sorry.'

Ptah seems to recall a Gypsy girl who actually sprinkled a lot of Romany into her chats

Rusalka nods her agreement with Ptah.

'On the speech thing...' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

'Tuco tossed in Spanish too, as I recall,' Ptah says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'I tried to combine the way I talked when I was younger with a Scottish accent,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

'Just enough to give your language some flavor,' Rusalka says.

Banba says, 'I'm a linguist in real life..and speaking Gaelic is kinda annoying...because it's a harsh language.'

Rusalka nods her agreement with a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes.

McDougan says, 'I'm a writer.'

'Could do parts,' Rusalka says to Banba.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Even common items found in OOC and IC can be useful.'

Rusalka nods her agreement with a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes.

Rusalka prefers those to strings.

'For awhile I had Frodo drag around a stuffed toy of some kind where ever he went,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

TerrorSpawn nods his agreement with Rusalka.

McDougan waves bottled ale.

'I carry around this ale recently,' McDougan says.

'When ever I rest or make a "pit stop" with a group of people I alway do smething RP'ish depending on the terrain,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

TerrorSpawn liked giving daisies to people until items could decay in bags.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'Something even,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

'Such as?' Rusalka says to a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes.

'In the desert, I drew pictures of my family,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'If it is dark out, I'll act scared.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Water, or on a beach, I'll have Frodo play there.'

Rusalka says, 'Do you ever react to mobs?'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'For a long time I had a trigger to kill rats.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'I was acting like a Meercat for a long time.'

'When ever the key word rat was shown, Frodo would scream and pounce on it,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

'Or mouse,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'I was doing stuff with crayons, too,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Like this:'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes rummages in a dirty back pack and finally pulls out a Sidhe Coloring book.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes continues to rummage in a dirty red back pack and beams with delight as he pulls out a handful of crayons.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes plops to the ground.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes opens up his coloring book and proceeds to get busy.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Then, when I was done I'd do this:'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes grabs his Sidhe Coloring book and rapidly stuffs it into his dirty back pack.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes scoops up his pile of crayons and shoves them into the back pack.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes jumps to his feet.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'I'd like to open the floor for questions and comments for Frodo (we'll do this for everyone :),' Rusalka says.

Rusalka smiles at Claire.

McDougan falls on his face.

TerrorSpawn picks McDougan up.

McDougan hiccups.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes peers around the room intently.

TerrorSpawn peers at McDougan, looking him up and down.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'No wun wans ask me anyfing?'

'It'sh shtriktly f'r medishindal purposhesj,' McDougan says.

'So how do you keep from seeming like all the other kids I've seen around here?' Pflanzen says to a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes.

TerrorSpawn sets McDougan on the couch.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Okatay.'

'Well, accent for one,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

McDougan says, 'What most inspired your character.'

TerrorSpawn nods his agreement with a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes.

McDougan brutally slays the lagmonster.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Well, RL inspire me the most, including tidsbits and quirks from books.'

A thuggish teenager tips his hat, realizing he was late.

'Did you use any tolkien in your character?' McDougan says.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Being MacLaren is also a big help.'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes shakes his head.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'I just took the name.'

Rusalka says, 'Gives you an identity.'

Claire nods her agreement with Rusalka.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'The MacLarens have always been hot-headed.'

'And so Frodo is too,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

TerrorSpawn remembers the vampire episode.

' you've got some pyschological stuff going on :),' Rusalka says.

Conan says, 'The MacLarens aren't much of a presence these days.'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes beams at TerrorSpawn delightedly.

Claire giggles at TerrorSpawn.

A thuggish teenager nods his agreement with Conan.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes nods his agreement with Conan.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes sniffs sadly at Conan.

Rusalka rememebrs something happening with Ryssa this week.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Ryssa disowned us, and Frodo wanted her MacLaren sash.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

TerrorSpawn remembers how protective Northstar was.

Major Benson Weneford Payne talks to Northstar alot and has a sketchy idea of what's goin' on with the MacLarens.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes sniffs sadly.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'I wasnt happy that she Imm'd with Northstar.'

':) doesn't the 16th century..the MacLaren family disappeared without a trace :),' Banba says.

'But...I learned a way to RP around it,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka raises an eyebrow inquiringly.

'Ok, who let the scholar in here?' Conan says. ':P.'

Conan pokes Banba in the ribs.

'Northstar is now mamaghost,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

A thuggish teenager ruffles a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes's hair playfully.

Rusalka says, 'I have a quesiton.'

'She poofs in and out, so Frodo figures she is a ghost like the shades in the moors,' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

'Hmm?' a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says.

Rusalka shakes her head.

'Ok,' Rusalka says.

Rusalka says, 'So that's one example of how you can rp stuffs :).'

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes nods solemnly.

Rusalka ruffles a young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes's hair playfully.

'There are lots of ways you can play this game out,' Rusalka says.

'I think what I'd like to do now is get some discussion going for those starting characters,' Rusalka says.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes peers around the room intently.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes says, 'Okie.'

McDougan raises his hand.

A young Celtic boy with sparkling blue eyes returns to being In Character.

TerrorSpawn is pretty old (not that old though, used a lot of youth spells).

Rusalka thinks the Major wanted to workshop next?

McDougan says, 'I have a moderately developed character.'

Major Benson Weneford Payne nods his agreement with Rusalka.

Major Benson Weneford Payne grins evilly.

'We'll get to you :),' Rusalka says to McDougan.

A sad-eyed child wrinkles her nose distastefully.

A thuggish teenager says to McDougan, 'You have a spammy char.'

'Dunna,' McDougan says.

' who are you?' Rusalka says to Major Benson Weneford Payne.

McDougan hiccups.

A thuggish teenager salutes Major Benson Weneford Payne briskly. Why don't people obey YOU like that?

Major Benson Weneford Payne is a DI in the United States Marine Corp!

'DI?' a sad-eyed child says.

'Drill Instructor,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

Rusalka shakes her head.

'Drill Instructor,' TerrorSpawn says.

'Drill instructor,' a thuggish teenager says.

'Ah,' a sad-eyed child says.

A thuggish teenager nods his agreement with Rusalka.

' the major comes from the movie, "Major Payne",' Rusalka says.

