Lecture Series Index

February 3rd, 2004

Q & A Index

Sandra giggles.
Galahad laughs at Somar.
Chaykin snickers softly.
Galahad conjures a pile of Expies ballots out of midair and throws it at Somar!
Lust says to Sandman, 'Bah, i didn't spam, i cast it once!'
Jesus says to Sandra, 'Imms being nice to me. pshaw, what's this mud coming to?'
Sandra says, 'I can't say much about blind other than it's pathetically wimpy already and you people crack
 me up'
Lust says, 'sandra would laugh her ass off!'
Sandman nods his agreement with Lust.
Slayer says, 'whatever sandra'
Lassie says to Sandra, 'Ok now this is for you: pk more, encourage the other person to spam blind, you obviously dont know what you're talking about.'
Sandra says, 'maybe when Huginn gets here, he'll have something else to say'
Sandman says to Lust, 'you didnt even vis!'
Jesus says, 'don't nerf blind, this char is based on it. :p'
Sandra says, 'I pk every day little doggie'
Lassie says to Sandra, 'Well it doesnt show.'
Sandra says, 'or, I know how to deal with it'
Chaykin says, 'accusing sandra of all people of never pking enough is really silly, just so you know'
Lassie shrugs helplessly.
Galahad says, 'Ya, I've seen her shoot her bow at least a few times this week'
Sandra says, 'next it will be that we need to tweak kick because when a sniper shoots, somebody cancome in and kick them!'
Sandra says, 'HOLY HELL FIX IT!'
Jesus laughs at Sandra.
Slayer says, 'come on sandra'
Galahad says to Sandra, 'wHAT? That sucks.'
Lassie says to Sandra, 'Uh actually, now that you mention it.'
Galahad says to Sandra, 'take out kick.'
Slayer says, 'wth'
Sandman laughs.
Lassie says to Sandra, 'Kick does hit a bit too often on high dex :P'
Sandra giggles.
Slayer says, 'do like jade said and REMOVE LOOK!'
Sandra says, 'see? :P'
Jesus nods his agreement with Slayer.
Slayer laughs.
Sandman says, 'lets remove all skills/spells and only use q1 weapons!'
Lassie says to Sandra, 'What, it's a problem, but compared to blind, i dont get your deal.'
Galahad thinks the question is over.
Chaykin says, 'dex has crap for skills as it is, who cares if kick is a bit automatic. it doesn't set people to sitting or stunned or anything'
Sandra says, 'You can only use eyepoke. Nothing more'
Sandman throws his head back and cackles gleefully!
Slayer says, 'christ sandra when we see people doing the same god damn thing over and over and over its gettn a bit old'
Somar cheers for Sandra - huzzah!
Galahad says, 'would eyepoke blind people?'
Lassie says to Sandra, 'If being unable to rent it off, having lag on room movement and insane mv used, 9 off your hitroll and more armor lost thana  freaking weaken protection then yes, blind *is* wimpy.'
Slayer says, 'and theres nothing you can do about it'
Sandra says, 'they're doing it because you're COMPLAINING that you don't know how to deal with it'
Jesus says to Slayer, 'Same thing over and over?'
Sandra says, 'there's a big DUH for you'
Jesus says to Slayer, 'Like bash?'
Slayer says, 'not true'
Lassie says to Sandra, 'Resist blind items dont work the way you think, and i can only carry 102 vials, thats with no eq either :P'
Slayer says, 'i know how to deal'
Slayer says, 'i gotta have 4k free rent'
Sandra says, 'if you said constantly that you can't deal with being kicked, I"m gonna kick the living hell out of you :P'
Slayer says, 'thats the kicker'
Slayer says, 'so i can have 8 vials'
Sandman nods his agreement with Sandra.
Slayer says, 'i understand that'
Sandman says, 'when ppl start admitting to their weakness.. ppl exploit it and laugh at you'
Galahad says to Slayer, 'woop-tee-doo 8 vials.'
Slayer says, 'and i havent had a problem since then'
Lassie says, 'god, do I have to make a spam blinding mage and prove how oblivious about overpowered pk classes you are AGAIN?'
