Lecture Series Index

March 15th, 2006

Q & A Index

Somar says, 'in a rare moment :)'
Huma says, 'I know I know'
Nadia giggles.
Huma whimpers softly.
Nadia says to Huma, 'Oooh, erm... So I like sent something into the LT earlier this month.'
Huma says, 'I know I just saw it'
Nadia says to Huma, 'But like, something happened, so its not entirely accurate anymore.'
Huma says, 'gonna do an LT'
Huma says, 'oh'
Huma says, 'so no printy?'
Nadia says, 'It just needs to have one line removed'
Huma laughs.
Huma says, 'line-item veto!'
Nadia says, 'Since I no longer have an incredibly sexy husband'
Huma says, 'thats fine email it to me'
Nadia nods solemnly.
Nadia looks up into the sky and ponders.
Somar says to Huma, 'And I'll have you know that I was uninvolved in his unfortunate demise.'
Somar says to Huma, 'It was the bear in his oatmeal. Nothing more, nothing less.'
Nadia snickers at Somar nastily.
Somar salutes Pop briskly. Why don't people obey YOU like that?
Pop says to Somar, 'hiya.'
Sandra flops about helplessly.
Nadia bounces onto Sandra's lap.
Sandra smiles happily.
Xuvenia says, 'yeah i'm quiet because i'm catching up on other crap because i actually have a job now :P'
Sandra giggles.
Xuvenia says, 'so i don't just sit online all day now!'
Xuvenia peers around intently.
Nadia says to Huma, 'Do you remember what email I sent the artical from?'
An aura of heavenly light appears above Nadia's head.
Sandra says, 'I have a job, but I still sit around all day'
Xuvenia ponders Nadia's existence.
Huma giggles.
Huma says, 'no idea'
Xuvenia says to Nadia, 'What happened to lethe? :P'
Huma says, 'send your edit to [email protected]'
Nadia nods her agreement with Huma.
Xuvenia says, 'and when's the next lt?'
Huma says, 'couple days'
Nadia shrugs in response to Xuvenia's words.
Huma says, 'all-player stuff'
Xuvenia says to Nadia, 'Wow widow?'
Xuvenia throws her head back and cackles gleefully!
Huma laughs.
Nadia shakes her head.
Nadia says to Xuvenia, 'More like a bunch of crap happened and I was like 'screw this.'.'
Nadia shrugs helplessly.
Sandra wrinkles her nose with distaste.
Taguchi comforts Nadia.
Nadia shrugs helplessly.
Somar says, 'sounds like my first wife'
Taguchi stands up.
Huma flops about helplessly.
Nadia shrugs helplessly.
Taguchi sits down and rests.
Pop snickers at Somar nastily.
Huma says, 'whatsup everyone'
Sandra says, 'Killer was a good husband! But then he went and turned into a mob'
Xuvenia screams loudly!
Taguchi says, 'Not much. I think this is the first Q&A I've been able to attend in a looooong time'
Xuvenia says, 'godfukcakstaw3592390(*&$#%#*&((*grumble'
Nadia blinks.
Nadia pets Xuvenia lovingly.
Xuvenia says, 'trying to get a goddamn department of education pin so i can apply for federal scholarships but apparently their website is retarded'
Sandra says, 'yes. it is'
Somar says to Xuvenia, 'It is that.'
Somar says to Xuvenia, 'Likely, you'll be mailed the pin #.'
Taguchi comforts Xuvenia.
Xuvenia says, 'oh will i?'
Sandra nods her agreement with Somar.
Xuvenia says, 'this is my second try'
Taguchi says, 'They changed that recently'
Xuvenia says, 'it says it already got retrieved'
Xuvenia nods her agreement with Taguchi.
Taguchi says, 'You can get it by email supposedly'
Taguchi shrugs helplessly.
Somar says, 'ah, nice'
Xuvenia says, 'yeah you have to specirfically say you want it mailed'
Sandra says, 'it's about damn time'
Xuvenia says, 'nope, they don't email it to you'
Taguchi says, 'But what do I know. I'm graduating next week. :)'
Somar nods his agreement with Sandra.
Sandra giggles.
Huma cheers for Taguchi - huzzah!
Xuvenia says, 'you have to respond to their crappy email and when i did it said mine was already activated'
Somar says, 'they didn't have such fancy stuff when I was a student!'
Xuvenia says, 'this is the second fucking time it did that'
Taguchi wrinkles his nose with distaste.
Somar says to Nadia, 'Hey, did you say you're single now?'
Taguchi says, 'Poo poo DOE'
Huma flops about helplessly.
Huma says to Somar, 'Youw atching your Pistons?'
Somar says to Huma, 'Afraid not.'
Somar says, 'thanks for the reminder'
Nadia nods her agreement with Somar.