A thuggish teenager nods his agreement with Rusalka.

Major Benson Weneford Payne nods his agreement with Rusalka.

A thuggish teenager says, 'Yea you'd kinda have to see the movie.'

TerrorSpawn knows more than he wants to about Drills.

Major Benson Weneford Payne says, 'I took the major payne, and modified him to fit this character accordingly.'

'This character is meaner, and a lil' crazier,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

'Aliens?' Conan says.

'Meaner?' a thuggish teenager says.

A thuggish teenager says, 'I doubt that.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Claire says to Major Benson Weneford Payne, 'You're mean?'

'And one of this characters hobbies is attempting to steal the furniture from the immort offices,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

'Ooh, lossa flashbacks?' TerrorSpawn says to Major Benson Weneford Payne.

Rusalka seems to remember that.

A sad-eyed child giggles.

McDougan chortles with amusement.

'Don't, I'll break down into a story from here,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says to TerrorSpawn.

'My couch was glued down,' Rusalka says to Major Benson Weneford Payne.

McDougan hiccups.

McDougan hiccups.

Conan has never looted an IMMs office... Anyone to wake?

McDougan hiccups.

Major Benson Weneford Payne nods his agreement with Rusalka.

'I noticed,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

A thuggish teenager says to Major Benson Weneford Payne, 'The lil engine that could!!'

Major Benson Weneford Payne says to a thuggish teenager, 'Shutup, i'm talkin'.'

A thuggish teenager shuts up.

A thuggish teenager doesna wanna do 23948 pushups.

Major Benson Weneford Payne has emotes like Frodo's, but more geared for his role, PKILLING!

'Example:' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

Major Benson Weneford Payne points a sacred tulsi plant at you. You have been blinded! You lunge at the stop you last saw someone!

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Talen says, 'That's fake tho...'

TerrorSpawn nods his agreement with Talen.

Major Benson Weneford Payne says to Talen, 'I've fooled at least 4 people today.'

Major Benson Weneford Payne pats Talen on the head.

'He did that t' me earlier,' McDougan says.

Major Benson Weneford Payne also has an attitude problem.

'Just like the snazzy illusions I've left in kewl places,' TerrorSpawn says to Talen.

Claire looks at McDougan and thinks 'Tsk, tsk, those Scots'.

Talen giggles at TerrorSpawn.

A thuggish teenager grins evilly at TerrorSpawn.. wonder what he's thinking...

Talen snickers.

Major Benson Weneford Payne is a grendel, and nobody really likes him.

McDougan says, 'Bloody englishwoman!'

TerrorSpawn flexes his bulging, impressive muscles.

'Is that roleplay though?' Ptah says.

A thuggish teenager looks at mcdougan and the word purge comes to mind.

Ptah looks at Major Benson Weneford Payne questioningly.

Major Benson Weneford Payne nods his agreement with Ptah.

Claire says to McDougan, 'Irish, sir!'

Ptah says, 'Why?'

McDougan says, 'Bloody englishman!'

TerrorSpawn pokes McDougan in the ribs.

Major Benson Weneford Payne says, 'It's my reason for having the attitude problem.'

Rusalka says, 'And non english characters and mobs?'

'Whatever,' McDougan says. 'If I pretend ye're english, I hev no restaints about killing ye.'

'And being a di i go around handing out insults if your not inline,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

Major Benson Weneford Payne pokes Ptah in the ribs.

'I was referring to the fake blinding example :),' Ptah says to Major Benson Weneford Payne.

Pflanzen doesn't see how you've fooled anyone with a typo in it.

Pflanzen ruffles Major Benson Weneford Payne's hair playfully.

Conan smiles at Pflanzen.

TerrorSpawn says to McDougan, 'Calm down or I'll make you watch a running dryer.'

McDougan hiccups.

'Oh that's just part of pkill rp...yeah, that's the ticket,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says to Ptah.

Major Benson Weneford Payne whistles innocently to himself.

McDougan faints.

TerrorSpawn says to McDougan, 'One of the ones that has the see-through windows.'

Major Benson Weneford Payne is still collecting coupons to create his uniform, that goes with his RP.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'Sir, you are besotted,' Claire says to McDougan.

Rusalka says to Major Benson Weneford Payne, 'So....have questions on rp for the audience on your char?'

'It'sh shtriktly f'r medishindal prurposhesh,' McDougan says.08:39

'Uhm...what Pflanzen said,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

Major Benson Weneford Payne isn't that much of a brain, but a student on the history of warfare.

Major Benson Weneford Payne has debated with Gail on the use of snipers or artillery.

McDougan says, 'What movie?'

Major Benson Weneford Payne says, 'Major Payne.'

'Oh... that'sh eashy,' McDougan says.

McDougan hiccups.

'Great movie, and if yall want, i'll tell yall the story of the lil' engine that could,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

Major Benson Weneford Payne grins evilly.

TerrorSpawn peers at Major Benson Weneford Payne, looking him up and down.

Talen covers his eyes with his hands.

McDougan says, 'Tell ush of immort furnishur.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Rusalka says, 'So, major, what advice would you give rising rp stars? :).'

Major Benson Weneford Payne says, 'Pick a decent character that's easy to biuld on first, then slowly warp the character to your preference.'

Major Benson Weneford Payne yells, 'AHHHHHHHHH!!!! INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!!'

Major Benson Weneford Payne ducks to the ground.

Major Benson Weneford Payne yells, 'CHARLIES ON THE RIDGE!!!!!!'

Major Benson Weneford Payne covers his eyes with his hands.

TerrorSpawn dives behind the couch.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'Sorry, flashback,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

Major Benson Weneford Payne shudders.

Talen dives behind TerrorSpawn.

Talen giggles.

Major Benson Weneford Payne runs after charlie firing an M-16 assault rifle.

TerrorSpawn says to Major Benson Weneford Payne, 'A1 or A2?'

Major Benson Weneford Payne runs away from Butch, who's firing an M-16 assault rifle at him.

A thuggish teenager has his own emotes, but doesn't think they are acceptable in this ooc lecture

'Sorry, another flashback,' Major Benson Weneford Payne says.

'Actually, that M-16 is Warrens,' Talen says.

Talen holds his head down and mourns the dead.