Slayer says to Galahad, '8 vials is insane to a str fighter.'
A heavenly aura appears in the room, is that Huginn?
Somar cheers for Huginn - huzzah!
Jesus launches himself across the room and tackles Huginn to the ground!
Slayer says to Galahad, 'Str eq is renty.'
Galahad jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Huginn!
Galahad says to Slayer, 'i call it -mind eq.'
Lust says, 'oh good, it's the man with all the answers :P'
Slayer says, 'how the hell can you expect a str fighter to hold str eq and 8 vials'
Lassie squeezes Huginn fondly.
Sandra says, 'well, Huginn may differ than my response, but I still say blind isn't that big of a problem'
Huginn waves hello to the world!
Lassie says to Slayer, 'Play a str cause mage.'
Huginn nods solemnly.
Slayer says, 'maybe'
Jesus says to Slayer, 'Whah, you bash for 100 dam a round, whah whah whah.'
Sandra says, 'no less than bash is against a dex char, or headbutt is against a low con char, etc'
Slayer says to Lassie, 'Exactly.'
Lassie says to Slayer, 'Hey, i'm with you there.'
Slayer says, 'maybe if the eye was worth using'
Lust says to Sandra, 'Nahhh. the technical answers the how and why guy.'
Lust nods to herself.
Huginn says, 'blind can be powerful..'
Lassie says, 'when spammed'
Huginn says, 'blindfighting for a fighter can help that'
Lassie says, 'wrong market huginn'
Slayer says, 'it never EVER works hug'
Slayer says, 'i tested it'
Jesus says to Huginn, 'Not against someone with intelligence.'
Lassie says, 'perc based chance to hit it for a fither = crud'
Jesus says to Huginn, 'Ie, calms.'
Lassie says, 'and what kind of a sniper wants to re-engage blind for mano o mano combat'
Slayer says, 'blindfighting is WAY too lagged'
Sandman raises his hand.
Huginn says to Lassie, 'I said fighter though.'
Sandman says to Lassie, 'me!'
Sandman likes to tank.. isnt a wussy!
Lassie says to Huginn, 'Yes, have you read the blindfighting helpfile?'
Slayer laughs.
Huginn says, 'yes what about it?'
Lust raises her eyebrow at Slayer.
Lassie says, 'it's a perc based reengagement chance'
Lassie says, 'right?'
Slayer says, 'blindfighting helps nothing but snipers imho'
Slayer shrugs philosophically.
Sandra says, 'since he coded the skill, I'd figure he knows what it does'
Lassie says, 'so, a 30 perc fighter has *no* use for it'
Huginn shakes his head in disagreement.
Slayer says, 'exactly'
Huginn says, 'no it has more than the base perc'
Huginn says, 'and not a huge lag'
Lassie says, 'lag isnt so bad'
Mouse and Phocks bounce up to Chaykin, looking for another playmate.
Slayer says, 'seems long to me in pk'
Lassie says, 'but i do reacall it being a perc base chance to hit'
Huginn says, 'so try it twice'
Slayer says, 'yeah lass i thought that'
Galahad says, 'Point of Order, Grendels can't PK.'
Huginn says, 'it is perc based.. but let's say that there's an okay multiplier'
Slayer rolls her eyes, exasperated with Galahad.
Lassie says to Huginn, 'Ok or not, perc based is the wrong market for it.'
Galahad says, 'All I hear you do is complain, Slayer'
Slayer says to Galahad, 'Kiss my ass.'
Lassie says to Huginn, 'You wanna base it on what you call an *actual* combat skill (although perc is one dammit! :P)'
Huginn says, 'you're blind fighting.. what do you want it based on?  str?'
Slayer says, 'no'
Sandman laughs.
Slayer says, 'i just would like it to work better'
Jesus snickers softly.
Lassie says to Huginn, 'Well it's no use to someone with the perc to hit it regularly.'
Jesus says, 'so wow, fighters have to sacrifice to use it. makes sense to me. :p'
Slayer laughs.