Nadia snickers softly.
Somar begins flirting with Nadia outrageously.
Taguchi chuckles politely.
Nadia whispers softly to Somar.
Nadia snickers softly.
Somar looks shameless.

Nadia looks seductive.

Somar says to Huma, 'tough call.'
Taguchi says to Nadia, 'watch yourself. That Somar's something else.'
Taguchi smirks.
Nadia says to Taguchi, 'oh, I know.'
Nadia giggles.
Somar says to Huma, 'pistons, or my second-favorite episode of ST:TNG.'
Sandra says, 'Yea, you never know where he's been'
Huma chuckles politely.
Huma says, 'which one'
Nadia nudges Somar's multi-colored feather boa over a few inches closer to Somar.
Somar says, 'Tapestry'
Nadia smirks at Sandra.
Taguchi says to Somar, 'sTTNG.'
Taguchi nods to himself.
Somar says, 'i'll flip to the game during commercial breaks'
Huma flops about helplessly.
Somar says, 'since season 6 is the one I *don't* have on DVD'
Huma comforts Somar.
Xuvenia says, 'My pin is:'
Xuvenia screams loudly!
Huma says, 'you have the other 6?'
Somar nods his agreement with Huma.
Xuvenia says, 'it doesn't even display a number! i hate these people!'
Xuvenia says, 'maybe it doesn't like firefox'
Sandra says, 'could be'
Taguchi snaps his fingers. ATTITUDE!
Sandra says, 'you know the government is run by bill gates anyway'
Taguchi says to Xuvenia, 'yeah. Wifey had problems with that. Use IE.'
Huma says, 'yeah'
Huma says, 'dont use firefox for anything important'
Xuvenia rolls her eyes heavenward.
Xuvenia says, 'bah, i'm going to make them mail it to me'
Taguchi says, 'I like my Firefox, too. It was really a step back to stoop to IE'
Sandra nods her agreement with Taguchi.
Xuvenia chuckles politely.
Somar says, 'it does suck that some websites just don't work with Firefox'
Sandra says, 'I'm in linux, so it's firefox or konquer for me'
Somar says, 'interfacing with a couple of insurance companies at work requires IE'
Taguchi nods his agreement with Sandra.
Somar bursts into tears.
Huma nods his agreement with Somar.
Huma says, 'I use IE for all my business related shit'
Pop says, 'I like IE AND microsoft.'
Pop grins evilly.
Sandra giggles.
Huma says, 'and Firefox for the massive amounts of surging I do'
Taguchi pets Pop lovingly.
Xuvenia says, 'yes! i can get it mailed to me!'
Huma says, 'thats right surging'
Xuvenia stands on her tip-toes and does a Snoopy-like dance of joy!
Sandra cheers for Xuvenia - huzzah!
Xuvenia says, 'goddamn, that was annoying'
Pop says, 'have you all tabulated how much xp it would take to use all of the abilities points?'
Sandra says, 'yea'
Pop says, 'and.....'
Pop rolls his eyes heavenward.
Sandra giggles.
Huma says, 'I'm oh the opinion we should jack it up :)'
Huma says, 'you guys XP to fast'
Sandra says, 'honestly, I don't remember :P It's something rather sickening tho'
Sandra says, 'it started with a 9'
Sandra says to Huma, 'Do you remember?'
Huma says, 'yeah it was less then Israfel had'
Pop says, 'it has taken me awhile just to get 1 point!'
Huma says, 'it was like 984 million or something like that'
Sandra says, 'that sounds right'
Masha says, 'I missed Q & A, didn't I?'
Taguchi says, 'Eh. Nothing Kastina can't do in a month.'
Somar says to Masha, 'it hasn't officially started yet.'
Huma says, 'thats I guess assuming that someone wants to get all the warrior skills AND the mage skills and everything else'
Sandra says, 'it's just starting in a few min'
Taguchi chuckles politely.
Huma says, 'naw it'll start in a minute'
Masha cheers wildly!
Pop says, 'you missed microsoft bashing'
Xuvenia goes EEK! at Sandra in distress - isn't Sandra an awful person for teasing?
Xuvenia says, 'you better not jack it up'
Masha says, 'I keep forgetting game time is Central.'
Sandra giggles.
Xuvenia says, 'those of us who get xp piece by piece instead of joining runs would be screwed'
Sandra says, 'we don't have any plans to currently.'
Xuvenia says, 'i don't wanna join runs'
Pop says, 'I don't see how they get so much xp in this system'
Pop says, 'israfel never went on runs though'
Xuvenia says to Pop, 'I've got 7 points just from xping by myself and one other person :P'
Pop says, 'the system was easier to get xp by youself'
Xuvenia says, 'well i did go on an Sl run'
Xuvenia says, 'that got me over half a point'
Somar says, 'Israfel is just plain crazy'
Pop says, 'xp'ing with 2 people is much easier than 1'
Sandra says, 'yea, Israfel usually just went solo or with one or two other people'
Somar says, 'I've mooched once or twice ;)'
Masha says to Somar, 'israfel scares me.'