Major Benson Weneford Payne was just walkin' along, helpin' newbies, and BAM! attacked by 3 pirates.

'After that...helpin' newbies again...BAM!' Major Benson Weneford Payne says. 'Headbutted by butch.'

A sad-eyed child says, 'Lucky you aren't.'

McDougan says, 'Shurprishe.'

Major Benson Weneford Payne says, 'Actually, i am lucky, i've never died, or dt'd.'

McDougan hiccups.

Major Benson Weneford Payne gets away every time.

'Woah...sweet...AHH!' Major Benson Weneford Payne says. 'SINS ON! i wonder if he's still in my range.'

Major Benson Weneford Payne peers around the room intently.

TerrorSpawn smirks.

Major Benson Weneford Payne rolls his eyes, exasperated with TerrorSpawn.

TerrorSpawn smirks.

Rusalka says, 'Kay.'

Conan beams at Rusalka delightedly.

'So again, we've looked at two rp personnas,' Rusalka says.

'Fairly established ones,' Rusalka says.

Major Benson Weneford Payne wants to tell the story of the lil' engine that could.

McDougan says, 'May I?'

McDougan hiccups.

Rusalka nods but we need to talk about rp personnas yet to come as well :)

Major Benson Weneford Payne says, 'Bahh, i'll save it for another time to harrass immorts.'

'Sho, there wash thish little engine, and he drank ale, and he could,' McDougan says.

Major Benson Weneford Payne grins evilly at Rusalka.. wonder what he's thinking...

'See, yous a drunk!' Major Benson Weneford Payne says, apparently drunk, to McDougan. 'You aint nuttin' but a no-good drunk!'

TerrorSpawn raises an eyebrow inquiringly.

McDougan says, 'It'sh good f'r what ales ye.'

TerrorSpawn manages to calm everyone down with his rich voice and persuasive manner.

Major Benson Weneford Payne eyes a seething, hateful heretic with an expert eye, judging his effectiveness in battle.

A charming Irish lass wonders if the besotted can beget more besotted.

A seething, hateful heretic grins evilly.

TerrorSpawn sits down on a couch.

A seething, hateful heretic sits down and rests on a couch.

Rusalka says to McDougan, 'So who is this mcdougan?'

McDougan says, '2 days with this fullnesh of rp. .'

McDougan says, 'Okay, I'll hold off on accent a bit, first.'

'Now, when I started out mcdougan, way back 4 months ago, he reallyy wasn't an rp character,' McDougan says.

Major Benson Weneford Payne remembers McDougan as a particulary annoying newbie.

'So eventually, he started to have a minamalist scottish accent, or at least th' scottish accent that ye get from reading robert louis stevenson,' McDougan says.

'Then I got a coupon for writing an article,' McDougan says. 'Pondering over it, I came up with these bagpipes.'

McDougan waves a set of bagpipes.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

McDougan says, 'However, eventually, a combination of a dt (while, fortunately, someone was holding my bagpiopes, multiple deaths, going broke for all the con items I bought before the dt....'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

McDougan says, 'So, I left me bagpipes with the person, got the old incarnation deleted, and started afresh.'

McDougan frowns.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

McDougan says, 'Ynow, I later learned I shouldna hev kept the kitty that was strung.'

'But I used the restring policy, so I think i've made amends- sorry,' McDougan says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

McDougan says, 'Now, on to th' actual rp.'

'Yesterday, I was pondering over those little modern tabboos,' McDougan says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'Thee one that dwelled on me mind was "Drunks must not be shown to be funny."' McDougan says.

Conan doesn't regard anything as 'tabboo'.

A seething, hateful heretic tugs and toys with a long lock of nastily knotted and braided hair.

'So, to be different, and to sort of push back the taboos, I created this character,' McDougan says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'It all came t'gether in a conversation with Frodo,' McDougan says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'What was that conversation man?' a seething, hateful heretic says.

Rusalka says, 'Right, so you took an idea and ran with it.'

McDougan says, 'I somehow got to thinking "hmmm.. I bet these rats hev th' plague."'

McDougan says, 'So, that led to how can I rp a way t' protect meself.'

McDougan drinks from a bottle of ale.

'Shrtiktly f'r medicindal purposhes,' McDougan says.

McDougan hiccups.

A charming Irish lass blushes bright red.

Conan chuckles politely.

'That and "it'sh good f'r what ales ye," are me characters two catch prhases,' McDougan says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Rusalka smiles at McDougan.

McDougan says, 'The advantages are that typoes don't really matter anymore, and if someone doesn't understand anything....'

'Sho, f'r th' queshtionin', I'm going in sharacter,' McDougan says.

A seething, hateful heretic says, 'Wot's yer favrite ale me man?'

Rusalka chuckles politely.

'Ack, bad accent...I wont try that again,' a seething, hateful heretic says.

A seething, hateful heretic says, 'Methinks I'm going to have ONE character that speaks common.'

McDougan hiccups.

'Mishtresh Quiche- Quip- Quichley makesh th' besht ale,' McDougan says.

'Won't it get tiresome having to keep it up all the time?' Conan says to McDougan.

Pflanzen nods her agreement with Conan.

Rusalka thinks McDougan could change char's at that point

'It'sh inchrediably fun,' McDougan says. 'But I alwaysh Hev trouble after I Magic Shpell.'

'I keep f'rgettin I'm a Wizhard,' McDougan says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

McDougan hiccups.

'How long at a time can you keep it up?' Rusalka says to McDougan.

A seething, hateful heretic sits down next to Mika.

'Isn't that a personal like question?' Pflanzen says to Rusalka.

Pflanzen blushes as she sees Rusalka here.

Pflanzen giggles.

McDougan says, 'Alsho important is the extra deshcription (look me).'

Rusalka blushes bright red.

A seething, hateful heretic feeds Mika some dried beef jerky.09:04

A seething, hateful heretic pets Mika lovingly.

'Uhm...right,' Rusalka says to Pflanzen.

'So how do you plan to broaden your embellishments?' Pflanzen says to McDougan.

Pflanzen comforts Rusalka.

'I can keepsh thish up f'r agesh,' McDougan says. 'It'sh jusht like th' long shechionsh in me novelsh where one charachter narratesh.'

'Can I mention one thing?' a seething, hateful heretic says.