Lassie says to Huginn, 'The real root of this problem is that cause mages hit the blind 100% of the time, you *can* dodge/sink an arrow.'
Lust pokes a black leather couch.
Jesus says to Huma, 'I love that poofin.'
Chaykin nods solemnly.
Lassie says to Huginn, 'Unless it's 3c on 3c, the cause mage is gonna spank the other dude with blink.'
Huma says to Jesus, 'Thankee!'
Huma pokes a pile of Expies ballots.
Huma peers around intently.
Chaykin says, 'the PIR is the greatest'
Huma says, 'vote for things'
Slayer says, 'really lassie is right'
Jesus says to Huma, 'Did!'
Lassie says, 'anyway, a decent sniper can have rent for a lot of vials'
Lassie says, 'but a fighter doesnt have a chance against blind'
Slayer says, 'thats my whole point'
Chaykin says to Tempus, 'You ruined pkill!'
Chaykin looks accusingly at Tempus.
Slayer says, 'i cant rent 8 vials'
Tempus says to Chaykin, 'Wha??'
Sandra says, 'i can't feel sorry for a fighter not having rent to hold tons of vials, when they can do 200 damage a round on a bash'
Slayer says, 'so i have to accept blind!'
Chaykin says to Tempus, 'It was you all along!'
Sandra says, 'sorry :)'
Chaykin gasps at Tempus.
Lassie rolls her eyes heavenward.
Sandman nods his agreement with Sandra.
Tempus says to Chaykin, 'Yeah, I used that awesome pk move.'
Slayer says to Sandra, '200 round of dam?!?'
Chaykin says to Tempus, 'You spoiled everything.'
Chaykin sighs loudly.
Slayer says to Sandra, 'Er?'
Tempus says to Chaykin, 'Its call flee!'
Sandra says, 'sure, some can. Yep'
Slayer says, 'i thought pk max was 110 on dam cap?'
Slayer says, 'without extras'
Quagmire says, 'it's 100'
Slayer says, 'ok well 100'
Sandra says, 'yea without extras'
Slayer says, 'extras never do that much'
Sandra says, 'even still, a bash is 300 hp of damage'
Chaykin says to Tempus, 'You ruined pk by hiding ooc.'
Slayer says, 'not that i use them'
Quagmire says, 'what kind of bash is 300 damage'
Tempus says to Chaykin, 'Never, I hid in the clan halls!'
Quagmire says, '200 for the rounds and 100 for the bash?'
Slayer says, 'i never landed no bash for 300 hps'
Slayer says, 'maybe 200'
Quagmire says, 'it used to be funny to bash'
Slayer says, 'it never hits dex with parry and crap now'
Quagmire says, 'used to, it's decent now, fighters actually have a pk chance'
Quagmire says, 'unlike 3c creates'
Slayer chuckles politely.
Jesus says, 'i find most bashes get tumbled.'
Slayer says, 'all mine do'
Jesus nods his agreement with Slayer.
Quagmire says, 'most and tumble are oxymorons'
Slayer says, 'i guess
 im just lucky tho'
Galahad says, 'Is this spam question session or can some people who put their hand up ask something?'
Huma says, 'but if you dont tumble then like woah'
Sandman licks Huma.
Jesus nods his agreement with Huma.
Quagmire says to Galahad, 'dont make me give you a 3rd ear to hear out of, knight.'
Sandra says, 'no, I'm about to move on'
Slayer says, 'ok lemme end this'
Slayer says, 'one thing'
Galahad whaps Quagmire across the back of the head - your ears ring in sympathy.
Quagmire throws down a gauntlet, challenging Galahad to combat.
Slayer says, 'it would be nice to see cause mages attempt to use other tactics other then blind blind blind'
Slayer says, 'just a thought'
Slayer shrugs philosophically.
Huginn thought they did.
Jesus says to Slayer, 'Mine gusts, rof's, crits, immolates..'
Quagmire says, 'they do, but its nice to know on a class you can sit there and use that tactic to win any fight if you want'
Huma says, 'cure crit rof... immolate'
Huma says, 'gust'
Huma says, 'watery death'
Slayer says to Jesus, 'Your an exception.'