Pop says, 'but that was before al the mobs cheated'
Huma says, 'some char classes are better at XP'ing then others'
Masha scuffles her feet around in the dirt.
Sandra says, 'nah it's still easier with just a few people :)'
Taguchi says, 'Mob per mob, you get less in a group, but you go through the mobs so much faster, it far surpasses soloing, is my experience'
Masha says, 'Healers have to leech. I hit like kleenex'
Pop says, 'right, easier with 2-3 people'
Pop says, 'solo it is hard'
Huma chuckles politely.
Pop says, 'I think the mud is a lot harder than it used to be'
Pop shrugs helplessly.
Taguchi nods his agreement with Pop.
Sandra says, 'I'm working on mine pretty much solo. Occasionally I group'
Taguchi says, 'For soloists'
Somar says, 'there certainly is no more 850k Herne ;)'
Sandra says, 'oh certainly, it is harder than it used to be'
Pop says, 'I do all mine solo'
Somar says, 'that can be solo'd by a dex cause :P'
Pop says, 'just takes me awhile'
Sandra says, 'but the players are also different htan they used to be, as are the characters'
Masha nods her agreement with Sandra.
Pop is the same.
Huma nods solemnly.
Sandra says, 'are not!'
Masha says to Sandra, 'that's for certain. Got a big shock when I game back from hiatus.'
Pop nods solemnly.
Huma says, 'some people are machines'
Huma says, 'they will have all the exp points they want soonish'
Huma says, 'anyway its Q&A time but we can keep talking about era exp if we want'
Pop says, 'the no backstab on stun sucks'
Pop grumbles.
Masha comforts Pop.
Sandra says, 'We're probably going to be changing that back soonish'
Pop says, 'really, great.'
Xuvenia cheers wildly!
Xuvenia says, 'bye bye guests :P'
Sandra says, 'yea, it was a temp change for a problem that has been fixed'
Pop says, 'ah'
Taguchi wonders if it's time to start raising hands or whatever...
Pop says, 'nice'
Masha says, 'Did the empty bug get fixed?'
Nadia says to Huma, 'all right, just sent the edited thing. Heh.'
Huma says, 'yes goodbye guests'
Sandra nods her agreement with Masha.
Masha cheers wildly!
Huma cheers for Nadia - huzzah!
Sandra nudges the welcome board over a few inches.
Pop looks at the welcome board.
Sandra says, '42 and 43 for code updates'
Masha nods her agreement with Sandra.
Masha says to Sandra, 'i was idle washing dishes.'
Huma says, 'spammi'
Sandra giggles.
Masha sticks her tongue out at everyone! =P
Pop says, 'whoa new area again'
Sandra says, 'yea, silk road'
Taguchi smiles happily.
Taguchi says, 'Fun area'
Masha loves Silk Road.
Pop says, 'I have to go to Dartmoor'
Somar nods his agreement with Pop.
Sandra says, 'it only took us 5 years for LA and i to get off our asses, and 5 months to complete it after that ;)'
Masha grins evilly.
Nadia says, 'I havent been to either Dartmoor or Silk Road yet'
Somar says, 'they went crazy on it'
Nadia snickers softly.
Xuvenia cheers wildly!
Xuvenia says, 'rufus fixed my bug'
Xuvenia stands on her tip-toes and does a Snoopy-like dance of joy!
Somar still hasn't fully cleaned out his inbox from the commitspam.
Masha says, 'Hey, it's something, though.'
Somar cheers for Xuvenia - huzzah!
Sandra says, 'hehe'
Sandra says, 'we're working on part 2 now'
Huma says, 'I like the areas'
Masha says, 'ooh!'
Sandra says, 'silk road is gonna go in in 4 parts'
Sandra says, 'coz it's a little large'
Masha says, 'Went exploring today and found the quest journal thingee.'
Sandra says, 'cool :)'
Huma flops about helplessly.
Masha says, 'Made me a little confused for a moment before I read the help file on it.'
Huma says, 'so whos got a question?'
Sandra giggles.
Taguchi raises his hand.
Huma says, 'go ahead Taguchi'
Huma pokes Taguchi with Kryptonite.
Taguchi says, 'Was reading a post that Rufus made. He alluded to massive changes in pkok system in the unforeseen future. Any ideas where it's going to go?'
Xuvenia says, 'yank it!'
Xuvenia peers around intently.
Huma says, 'er... yeah probably'
Huma says, 'not here anymore!'