Rusalka raises an eyebrow inquiringly.

'To broaden me embellishmentsh?' McDougan says. 'DUnna ushe shuch big wordsh! .'

'David Eddings, although his books are sort of repetative, has some VERY good accents in characters,' a seething, hateful heretic says.

Rusalka thinks, 'but it is a personna..andhe done's try ot steal my furniture :P'

Rusalka says to McDougan, 'What do you see nect for mcdougal?'

'There are anywhere from country idiot savants to Arcane old-english speaking warriors,' a seething, hateful heretic says.

Pflanzen says to McDougan, 'Go beyond, say, hiccup'ing, saying it's strictly for medicinal purposes, and lying in the gutter.'

'Aye...' McDougan says. 'But I canna mimic an achent. I hev t' hear it and hev it shpring fr'm th' charachter.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Conan wears an amethyst ring on his right finger.

McDougan says, 'I shee McDougan shleeping in guttersh throughout th' world, perhapsh collapsing in crowded roomsh....'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'How does he handle time travel?' Rusalka says.

'ANd Shtarting an rp clan, jusht sho I can get othersh t' get me me ale inshtead,' McDougan says.

Rusalka is curious abut how everyone handles that.

Pflanzen doesn't.

'He'sh sho out of it he doeshent know what hesh doing in normanl shituashions. ,' McDougan says.

Pflanzen tugs on Ptah's sleeve imploringly.

Rusalka nods her agreement with McDougan.

'Works as wellas mingus going insane because of seeing diff times,' Rusalka says.

A seething, hateful heretic snickers softly.

A seething, hateful heretic says, 'Mingus is cool.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'AYe,' McDougan says. 'I jusht short of wander around, and panich when I go shober.'ad with the same three commands.

Rusalka notes that we've lost our first two folks, but all of these are exmaples of hoew you can rp a personna.

A charming Irish lass smiles happily.

'When I go shober, I'm panichly searching f'r an inn t' get drunch at,' McDougan says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Ptah was asked a question by Pflanzen in tells...

Rusalka says to Ptah, 'Ok.'

'Well, Let'sh move on t' othersh,' McDougan says.

Pflanzen blushes bright red.

McDougan hiccups.

A charming Irish lass offers a cup of coffee to McDougan.

'Pflanzen asked about how to make a character have more of an identity than just a few repetitive actions,' Ptah says.

McDougan whaps the coffee, flinging it away from him.

McDougan shudders.

A charming Irish lass pouts.

Ptah says, 'I think it really boils down to a few very basic things.'

'Ye hev t' bechome th' charachter,' McDougan says.

'One, you have to be able to perceive the mud world AS your character,' Ptah says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'Two, you then have to interact with the mud world as that perception dictates,' Ptah says.

Ptah says, 'Three, your character has to be more than a stereotype.'

Pflanzen nods solemnly.

A seething, hateful heretic puts a small piece of carpet in a bag.

'If you can manage those three things at once, you'll be able to roleplay much more effectively than merely an accent or a few custom emotes,' Ptah says.

'That's not to say an accent or custom emotes aren't good tools, mind you :),' Ptah says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'It helped me that I write A lot in me shpare time,' McDougan says.

Ptah says, 'If you want to develop a character that is more rounded, you should probably start with traits that make them interesting.'

A seething, hateful heretic says, 'Dropping in on other RP type things that are happening is fun sometimes, too.'

'Sin, that's not quite accurate,' Ptah says.

Ptah says, 'An rp'er who is living in the skin of the character is incapable of dropping in on an rp situation.'

'You have ot be careful often,' Rusalka says.

'Because they are ALWAYS reacting to the situation,' Ptah says.

McDougan says, 'An d never, ever, use ooc's outside of ooc .'

Ptah says, 'So they can't "not" drop in.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'Let's go thru the process of building an interesting character,' Ptah says.

Ptah says, 'First, get a concept, yes, as these others have described.'

A seething, hateful heretic doesnt like using this persona, people hate this one.

'It could be "roleplay a kid" or 'roleplay a Gypsy" or whatever,' Ptah says.

'This is ooc,' McDougan says. 'In the real mud, Ye'd be ashking me t' reexplain.'

Ptah says, 'But it will not be interesting unless the character has traits about them that are beyond that.'

McDougan attempts to slay the lagmonster, but stabs his foot.

'For example, a Gypsy lass who doesn't want to get married but has been ordered to find a husband,' Ptah says. 'An evil seductress who is sort of incompetent at it.'eople of it without him =)

McDougan chortles with amusement.

Ptah says, 'If there is an inner conflict in the character, it will become more interesting to stay in character, and more interesting to interact with for others.'

Pflanzen has seen a few of those...

Ptah says, 'Both of those characters have existed on here, they are Anya and Moira :).'

Rusalka raises an eyebrow inquiringly.

Conan sighs about Moira.

'I remember Moira, but not Anya,' a strong-willed Welsh man says.

Conan says, 'Sounds familiar.'

Ptah says, 'Beyond the conflict inside the character, though, you have the issue of how they see the world.'think wheee...

A strong-willed Welsh man really liked Sabella and Lori when they were mortally around.

'Tad for example, sees everything with a sense of wonder, and when he talks, you get that,' Ptah says.nd?

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Conan jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with a strong-willed Welsh man!

'Gnat saw everything in terms of writing a report to a spaceship,' Ptah says.? d

A strong-willed Welsh man grins evilly at Conan.. wonder what he's thinking...

Ptah says, 'Anya saw everything both with wonder and thinking that everyone was gajo scum.'

Conan says, 'I spent my best times on the mud with Lori and Sabella.'

A strong-willed Welsh man nods his agreement with Conan.

Ptah says, 'We won't get into how Dusty sees the world.'

Rusalka giggles.

'Except that she's probably at the center of it,' Ptah says.

A strong-willed Welsh man giggles.

A sad-eyed child giggles.

McDougan says, 'Why?'

Rusalka says to Ptah, 'As a satire to be written.'

Pflanzen says to McDougan, 'You should go read her verses.'

McDougan says, 'Where?'

Ptah says to McDougan, 'Partly because I am not sure I could explain it... she's got MUCH more history than most mud characters and is therefore correspondingly more complex.'