Jesus nods his agreement with Huma.
Quagmire says to Huma, 'all *other* problems :P'
Huma laughs.
Sandra says, 'we've already changed stun because of the complaints that they were doing too much damage with it. Now it's blind. Will it be fly next? WIther?'
Mouse gets a look of longing in his eyes.
Mouse squeaks dreamily, 'I wish I could have wings and fly like the birds.'
Somar says, 'stop curing the blind and they'll get a LOT more creative'
Huma nods his agreement with Sandra.
Chaykin snickers at Sandra nastily.
Jesus says to Sandra, 'Waterwalk!'
Huma says, 'with Fly my cause mage can move places with only 1 movement'
Sandman says, 'drown!'
Huma says, 'thats far to good'
Sandra says, 'sleep is overpowered!'
Sandman says, 'make drown swallow boats!'
Slayer says, 'see thats BS too somar'
Quagmire says to Sandra, 'again, i dont care what you pk with, you're doing the wrong kind not to see this stuff.'
Slayer says, 'WAIT'
Lust says, 'immolate!'
Sandman nods to himself.
A heavenly aura appears in the room, is that LadyAce?
Quagmire says, 'and sleep isnt overpowered'
Quagmire says, 'sleep/lullaby are utter crap'
Jesus tickles LadyAce.
Chaykin says, 'she's doing the wrong kind of pk where she's not constantly being overpowered?'
Slayer says, 'if blind is killing my HITroll and just killing my AC why the hell would i be stupid enough to stay blind?!?'
Chaykin is completely boggled.
Somar says, 'not saying it's a good idea'
Sandman says, 'thats it.. im getting a star sword'
Slayer says, '-25 ac for blind is insane'
Sandman throws his head back and cackles gleefully!
Slayer shudders.
Sandman says, 'and pissing everyone off!'
Somar says, 'I'm jsut saying that it'll make them do stuff other than blind ;)'
Quagmire says to Chaykin, 'who does she pk with? *you* because she hasnt done any of the mainstream stuff in a loooonnng while.'
Sandra says, 'um'
Quagmire says, 'it's -20 :P'
Sandra says, 'I'm always 2 steps ahead of you in 'mainstream' stuff'
LadyAce says, 'let's not get personal'
Chaykin says to Quagmire, 'Well, if she's not running into the same problems other people are...maybe mainstream stuff doesn't work :P'
Slayer says, 'ok -20'
Slayer says, 'whatever'
Somar waves happily.
Slayer says, 'its still alot'
Sandra pats Quagmire on the head.
Galahad waves to Somar.
Somar says, 'haveta run!'
Slayer says, 'maybe change that'
Slayer says, 'to just -hit'
Jesus says to Slayer, 'It doesn't even negate your klein bonus.'
Slayer says, 'it does so'
Sandman says, 'yeah and change sastram so it dont have 3 specials'
Slayer says, 'my AC drops when im blind'
Sandra says, 'it doesn't do 3'
Sandman says, 'curse gust and extra is crap'
Jesus says, 'you still get an extra ten. :p'
Galahad says, 'You know... can you please stop repeating yourselves?'
LadyAce says, 'I am tired of this question, how about the rest of you? :)'
Sandra says, 'yes, we're moving on. I have a qeue'
Jesus nods his agreement with LadyAce.
Sandman says to Sandra, 'im just complaining like the rest of em.. trying to fit in =p'
Sandman winks suggestively at Sandra.