Xuvenia says, 'pkok is destroying pke :P'
Sandra says, 'we want to take it out, beat it up and then burn it'
Huma says, 'replaced by a more limited in scope dueling system'
Sandra nods her agreement with Huma.
Huma says, 'that is the rumor about town'
Nadia giggles.
Huma says, 'however'
Huma says, 'thats not for awhile yet'
Taguchi nods solemnly.
Huma says, 'PKOK is kind of a bastard child'
Huma says, 'and needs to be put out of its misery'
Nadia smirks.
Sandra says, 'for sure'
Huma says, 'it tries'
Masha says, 'That's good. You know, I'd hate to see myself with fast poultice and PKing someone because I'm pkok'
Huma says, 'but its just not... ya know... smart like normal people are smart'
Somar kisses Krista's hand. How charming!
Pop is not smart like normal people.
Krista smiles happily.
Krista waves happily.
Krista sits down and rests on a black leather couch.
Huma knocks Krista over and flops all over her.
Nadia sinks her teeth into Krista's flesh.
Huma says, 'so who else has questions'
Pop stands up.
Masha raises her hand.
Huma says, 'Masha to the fore!'
Huma pokes Masha with Kryptonite.
Krista giggles.
Krista sinks her teeth into Nadia's flesh.
Nadia giggles.
Masha says, 'Any sort of new trans quests coming in? Something like a Crusades to Agrabah (if it doesn't exist already). Tired of seeing people use the same old trans quests.'
Sandra says, 'none in the works'
Joel waves hello to the world!
Huma says, 'none'
Taguchi nods his agreement with Joel.
Huma says, 'but there are a LOT'
Nadia bounces onto Joel's lap.
Sandra nods her agreement with Huma.
Huma says, 'and people only use the same old =P'
Xuvenia says, 'it's something to think about anyway :P'
Pop says, 'no one uses them'
Pop snickers softly.
Masha says, 'True. Just makes sense to have one there.'
Huma nods his agreement with Pop.
Joel sits down and rests on a black leather couch.
Joel says, 'what did I miss?'
Pop says, 'they aren't convenient'
Pop peers around intently.
Huma says, 'a questions about PKOK and a questions about time transes'
Huma says, 'hey I like the other transes'
Pop looks up into the sky and ponders.
Joel raises his hand.
Huma says, 'they are fun'
Huma says, 'go ahead Joel!'
Masha says to Huma, 'i use the other transes, just suggesting others.'
Huma pokes Joel with Kryptonite.
Masha sticks her tongue out at Huma. =P
Joel says, 'did the pokok bug i reported ever get looked at?'
Joel says, 'pkok too :p'
Sandra says, 'the reject thing?'
Joel nods his agreement with Sandra.
Joel says, 'the whole list thing'
Sandra says, 'yea'
Joel says, 'you fix it yet?'
Joel pokes Sandra in the ribs.
Sandra says, 'we turned clan updates back on, so it should be?'
Pop says, 'how rude'
Joel says, 'okie dokie'
Joel says, 'I don't know, I haven't checked mostly because I forgot about it'
Huma chuckles politely.
Huma says, 'thtas coo'
Huma says, 'sounds like it got fixed'
Huma says, 'if not ya know... beat someone up'
Joel smirks.
Huma says, 'who else has questions?'
Joel says, 'or get beat up'
Huma nods his agreement with Joel.
Joel says, 'whichever works'
Huma says, 'or that'
Joel snickers softly.
Taguchi raises his hand.
Huma says, 'as long as fist is put to face'
Huma says, 'I am not particular about it'
Huma pokes Taguchi with Kryptonite.
Huma says, 'I choose you Taguchi!'
Krista giggles.
Nadia snickers softly.
Pop says, 'how come sometimes when you shoot a mob and are aimed all the way up, the mob doesn't rush?'
Joel says, 'because it's a sandra mob'
Taguchi says, 'As a newcomer to the magey world, I was wondering if anyone is pondering denoting which spells in the allspells listing have made it into the spellbook, with a little + or something?'
Joel nods to himself.
Huma says, 'hrm'
Taguchi says, 'I mean, I could always just do grepping, but ya know'
Huma says, 'thats not a terribly bad idea'
Xuvenia snickers softly.
Masha says to Taguchi, 'i believe you just type 'spellbook'?'
Huma says, 'I've always hated that particular situation'
Xuvenia says, 'i just count'
Xuvenia peers around intently.
Joel says, 'i thought the spells in the allspells list are the ones that you can cast?'
Taguchi nods solemnly.
Masha says, 'The ones you can possibly cast'
Pop says, 'but you might not have yet.'