'On the web page,' Pflanzen says. ''

'I've always wondered about does one manage the relationship between the mud "game" and rp,' Rusalka says to Ptah.

A strong-willed Welsh man sighs loudly.

McDougan says, 'Hmmmmm.....'

Rusalka finds thta they conflict

'Oh- I tried to write my request for a desc ic,' McDougan says. 'This is what I came up with, btw.'

A strong-willed Welsh man wishes he could do this as good as the other people on the mud like Dusty, Lori, and Sabella.

'She'd love to fall in love but thinks no men are worthy of her; she goes into hysterics or depression easily, but makes others laugh; and she antoagonizes people because she is trying to get them to admire her,' Ptah says.

'So she has three conflicts built into the character as it is, and there are more if you read her rp life history,' Ptah says.

McDougan grins evilly.

'Anyway,' Ptah says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'So conlfict,' Rusalka says to Ptah.

Ptah says, 'So conflict.'09:21

'The conflict colors the way you see the world thru that character's eyes,' Ptah says.

'I'm either thinking of making a shakespearian type romancer or a skater punk...I know not which,' a strong-willed Welsh man says.

A strong-willed Welsh man zips his mouth.

Ptah says, 'And then you react to the mud in that way, whuch results in others HAVING to be drawn into the fantasy with you.'

'Otherwise, they cannot understand why you act the way youdo,' Ptah says.

'One of the reasons Tad was so successful at RP is that he forced others to see the world the way he did--otherwise, his actions made no sense,' Ptah says.09:22

McDougan says, 'Hic.'

Ptah says, 'He made everything he did part of an ongoing narrative in "Why Tad sees the world this way"'

'You felt you knew Tad, because you saw things thru his eyes,' Ptah says.

McDougan chortles with amusement.

'Now, A few basic guidelines that I think are self-evident,' Ptah says.

McDougan says, 'He was (is?) a great RP'r.'

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'This is so utterly uncomprehensible to me.'

'Evil characters make LOUSY chars to rp,' Ptah says.

A strong-willed Welsh man sniffs sadly at Ptah.

Ptah says, 'That is because they feel no conflict.'

Ptah says, 'They are evil,a nd they can justify anything based on capricious whim.'

'These are people who aren't on anymore, really =(,' McDougan says.

Rusalka mutters "same goes for pychopaths"

'As a result, a good character becomes more compelling when they FAIL,' Ptah says.

Conan pokes Ptah in the ribs.

'For example, Conan,' Ptah says.

Ptah pokes Conan in the ribs.

Conan raises an eyebrow inquiringly.

'I hev this evil character in a novel that might work,' McDougan says. 'Why is Conan interesting?' Ptah says. 'Because he isn't quite Conan the barbarian.'

Conan says, 'Am I the failed good guy, or the evil one?'

Ptah says, 'If he were, it'd be sort of dull.'

'That is why Khelleck was interesting as a character--he was a noble knight forced to fight evil with evil's tactics,' Ptah says.

McDougan says, 'More the likeable scoundrel for both th thing I'm thinking of and conan.'

Ptah says, 'THAT makes for a compelling story.'

'And the heartof roleplay is to present a compelling story to those you play with,' Ptah says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

McDougan says, 'Aye.......'

Ptah says, 'Another thing that should be self-evident.'

'I just chase girls, that's not so compelling...' Conan says.

'NEVER jump on a bandwagon becaus eyou see someone else being successful at it,' Ptah says.

Rusalka thinks, 'evil tends to be the easy way out tho'

Rusalka thinks, 'utterly escapist'

Ptah says, 'We were fortunate to have a bunch of decent to excellent rp'ers of small kids.'

'Which sucked,' Ptah says.

McDougan says, 'Ye hev to BE th' charachter.'

'Now what about evil characters... I'm certain they wouldn't view themselves as evil... are they always doome to failure here?' Conan says.

'Because we also got umpteen million little orphans for MONTHS,' Ptah says.

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'I'm going on vacation next week, and I'm going to develop a character(s) on the car trip I think...'

Pflanzen smiles at a strong-willed Welsh man.

Ptah says to Conan, 'Evil characters CAN work, but if they aren't struggling in some fashion, they will not be very interesting usually.'

Helene has arrived from the south.

McDougan says, 'If they hev t' plot, they might work conan.'

'Hey, I didn't even KNOW who Tad was until Northstar introduced Frodo to him,' a strong-willed Welsh man says.

Conan looks up into the sky and ponders.

Rusalka says to Conan, 'Maybe if they struggled with being evil itself.'

Conan says, 'Evil characters can be sympathetic sometimes as well.'

'An evil character who wishes they were good, but can't help it; a good character who was forced to become evil and now cannot break the pattern...' Ptah says.

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'Ooh, Talen.'

'If they are sympathetic, which is a hard trick to pull off, then it is because the audience empathizes with them,' Ptah says.

'And that means that they must have something good about them for the audience to hook into,' Ptah says.

Rusalka points to kiera, though she wasn't "evil" persay

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'I have a character, Talen.'

'I don't have much luck with being evil,' Conan says.

Pflanzen raises her eyebrow at Rusalka.

'His mother is Northstar, his Father is the Dark Lord,' a strong-willed Welsh man says.

'Kiera was not evil; she was mercenary, in the same way that Mercenary was mercenary,' Ptah says.

'She was a "villian" to some degree, but was interesting,' Rusalka says.

'In one story I'm writing, Merlin(who is also arthur) hes t' build a locking mechanism for th' sword, and has numerous disadvantages,' McDougan says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Rusalka says, 'Right...'

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'He is torn apart between good and evil.'

'They were both villains who fascinated because they had motives beyond being bad, and they were amoral rather than evil,' Ptah says.

McDougan says, 'Like th' way Sir Kay wants to kill him.'

Rusalka nods her agreement with Ptah.

Pflanzen says, 'She got Dusty's sweater bloodstained... that's pretty evil.'

Pflanzen chuckles politely.

'There don't seem to be any really striking characters, like Mercenary, these days,' Conan says.

Conan smiles at Pflanzen.

'It's not really surprising that they're the ones that Dusty wrote epitaphs for, out of the numerous villains we've had,' Ptah says.

Ptah chuckles politely.