Slayer says, 'if i didnt have that extra ten i would perma'


Sandra points at Galahad. Galahad says, 'My question is about stun spell' Sandra says, 'is it overpowered for you?' Jesus chortles with amusement. Galahad says, 'sometimes when I stun, they almost immediately wake up before the round starts' Slayer says to Sandra, 'Omg please stop being like that.' Slayer says to Sandra, 'Please...' Jesus says, 'i forgot stun was a spell.' Sandra says, 'Yea, that last bit irritated me. I'll admit it.' Sandman says to Galahad, 'using a weapon with many extra attack thingies/' Slayer says, 'well, you gotta hear what i had to say' Sandman says, 'that kills stuns fast..' Galahad says, 'They wake before the round goes off' Slayer says, 'i dont care either way really' Sandman says, 'oye that sucks' Slayer says, 'ill just make a cause mage' Sandra says, 'don't ever accuse me, with my 56 characters, and more pkill experience than you can possibly think of, of not knowing how to use a character. That's a quick way to set me off' Chaykin snickers softly. Slayer says, 'i didnt say that :P' Slayer pets Sandra lovingly. Sandman nods his agreement with Sandra. Huma cringes away from Sandra in mortal terror. Slayer says, 'i know better' Sandra says, 'YOU didn't' Slayer grovels before Sandra. Sandman starts to sing "shiny happy people holding haaaaaands". Slayer says to Sandra, 'Go ahead and shoot me to take out your frustrations.' Sandra says, 'I have abused all of the 'new' stuff in pk already. I know what it does. Huginn and I argue when there is a problem, believe me' Jesus says, 'didn't we move on to stun?' Sandra says, 'yes' Slayer says, 'yes sorry' Sandra says, 'sorry' Sandra says, 'stun, they wake up too soon?' Galahad says, 'wake up before the round' Slayer says, 'Gala is right' Sandman says, 'gala says before round goes off sometimes..' Slayer says, 'i wake from stun before 1 round is over' Sandra says, 'yea I've seen that happen too' Sandman says, 'oye!' Galahad says, 'not 1 round is over' Sandman cringes in terror. Galahad says, 'before round even happens' Lust says, 'before the round even starts!' Lust nods her agreement with Galahad. Jesus says, 'dusk brought that up last week, huginn was gonna look at it, if i recall.' Lust says, 'i've seen that too' Sandra says, 'it will sometimes stun, and then a pulse where they wake, and then the round starts' Slayer says, 'its bugged i thought too' Huma says, 'yeah it used to happen all the time several years ago' Huma says, 'with headbutt' Sandman says, 'which means you get stun lag while they wake up?' Galahad says, 'But that's not supposed to happen with the new tick system' Slayer nods her agreement with Huma. Huma says, 'maybe its just a feature' Galahad says, 'They would sometimes wake during tick' Sandman hasnt played his mage in ages.. Huginn says, 'haven't looked at it yet' Sandra says, 'It will be looked into :)' Galahad says, 'Well that's why I want to ask... because there is a fail stun, critical fail stun, tumble stun,.... what else' Galahad chuckles politely. Galahad nods his agreement with Huginn. Galahad says, 'Thanks' Lust says, 'ghostfail' Galahad nods his agreement with Lust. Jesus says to Galahad, 'Use blind!' Jesus ducks to the ground. Galahad says to Lust, 'mistype spell stun.' Sandra giggles.