Huma says, 'I've hated the whole scanning the allsp to see which isnt in my spellb to be annoying'
Taguchi says, 'But sometimes you forget to cast a spell or sommat, and then you have to compare spellbook to allspell... gets tedious'
Joel says, 'and once you cast them they pop into the spellbook'
Sandra says, 'it's been idea'd in the past. I don't remember why it got turned down'
Joel nods his agreement with Taguchi.
Huma nods his agreement with Sandra.
Xuvenia says to Sandra, 'Lazy coders!'
Joel snickers softly.
Sandra giggles.
Huma says, 'I dont think it was even like turned down'
Huma says, 'just never happened'
Sandra says, 'it was'
Huma says, 'oh'
Huma says, 'well'
Huma says, 'that should be not turned down =P'
Sandra says, 'go ahead and idea it so it can be re-evaluated'
Joel says, 'that's when you print out both lists so you don't have to backscroll'
Taguchi smiles happily.
Taguchi says, 'Thanks. :)'
Sandra smiles happily.
Huma whimpers softly.
Pop raises his hand.
Huma says, 'but thats so much... work'
Huma says, 'go ahead Pop'
Pop says, 'waht I asked before'
Pop says, 'how come sometimes when you shoot a mob and are aimed all the way up, the mob doesn't rush?'
Joel says, 'i said because it's sandra's fault'
Huma says, 'because mobs dont always rush'
Sandra says, 'they fail to rush. Rush isn't 100%'
Pop says, 'ah.'
Pop says, 'didn't know you could fail a rush'
Sandra nods solemnly.
Sandra smiles happily.
Pop says, 'has it always been that way?'
Pop says, 'interesting.'
Sandra says, 'not always. It was changed a few years ago'
Huma nods solemnly.
Pop says, 'no wonder.'
Joel sinks his teeth into Nadia's flesh.
Pop scuffles his feet around in the dirt.
Sandra giggles.
Sandra says, 'yea, quit being such a stranger for long periods'
Huma says, 'the lack of consistency is eh but its realistic'
Joel nods his agreement with Sandra.
Pop says, 'I like it, it just wasn't the way I remembered it.'
Sandra goes EEK! at Kendrik in distress - isn't Kendrik an awful person for teasing?
Kendrik peers around intently.
Sandra nods her agreement with Pop.
Kendrik winks suggestively at Sandra.
Masha says, 'There's an old face.'
Somar salutes Kendrik briskly. Why don't people obey YOU like that?
Kendrik ruffles Somar's hair playfully.
Pop says, 'time for me to go'
Somar has created a dagger of ice!
Pop waves happily.
Somar threatens Kendrik with a dagger of ice.
Sandra waves to Pop.
Huma knocks Kendrik over and flops all over him.
Kendrik brandishes a broken bottle of Scotch menacingly.
Sandra says, 'lies'
Sandra says, 'a scot would never let his scotch spill'
Kendrik bows before Huma.
Kendrik says, 'I have backup'
Sandra giggles.
Kendrik nonchalantly flips a bottle of Oban Scotch.
Masha raises her hand.
Huma smiles happily.
Huma pokes Masha with Kryptonite.
Huma says, 'go masha shake your booty'
Masha wiggles her bottom.
Huma says, 'and also ask a question'
Krista giggles.
Joel says, 'she's thinking'
Masha says, 'I've been seeing a few more herb-types on the grid. Any idea if they might get implemented into herblore things and possibly other stuff?'
Joel says, 'I smell smoke'
Masha says, 'I'm a slow typer. :P'
Nadia pets Joel lovingly.
Joel says, 'herbtypes? which ones?'
Huma says, 'heh I pictured a little hour glass above her head'
Joel pokes Masha in the ribs.
Huma says, 'turning over and over'
Huma says, 'like windows'
Taguchi says, 'I like to say I'm a meticulous typer. :)'
Sandra says, 'Kaige was working on a large rewrite of the herbal system, but that has haulted completely. We may, in the future, cage a coder and make them finish it'
Masha says to Huma, 'i use a PC, not a Mac. Animal!'
Huma says, 'anyway, no new plans that I have heard'
Nadia giggles at Huma.
Joel snickers at Huma nastily.
Somar looks at Sandra and shudders.
Huma licks Masha.
Somar cowers in fear!
Huma nods his agreement with Sandra.
Sandra giggles.
Masha nods her agreement with Sandra.
Huma says, 'The cool thing to do'
Huma says, 'go to builder forum'
Masha says to Sandra, 'thought I'd ask.'
Huma says, 'and start a thread'
Masha nods her agreement with Huma.
Sandra nods her agreement with Masha.
Huma says, 'regarding herbiness'
Masha says to Huma, 'i have waaay too many ideas in my little head.'
Masha sticks her tongue out at everyone! =P
Joel says to Masha, 'Whaaaaaaaaaat new herbs?'