Rusalka looks up into the sky and ponders.

'I'm not sure i see a general rp trend,' Rusalka says.

A strong-willed Welsh man sighs loudly.

Rusalka says, 'It seems to cycle and vary quite a bit.'

Ptah says, 'If you look at the verses she did, both of them are about sould who ended up without comfort because of their actions--THAT is what made them interesting.'

McDougan says, 'Actually, despite the fact that he's rotten, he does care about the king, but shows it by plotting and such.'

Ptah says, 'For my money, the peak of RP came around one year ago, and it has been subsiding since.'

Ptah says, 'But i bet that it is trending up again.'

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'When I first started here RP was _major_.' 'ANd I've moved off onto a tangent,' McDougan says. 'Sorry.'

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'Thats why I stayed.'

'Is this helpful and answering your question?' Ptah says to Pflanzen.

Rusalka giggles.

Pflanzen nods her agreement with Ptah.

Pflanzen says, 'Very much.'

Conan nods his agreement with a strong-willed Welsh man.

Pflanzen thanks Ptah heartily.

Ptah says, 'OK, so let's talk about making an actual character...'

Ptah looks up into the sky and ponders.

McDougan says, 'Start with a concept.'

Conan says to a strong-willed Welsh man, 'And it was easy to RP yourself since the atmosphere was so pervasive.'

A strong-willed Welsh man nods solemnly.

'Develop it at least in part while playing,' McDougan says.

'When I first started Frodo, I absolutely had the time of my life,' a strong-willed Welsh man says.

'One great tool for making a character come alive in an Rp sense is to choose a handicap,' Ptah says.

McDougan says, 'Don't make solutions too easy.'

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'Frodo's little skirmish with the vampire was the funnest time I ever had.'

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'I'll shut up now.' Ptah says, 'It can be subtle, like Dusty's fear of commitment, or it can be direct. Let's try a direct one...'

'Ready to transform?' Ptah says to Pflanzen.

Ptah winks suggestively at Pflanzen.

Pflanzen is completely boggled.

Pflanzen shrugs philosophically.

Pflanzen says, 'Sure.'

Ptah chuckles politely.

Ptah says, 'OK, let's pick a handicap that you CAN'T avoid.'

Pflanzen looks up into the sky and ponders.

Conan says, 'Blindness.'

'So we choose as our subject "a runaway slave girl from the Deep South"' Ptah says.

McDougan says, 'She cannot fight with weapons.'

'But hopefully still playable,' Pflanzen says to Conan.

A strong-willed Welsh man peers at Pflanzen, looking her up and down.

'For her handicap, let's make er scared of men,' Ptah says. 'ALL male characters.'

Ptah says, 'Timid, but not outright terrified.'

Pflanzen says, 'Ok.'

Ptah says, 'Both of those facts will immediately color the way she approaches ALL characters.'

Conan says to Pflanzen, 'Donelan is blind, and uses a magic crystal to be his eyes.'

Pflanzen was thinking of something that would affect the way she played the character like an allergy to cotton or something.

'They also provide some sketches of a history for the character, which you can play against the events you see,' Ptah says.

Pflanzen nonchalantly flips a cloth bandage.

Pflanzen sneezes.

'Not much of a handicap tho,' Rusalka says to Conan.

'That would work, but it is still superficial,' Ptah says to Pflanzen.

Pflanzen nods her agreement with Rusalka.

Ptah says, 'More interesting is the refusal to use the cotton bandages because she can't bear to see cotton anymore.'

Conan says to Rusalka, 'But he had to have a way to function in the mud itself... I was going to be blind once, but thought it would have been too difficult.'

'A rule of thumb: if a social is enough to handle your characterization, go back to the drawing board :),' Ptah says.

Pflanzen says, 'So I gotta learn how to make my own bandages out of cloth instead of buying them.'

'No, you don't,' Ptah says.

'Bleed,' a strong-willed Welsh man says.

Conan grins evilly.

'You just have to make sure nobody sees you buying them :) Or if they do, make sure you do it with regret,' Ptah says.

Pflanzen chuckles politely.

A sad-eyed child giggles.

'That's a false aproach, Ptah,' McDougan says.

Pflanzen doesn't think cheating on the handicap even if no one is around is a helpful way to stay in character.

Pflanzen shrugs philosophically.

'Ye should be largely in character, even when noone's around,' McDougan says.

A shadowy man has arrived from the south.

'True, you should, in order to build indentification with the character,' Ptah says.

A shadowy man fiddles with the door and picks the lock.

'However, I am sure that our slave girl WOULD buy connton bandages if she HAD to,' Ptah says.

Rusalka says to Ptah, 'But have a tizzy fit over it.'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'She's not stupid, she just hates seeing cotton because of her background,' Ptah says.

Ptah nods his agreement with Rusalka.

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'Is anyone logging this?'nod

Rusalka nods solemnly.

'I have to sleep, have classes tommorow,' a strong-willed Welsh man says.

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'Can you EMAIL me it?'' it'

'It'll be on the web page in a day or two,' Kaige says.

A strong-willed Welsh man says, 'Oops, okie.'

A strong-willed Welsh man waves happily.

A strong-willed Welsh man thanks Ptah heartily.

A strong-willed Welsh man thanks Rusalka heartily.

'Anyway. Perhaps if she tore up things made of silk....' McDougan says.

'And made bandages,' McDougan says.

Ptah nods his agreement with McDougan.

Ptah says to Pflanzen, 'How about you try one?'

Pflanzen blinks.

'Sorry, try one what?' Pflanzen says to Ptah. 'Was afk.'

Ptah chuckles politely.

'Making a new character,' Ptah says.

McDougan rolls his eyes heavenward.

Pflanzen has enough trouble coming up with the character at first, let alone coming up with a description for them later.

Pflanzen sighs loudly.

Ptah chuckles politely.

Agrippa says, 'What have I missed?'

Pflanzen says to Agrippa, 'About 2 hours worth.'

McDougan says, 'Everything.'

'We're talking about ways to build a new character,' Ptah says to Agrippa.

Agrippa nods his agreement with Rusalka.

'Internal conflict, background, ways of seeing the world,' Ptah says.

'I usually try to think of a profession to start with, then a name (sometimes the otherway around), then build on that,' Pflanzen says.