Sandra points at Chaykin. Galahad says to Jesus, 'oh ya, I will.' Chaykin says, 'okay this is a 2-part question so please pay careful attention' Sandra nods solemnly. Tempus nods solemnly. Slayer snickers softly. Jesus says to Galahad, 'Sorry, couldn't resist being a smartass.' Chaykin says, 'are the rumors true that skilltrees are being installed tomorrow, and also, please confirm or deny the rumor that somar wears his bowling shoes to sleep' Slayer laughs. Kurgan disappears into the void. Kurgan has returned from the void. Chaykin ducks to the ground. Sandra says, 'yes, somar does wear his bowling shoes to sleep' Chaykin nods solemnly. Sandman says to Chaykin, 'thats considered lucky.' Lust peers around intently. Sandman does that sometimes =p Lust says, 'what, he mentioned skilltrees and didn't get slayed' Sandra says, 'and trees will not be installed tomorrow. We're all busy. PRobably sunday' Lust says, 'is he right or something :P' Chaykin snaps his fingers. ATTITUDE! Sandman blinks. Sandman says, 'trees!' Huma says, 'they dont tell me anything' Chaykin says to Sandra, 'That's an awfully long time to wait.' Chaykin sighs loudly. Huginn says, 'no.. say a friday' Sandra nods her agreement with Chaykin. Lust peers around intently. Tempus says to Sandra, 'Wow, within my lifetime!' Sandra says, 'next friday?' Huginn says, 'some friday :-)' Tempus cheers wildly! Slayer raises her hand. Chaykin says, 'Friday 200X!' Huma says, 'some friday in the future?' Sandman says, '3 years later...' Sandra giggles. Lust says, 'so this 'skilltrees' myth is finally happening - this week?' Huginn cheers for Huma - huzzah! Sandra shakes her head. Galahad says to Chaykin, '2XXX.' Huma says, 'with marty mcfly and friday to the future' Chaykin nods his agreement with Galahad. Slayer says, 'ok skipy, outside smoking' Sandra says to Slayer, 'You were next up.' Galahad laughs. Sandman says, 'ill go!' Sandman bounces around. Lust chuckles politely. Sandman has lots of q's Galahad says, 'I nominate Sandman' Lust says, 'he went for a smoke' Sandra says, 'well, ok. Sandman can go and we'll get back to Slayer' Lust says, 'he thought he was gonna be in line longer' Sandman cheers wildly! Sandman says, 'ok.. before i forget let me first comment on one thing' Jesus raises his hand. Galahad raises his hand. Galahad glares at nothing in particular. Sandman says, 'yes i just found out about the customized chant things.. is there a posting on hints for that?' Sandra shakes her head. Sandman says, 'ok doh ok real question 1!' Chaykin waves happily. Sandman says, 'can we get some variety in more weapons? i mean.. we have mobs ppl are complaining about hard to kill and whatnot.. what better thing to do than slap a good weapon on em' Sandman says, 'and a followup comment on that..' Sandman says, 'i know its always a phase and trend.. that weapons get favored..' Sandman says, 'but can some older weapons get changed up every now and then to make it interesting?' Jesus feels a sastram statement. Sandra says, 'I'm not sure what you mean about more weapons? Do you know how many weapons there are for each type? Just q5s, even.' Sandman says, 'perhaps a different special or diff stats etc' Sandman says to Sandra, 'i realize there are a ton.. but what hurts when there are more out there?' Sandra says, 'we don't like to change items too much. It creates old eq. And when templates go in, will piss people off when their stuff suddenly changes' Sandman says, 'maybe similar stats to others.. but diff specials.. or no special.. or strange quirks' Galahad says, 'you're making templates?!!?!?!' Slayer says, 'back' Sandra nods solemnly. Galahad says, 'my old milky vials' Huma says, 'yeah doesnt that rule' Galahad sighs loudly. Huginn says, 'we've said that for awhile' Huma is so all about templates. Sandman says to Sandra, 'thats my question, i think i didnt explain it right.. could we get more weapons as in.. similar to others in stats but diff specials or no specials or just a tad diff stats etc.' Sandra giggles. Slayer says, 'yeah say bye bye to all your old eg gala!' LadyAce says, 'suggest changes where you think they should be.... but we also don't want to give super weapons to easy mobs....' Slayer taunts Galahad mercilessly. Slayer says to Galahad, 'I bet you'll bitch then1.' Slayer throws her head back and cackles gleefully! Sandman says, 'just so that so and so's weapon is not gunna be like everyone elses.. because everyone likes one special' Sandra says, 'well, with new areas will probably be new weapons. If you have ideas for 'em, put them on the channel. But old ones we probably won't change :)' Sandman nods his agreement with Sandra. Sandra says, 'that answer it for ya?' Sandman says, 'yeah sorta.. but we could still add weapons on big mobs that currently dont really have one =p' Lust says, 'yeah, make random spell weapons :P' Sandra giggles. Sandra says, 'there are some' Lust says, 'oh' Sandra winks suggestively at Lust. Lust peers around intently. Lust says, 'kewl' Lust snickers softly. Sandra giggles. Sandman says, 'there are?!?'