Huma says, 'if theres like a huge push for stuff'
Huma says, 'could try general discussion maybe'
Masha nods her agreement with Huma.
Huma says, 'seemed buildery to me, but mabe not so much'
Huma says, 'its a coding thing?'
Masha says to Joel, 'new things in Silk Road and the like.'
Huma says, 'so we dont have an official coding forum'
Huma says, 'that I know of'
Huma says, 'so general discussion'
Joel says, 'oh, i have to look there'
Joel ducks under Sandra.
Huma says, 'and thing is if a lot of people talk about it and put up good ideas'
Sandra giggles.
Masha nods solemnly.
Huma says, 'it actually spurs movement in the up worlds'
Masha says, 'I know I've spammed the idea channel enough'
Xuvenia says, 'don't post on the forums anymore, i can't keep up'
Xuvenia bursts into tears.
Nadia comforts Xuvenia.
Kendrik comforts Xuvenia.
Joel snickers at Xuvenia nastily.
Xuvenia says, 'it's rufus's fault'
Xuvenia peers around intently.
Nadia raises her hand.
Huma giggles.
Xuvenia says, 'he should be allowed only one megapost per week'
Huma says, 'I choose.... YOU Nadia!'
Huma pokes Nadia with Kryptonite.
Nadia says to Huma, 'Why are you resting in a pile of your own vomit?'
Huma throws his Pokeball.
Huma says, 'well'
Huma stands up.
Huma says, 'because I forgot to eat it'
Huma picks up a pile of his own vomit.
Huma eats a pile of his own vomit.
Masha shudders.
Taguchi wrinkles his nose with distaste.
Krista goes EEK! in distress.
Huma says, 'I mean... can't let that go to waste'
Nadia says, 'So you're like a dog?'
Krista faints.
Taguchi says, 'Now that was yucky'
Masha says, 'Ewww!'
Nadia ponders Huma's existence.
Krista says, 'oo'
Kendrik says, 'Huma couldn't keep up with a scotsman'
Kendrik nonchalantly flips a bottle of Oban Scotch.
Nadia giggles.
Taguchi throws his head back and cackles gleefully!
Huma says, 'yes thats true'
Sandra giggles.
Huma says, 'Scotsmans can eat vomit way better then I can'
Kendrik says to Huma, 'We call it haggis though.'
Kendrik nods solemnly.
Huma snickers softly.
Huma says, 'nice'
Huma says, 'touche sir'
Huma says, 'so who else has a question'
Masha raises her hand.
Taguchi raises his hand.
Nadia raises her hand.
Huma says, 'ohhhh a line'
Huma says, 'Masha you first'
Krista giggles.
Huma pokes Masha with Kryptonite.
Masha says, 'Is the XP Game still valid?'
Huma says, 'nooo I lost my pen!'
Huma says, 'yes it is'
Masha cheers wildly!
Somar hugs Huma reassuringly.
Huma says, 'ok next!'
Huma pokes Taguchi with Kryptonite.
Huma says, 'Taguchi your turn'
Taguchi says, 'Dartmoor and Silk Road have begun being implemented. What are other areas are in the works? I remember something about Hawaii, Japan,...'
Taguchi says, 'Too many ares...'
Taguchi whaps himself upside the head!
Sandra giggles.
Huma says, 'er...'
Sandra has created the builder board!
Sandra looks at the builder board.
Huma says, 'Hawaii!'
Sandra says, 'there ya go :)'
Huma says, 'ok'
Sandra says, 'it's not quite updated, but that's close enough'
Huma says, 'actually'
Xuvenia says, 'nestor will probably crank out another area before anyone else gets one :P'
Huma says, 'we dont have anything soonish'
Huma nods his agreement with Xuvenia.
Sandra giggles.
Huma says, 'Nestor hasnt even thought of the area that will be going in in three months'
Xuvenia giggles.
Huma says, 'ok Nadia is up now'
Huma pokes Nadia with Kryptonite.
Taguchi says, 'Cool. Thanks for bringing out the board :)'
Nadia says, 'all right, so I've read the help files and stuff, but I wanna make sure I have this right. If I want to change my desc, I get it approved, write an LT article, send it in, then when it gets published, I get the change?'
Masha nods her agreement with Nadia.
Joel nods his agreement with Nadia.
Huma says, 'yar!'
Nadia says, 'All right then'
Sandra smiles happily.
Nadia says to Huma, 'Expect an article from me within the next week.'
Joel says to Nadia, 'What's wrong with your desc?'
Nadia sticks her tongue out at Somar. =P
Sandra says to Taguchi, 'It's always up on the builder floor too, btw.'
Nadia says to Somar, 'Erm...'