'Frodo, Major Payne, Me,' McDougan says.

'OK, how about a character who sees everything in terms of how the world is out to get them?' Ptah says. 'A character who thinks everything is about luck? A character who ALWAYS sees the sunny side ineverything?'

'A character who yearns to learn magic but picked mind last? :),' Ptah says.

Apollo has arrived from the north.

'Other times I try to think of something unique and challenging and it turns out impossibly hard either to play, or to get across,' Pflanzen says.

'That's me, that sunnyside type,' Agrippa says.

Agrippa beams delightedly.

McDougan hiccups.

New_B applauds Agrippa's quick thinking and good judgment.

Apollo says, 'Has anyone knocked on the door ? :).'

McDougan says, 'Sho, whatsh y'r name again?'

Rusalka nods solemnly.

McDougan says, 'I bumped againsht it.'

Rusalka says to Ptah, 'So say a bossy char convinced that they knew everything when they didn't?'

A sad-eyed child looks up into the sky and ponders.

Rusalka tells you, 'giggle'

McDougan attemptsh t' shlay th' lag in the convershashion.

'This is ooc, I an get away with that here,' McDougan says.

'That would work, sure,' Ptah says to Rusalka.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Rusalka wonders if people have char ideas that they'd like to throw out.

'Along those lines?' Rusalka says.

Agrippa says, 'All mine are sterrotypes.'

A sad-eyed child sighs at herself. What a sorry sight.

'Or something spelled similar :),' Agrippa says.

A sad-eyed child says, 'Well, maybe in another 8 months i'll understand ;).'

A sad-eyed child waves happily.

A sad-eyed child returns to being In Character.

Pflanzen looks up into the sky and ponders.

'A character thatm though pseudo-evil, cares about some people, and can be killed by most others?' McDougan says.

Rusalka says, 'Pseudo evil?'

McDougan says, 'In otherwords, he has to plot, but has too many scruples t' use murder.'

'Does evil always fail because the characters simply aren't interesting, or because in the social context of the mud, some people find them simply offensive?' Agrippa says.

McDougan says, 'So he'll, say, trick you out of your money, but not steal it or kill you for it.'

'Both, I suspect,' Ptah says.

'I'd think it'd depend on if they were playing it by the numbers and hiding behind it, or if they were actually doing a good job of it,' Pflanzen says.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Ptah says, 'Most evil characters are not interesting; they also fail because the audneice has a surfeit of characters who act evil wihout any rp required:).'

'Many times "evil"characters are characters that run around doing nasty things for no real reason,' Rusalka says.

Pflanzen has seen far too many psychopaths called rp'ers in her lifetimes.

Pflanzen thinks most mudders would be called that in polite society.

'One would think that good characters are not interesting either ;),' Apollo says.

Pflanzen shrugs philosophically.

Agrippa looks up into the sky and ponders.

Rusalka says, 'Few of us are "good" in rl either.'

'It goes back to what Ptah was saying about conflict and depth I think,' Pflanzen says to Apollo.

'Most of us are trying to do the "right" thing tho,' Rusalka says.

'A lot of conflict comes from trying to decide what that reight thing is,' Rusalka says.

Agrippa says, 'I agree, I feel good characters have little depth usually, and are mostly reflecting someone's real-life persona.'

'I'd agree with that as well,' Ptah says.

Rusalka says to Agrippa, 'That's "nice: actually.'

Pflanzen says, 'Or what they'd like to be seen as....'

An aura of heavenly light appears above Pflanzen's head.

Ptah says, 'Good characters need to have something in conflict about them.'

'As a certain musical puts it.."nice is different than good"' Rusalka says.

McDougan hiccups.

Ptah says, 'The reason why they can be more interesting is that they have a much wider range of interesting conflicts than an evil character does.'

'What conflisht?' McDougan says.

Ptah nods his agreement with Rusalka.

Ptah says, 'Into the Woods, we go, we go, happily ever after!'

Rusalka giggles at Ptah.

McDougan says, 'What shot of conflicht can ye posshibly shay I hev?'

'Sondheim is twisted,' Pflanzen says.

Rusalka says to McDougan, 'Maybe you are trying to get off the bottle.'

McDougan hiccups.

Pflanzen says to McDougan, 'You got a girl who hates drunks?'

McDougan says, 'What!!!!! Shtay away from me!!!! .'

McDougan shudders.

Pflanzen rolls her eyes, exasperated with McDougan.

Agrippa smiles at McDougan.

Rusalka thinks, 'anyone remeber what the anti pal gm was?'

'Men,' Pflanzen says to Rusalka.

Pflanzen spits on the ground.

McDougan says, 'Get off th bottle.'

McDougan shudders.

Agrippa says, 'Now what about this character, Agrippa, why did he fail?'

'But that theme seems to have been rather over done here in the past as well,' Pflanzen says to Rusalka.

'Actually, Agrippa is themost interesting evil character we have had in ages,' Ptah says.

'Duj=nna mention that t' me!' McDougan says.

Rusalka nods her agreement with Ptah.

Agrippa ponders his own existence - better keep an eye on him.

'The whle thing with kid stealing,' Rusalka says.

McDougan says, 'It's shtrictly f'r medishinal purposhesh.'

'It wasn't just "because he was evil"' Rusalka says.

Agrippa smiles happily.

Agrippa says, 'He felt he was justified.'

Rusalka says to Ptah, 'I have to admit tho, the more i think on it, the more hopelessly complicated it seems.'

Pflanzen looks at Rusalka questioningly.

Agrippa raises his eyebrow at Rusalka.

'Themore hopelessly complicated what seems?' Ptah says.

McDougan drinks ale from a bottle of ale

Rusalka chuckles politely.

Rusalka says to Ptah, 'Coming up with conflicts.'

Rusalka notes that some mushes have a name generating mahcine..maybe we need a character generating one

Agrippa says, 'Conflict is easy, and if you can find other people roleplaying, you can feed off of it.'

Agrippa says, 'The problem is finding other roleplayers.'

'Or converting them,' Rusalka says.

Agrippa nods his agreement with Rusalka.

Agrippa looks up into the sky and ponders.

Rusalka peers around the room intently.

'There seems to be resistance nowadays to RP from many people...' Agrippa says.