Nadia sticks her tongue out at Huma. =P
Huma cheers for Nadia - huzzah!
Nadia says to Joel, 'Just slight changes.'
Huma says, 'I expect articles from everyone every day'
Taguchi whispers quietly to Sandra.
Joel says to Nadia, 'But yer still a flirt :p'
Huma says, 'if I dont get it I am very depressed'
Masha scuffles her feet around in the dirt.
Nadia says to Joel, 'That's not changing. :P'
Huma says, 'I've spent months in a alcoholic stupor thanks to it'
Joel snickers softly.
Nadia pets Huma lovingly.
Masha says to Huma, 'i'll get around to writing something.'
Huma says, 'I'm drinking now'
Huma says, 'actually'
Nadia says to Joel, 'I'll tell you what Im changing it to later.'
Somar cheers for Huma - huzzah!
Nadia sticks her tongue out at Joel. =P
Joel says to Nadia, 'Yes, dear.'
Nadia smiles at Joel.
Krista gasps in astonishment.
Nadia blinks.
Krista waves happily.
Joel peers around intently.
Taguchi says to Joel, 'that is "yes, ma'am!" with a salute!'
Huma flops about helplessly.
Huma says, 'so'
Taguchi chortles with amusement.
Joel snickers softly.
Huma says, 'who else has questions!'
Huma says, 'Captain picards gonna be alright'
Nadia says, 'eeew, dont salute me ever.'
Nadia snickers softly.
Joel says to Taguchi, 'I'm no Knight, I don't salute everyone in sight.'
Nadia smirks at Joel.
Taguchi throws his head back and cackles gleefully!
Masha raises her hand.
Joel says to Huma, 'Make it so.'
Huma says, 'engage!'
Huma says to Joel, 'You are now #1.'
Huma says to Joel, 'I shall refer to you as that henceforth.'
Joel says, 'i just can't do it Captain, I don't have the power'
Taguchi says to Huma, 'number One, you have the Con!'
Huma says to Joel, 'Grow a beard.'
Nadia laughs.
Joel snickers softly.
Xuvenia says, 'food time!'
Xuvenia waves happily.
Joel says to Huma, 'What's wrong with my goatee?'
Nadia says to Huma, 'I like his goatee.'
Huma says, 'look here number one'
Huma says, 'get to growing that beard'
Nadia defends Joel's honor.
Huma says, 'captains orders'
Masha tugs on Huma's sleeve imploringly.
Huma says, 'Masha raised her hand'
Masha says, 'Any other sort of Era XP abilities in the works to go along with what's there? Haven't been keeping up on the forums.'
Huma says, 'and I've been bantering I'm sorry'
Huma says, 'go ahead'
Huma says, 'nah nothing new right now'
Joel says to Huma, 'I just got it perrfect!'
Huma says, 'if you have an idea post it'
Masha nods solemnly.
Kendrik gnaws on the Heart of an Angel - what a Neanderthal.
Huma says, 'but we kind of put all our imagination into the first push'
Huma says, 'so theres no more ideas right now'
Huma says, 'we are plaing tapped out'
Masha comforts Huma.
Taguchi looks up into the sky and ponders.
Huma says, 'the entire 2 liter of mental energy went into the system'
Huma flops about helplessly.
Huma says, 'so who else has a question'
Joel looks up into the sky and ponders.
Taguchi peers around intently.
Joel says to Sandra, 'Remind me why I'm going to school? My head hurts.'
Sandra says, 'because you have nothing else to do with your money'
Taguchi snickers softly.
Joel says, 'oh right'
Nadia smirks.
Joel says, 'thanks'
Huma chuckles politely.
Huma says, 'I like school'
Huma says, 'better then working for a living'
Joel says to Huma, 'Try working 40 hrs and taking 15 credit hrs :p'
Huma winces in sympathy with Joel.
Sandra says, 'been there'
Sandra giggles.
Huma says, 'I can do only one or the other'
Sandra says, 'try doing that with nursing school'
Taguchi goes EEK! in distress.
Taguchi faints.
Sandra says, 'Not. Fun.'
Joel says to Sandra, 'Nah, i'd rather not see guts and bed pans.'
Sandra giggles.
Huma says, 'bed pans are the best'
Sandra says, 'nursing school is one of the hardest things to get through. I slept about 3 hours a night for the entire thing'
Huma says, 'not fun'
Sandra says, 'yea'
Sandra says, 'glad it's over :)'
Huma nods solemnly.
Huma says, 'so who else has questions'
Taguchi says, 'Some people can do that... I don't think I ever could. I need at least 6 hrs a night or I'm useless'
Sandra nods her agreement with Taguchi.
Huma says, 'wha?'
Nadia says to Huma, 'Approve that?'
Nadia smirks.
Huma says, 'just a moment!'
Joel says, 'i feel like i sleep 3 hrs a night, i think my sinuses or something messes with me'
Nadia chuckles politely.
Nadia goes EEK! at Joel in distress - isn't Joel an awful person for teasing?
Taguchi says, 'Ah. What the heck.'
Huma says, 'no one has yet to use fallible in their desc yet'
Taguchi raises his hand.
Huma says, 'so you're fine'
Nadia says, 'I have on this one!'
Huma says, 'except you =P'
Nadia peers at herself myopically.
Nadia giggles.
Huma pokes Taguchi with Kryptonite.
Nadia says to Huma, 'Im good like that.'
Huma says, 'Taguchi go ahead sir'
Nadia puts a werewolf prize token in a giant Christmas present from Sandra.
Taguchi says, 'This is only half-serious, but could chant messages go the way of descriptions-- you could use the ones currently available in game or get a custom one approved?'
Sandra says, 'you do know that there are different chant messages in already, yes?'
Taguchi nods solemnly.
Taguchi says, 'Like I said. Half-serious. :0'
Joel says, 'i need to get a better one'
Kendrik gets a chocolate chip cookie from Charity from a patterned grey suede backpack.
Huma says, 'I wonder how hard it would be to code'
Sandra says, 'if you have suggestions for more, mail 'em in :)'
Huma says, 'I guess we could'
Kendrik smells a chocolate chip cookie from Charity, inhaling deeply.
Kendrik puts a chocolate chip cookie from Charity in a patterned grey suede backpack.
Taguchi says to Sandra, 'i have to find em all first :)'
Huma says, 'wouldbe pretty burdensome'
Nadia says to Joel, 'I need to figure out how to get a better one. :P'
Sandra nods her agreement with Taguchi.
Somar says, 'as another alternative, I've seen plenty of people who accentuate their chant messages with emotes.'
Sandra says, 'mail 'em to me when ya do'
Huma nods his agreement with Sandra.
Huma says, 'we wotn do custom'
Somar says, 'sort of extra effort, but if you throw in an alias or something, it does simplify'
Joel says to Nadia, 'That too.'
Somar says, 'and there's that'
Taguchi nods his agreement with Somar.
Huma says, 'but there probably wont be any complaints about adding new ones'
Taguchi says, 'Yeah I was thinking about that too'
Kendrik says, 'gotta run all!'
Nadia waves happily.
Kendrik waves happily.
Nadia lies down on a black leather couch.
Huma waves to Kendrik.
Masha says, 'I had to listen to Dolor gloat about how Aginor had a chant style and Nothing didn't.'
Masha rolls her eyes heavenward.
Huma says, 'so who else has questionables'
Joel snickers softly.
Sandra giggles.
Sandra says, 'Nothing was more a fighter than a mage'
Huma nods his agreement with Sandra.
Somar says to Huma, '23 minutes left in the season 6 dvd auction.'
Huma claps for Somar approvingly.
Huma says, 'who else has questions'
Huma says, 'so that I may answer them'
Masha says, 'He was also gloating how Barabas didn't have one, either.'
Huma says, 'with great enthusiasm'
Sandra giggles.
Sandra says, 'It didn't fit with Barabas :)'
Huma says, 'we could give barabas an iscariot flavored one'
Huma says, 'or somethin =P'
Masha says, 'He was, however, grumpy that he didn't know his own mob had new things.'
Masha giggles.
Huma says, 'just to ruin Dolor's day'
Sandra says, 'hehe'
Sandra says, 'that's what he gets for being gone!'
Huma says, 'anything I can do to mute his excitement I'm up for'
Masha nods her agreement with Sandra.
Masha giggles.
Sandra giggles.
Masha says, 'He's passed out sleeping. So cute when he drools.'
Sandra laughs.
Huma snickers softly.
Nadia laughs.
Huma says, 'so who else has questions!'
Sandra says, 'I'm gonna tell him we got a play-by-play and now that just makes Aginor look like a teddy bear'
Masha says, 'I can't tell who's snoring worse: him or the cat'
Joel snickers softly.
Masha grins evilly at Sandra... Wonder what she's thinking...
Sandra giggles.
Sandra says, 'Aginor, the dark teddy bear'
Masha cheers wildly!
Huma snickers softly.
Sandra giggles.
Masha says, 'He'd probably fall over laughing.'
Huma says, 'so guys....'
Sandra giggles.
Huma says, 'think I can end this? :)'
Masha nods solemnly.
Nadia nods solemnly.
Taguchi says, 'No objections here'
Masha says, 'Busy posting to the forums right now'
Huma nods solemnly.
Huma says, 'ok that sounds good to me'
Huma says, 'ending!'
Kryptonite thuds as Huma attempts to bounce it - what a klutz.