'So what do you do? ,' Pflanzen says.

Agrippa looks up into the sky and ponders.

'You persist and DEMAND to be taken seriously,' Ptah says.

Rusalka says, 'Practice.'

'I just get bitter :P,' Agrippa says.

McDougan says, 'Hang around witsh other rp'rsh.'

Rusalka needs it.

'As the character or the player?' Pflanzen says.

Pflanzen peers at Agrippa, looking him up and down.

Agrippa looks up into the sky and ponders.

'Both?' Rusalka says to Pflanzen.

Pflanzen shrugs philosophically.

Pflanzen says, 'Likely.'

'The charachter,' McDougan says. 'The player doesn't conme into it really.'

'I think what happened with Agrippa before really colored the way I look at the mud,' Agrippa says. 'I've not had nearly as much fun since, or been as active a roleplayer.'

'The player should dishapear,' McDougan says.

'No?' Pflanzen says. 'Not even if it's how they'd react to being ignored? I can't imagine certain characters around here putting up with being ignored by anyone.'

'It effects the player as well, because everyone likes to be appreciated, at least for trying,' Agrippa says.

Rusalka says to Ptah, 'We've also had huge arguements about having rp on chat.'

Agrippa says to McDougan, 'I got threats OOC, so I perma'd.'

Pflanzen says, 'If we can have sports scores on chat, we oughta be able to say whatever the hell we want.'

Pflanzen rolls her eyes heavenward.

Agrippa chuckles politely.

Agrippa says, 'Chat is the best outlet to get other people involved in RP.'

Rusalka didn't mean to drag in that long one tho.

Pflanzen nods solemnly.

Pflanzen chuckles politely at Rusalka's feeble witticism.

'It goes with what he was saying about rp being "resisted"' Pflanzen says to Rusalka.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Agrippa says, 'That sort of thing didn't happen before.'

Rusalka says, 'In many ways, it's much easier to just play and ot bother with char.'

'Actualyl, there has always been some conlifct, esp after we got largernumbersof epople,' Rusalka says to Agrippa.

'But it's not entertaining at all to roleplay and not have any take an interest,' Agrippa says.

Rusalka thinks there was more general interest inthe past, tho not necessaily rp

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Agrippa says, 'Have anyone.'

Rusalka sees it as public performance to a large extent.

'It would be nice if, with so many people on, more had shown up for this meeting, maybe to get a feel for it,' Agrippa says.

Rusalka says, 'Well..we didn'thave an lt out this week.'

A woman of raw power has arrived from the south.

Pflanzen says, 'Some of the stuff like the boy wants girl, girl is unsure of boy things on chat are interesting... but some of the stuff would probably work better in smaller groups.'

'Not that I helped by having to rescue Govan every 5 minutes :/,' Agrippa says.

'So there was n't a lot of advance advertising,' Rusalka says.

Rusalka glad we got a few at least.

Agrippa says, 'It's been on the board for days... I used to come to these workshops just to get to see Rusalka :).'

McDougan says, 'A lot of rp'rs are already set up - Rincewind is good.'

'Mandatory roleplaying lessons!' Pflanzen says.

Pflanzen peers around the room intently.

Agrippa jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Pflanzen!

Pflanzen giggles at Agrippa.

'Or an RP-courtesy course,' Agrippa says.

Rusalka says to Pflanzen, 'I'm seeing moslty romance stuff in rp plots.'

Rusalka chuckles politely.

Pflanzen nods solemnly.

Pflanzen says, 'It's easy, it's known...'

Pflanzen shrugs philosophically.

'It's got built in conflict when you add in either a second guy or gal,' Pflanzen says.

McDougan says, 'Let'sh make a plot NOW.,.'

'Romance is one of out most popular genres,' Rusalka says.

Agrippa wrinkles his nose distastefully!

Rusalka shrugs helplessly.

'Why talk about how "we should use a non romance,' McDougan says.

Agrippa blinks.

'Or we should, whatever?' McDougan says.

Rusalka isn't

Agrippa says, 'My latest attempt at romance fizzled...'

Rusalka says, 'I guess i would prefer to encurage any rp.'

McDougan says, 'No, no, I dunna mean not ushe romance at all, but that we should alsho ushe othersh.'

Pflanzen isn't saying discourage any. Just saying it's easier to carry one some rather than others.

Rusalka nods solemnly.

Agrippa says, 'I like characters with a real historical sense to them.'10:12

'Ah,' Rusalka says.

Rusalka says, 'I see.'

McDougan says, 'How about we do an rp plot about ye guys trying t' shober me up?'

Agrippa says, 'High level players should all build roleplaying newbies, and run around encouraging other low level players, rather than banding into powerful groups and spending all their time killing big mobs.'

Agrippa smiles at McDougan.

'Hmm..that'd take care of two things in one stone :),' Rusalka says.

'Intereshting phrashing...' McDougan says.

McDougan cowers.

Agrippa looks up into the sky and ponders.

Agrippa says, 'I made a newbie this morning, but didn't really play.'

'Let's just jump into it,' McDougan says. 'I'll shay something, and comment a bit, then ye jump in.'

Agrippa says, 'Agrippa's comments aren't always nice :).'

Agrippa peers around the room intently.

McDougan says, 'Go ahead.'

Agrippa says, 'I think everyone else died.'

McDougan shrugs helplessly.

'Nah.. on chat mostly,' Pflanzen says.

Agrippa sits on Rusalka's lap.

Pflanzen points at Ptah.

'Two is enough, themn others mauy jump in,' McDougan says.

Rusalka thinks we covered a lot of ground tho

'Bah, I had chat off,' Agrippa says.

Pflanzen nods her agreement with Rusalka.

Pflanzen thanks Rusalka heartily.

Agrippa says, 'Did I miss anything?'

Pflanzen usually does.

Rusalka shakes her head.

Rusalka says to Pflanzen, 'Thank ptah, actually.'

'Just people whining about what chat means,' Pflanzen says.

Pflanzen nods solemnly.

Pflanzen gives Ptah a great big smooch!

Pflanzen thanks Ptah heartily.

Agrippa hugs Pflanzen.

Rusalka thanks Ptah heartily.

Pflanzen wishes Agrippa good luck!