Sandra points at Slayer. Sandra nods solemnly. Slayer says, 'ok' Sandman says, 'holy crap!' LadyAce says, 'spicing up an old unused weapon wouldn't be bad... but I don't want to give the best weapon in the world to every guard in Klein-etc.....' Sandman peers around intently. Slayer says, 'this is short and simple for huginn!' Sandman says to LadyAce, 'the best weapon in the world is on an easy mob now =p' LadyAce is slow Sandman ducks to the ground. Huma says, 'problem is best str weapon in the game is floating around on a not totally difficult mob' Sandman snickers softly. Huma peers around intently. Sandman jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Huma! Sandman says, 'us michigan ppl think alike =p' Slayer says to Huginn, 'Can we expect snipers to be somewhat beatable on friday?' Lust says to Huma, 'Pretty much yeah.' Galahad says, 'The best weapon in the world sucks' Slayer winks suggestively at Huginn. Sandra giggles. Sandra nudges the welcome board over a few inches. Galahad says, 'and plus it's a quest item, you can't kill anything for the weapon' Slayer says, 'humm' Huginn says, 'snipers will be ok' Lust says, 'what, did you guys take out stun? it'll disorient instead?' Lust says, 'stun on head shots i mean' Slayer says, 'i'll take your word on that huginn!' Huginn says, 'some stun on headshots' Slayer gives Huginn a great big smooch! Slayer says, 'ok' Huginn says, 'some disorient' Huma says, 'those 70 dmg shots were a bit unsettling' Huginn says, 'won't be stunning on every headshot' Galahad says, '50% stun plus 50% disorient' Lust nods solemnly. Slayer says to Huma, '70 pfft we seen them do over 90.' Quagmire sniffs sadly at the little sure-shot. Galahad says, 'so now you'll be disoriented and then stun' Slayer ponders Huma's existence. Quagmire nods his agreement with Slayer. Lust says, '70 was good... 90 was scary' Huma says, 'yeah I'm a loser =P' Huma says, 'well my last sniper I had in game was Huma' Huginn says, 'short length disorient is possible' Sandra giggles. Huma says, 'so I cant test right now' Slayer laughs. Quagmire says, 'short length disorient is what snipers need' Slayer nods her agreement with Huginn. Lust says, 'don't pk near any dt's' Lust peers around intently. Quagmire says, 'against all those pesky mages and druids' Slayer raises her hand. Slayer says, 'i got one more!' Slayer nods to herself. Sandra nods her agreement with Slayer. Galahad raises his hand. Jesus says, 'does dispel remove disorient?' Sandman raises his hand. Sandra says to Galahad, 'I have you in qeue.' Slayer says, 'hell no' Slayer ponders Jesus's existence. Galahad says, 'no, it's not a spell' Jesus says, 'nice.' Slayer says, 'its like poison i suppose' Jesus says, 'i don't think anything remove disorient.' Huginn says, 'anyway we'll see how it goes' Jesus shrugs helplessly. Huginn says, 'time' Slayer nods her agreement with Huginn. Lust says, 'poison's not a spell?' Lust peers around intently. Sandra shakes her head. Slayer says, 'thanks for listening to me rant!' Jesus says to Huginn, 'Interesting change ;)' Galahad says, 'it's not a spell effect' Slayer gives Huginn a great big smooch! Huginn says to Lust, 'Not anymore.'


Sandra points at Jesus. Slayer bonks Jesus on the head! Quagmire says, 'elbow isnt a spell, thus disorient isnt a spell effect :p' Slayer nods her agreement with Quagmire. Jesus says, 'ok, since we're on shoot.' Slayer throws her head back and cackles gleefully! Galahad says to Quagmire, 'i have the disorient spell I just don't use it.' Jesus says, 'why can't bowmen sit and kneel to shoot?' Slayer says, 'oh good one' Galahad laughs. Galahad says, 'They can do better' Quagmire says, 'why wouldm you want to?' Quagmire says, 'they can stand' Sandra says, 'sitting to shoot a bow is kinda difficult. Kneeling I could see, but not sitting' Jesus says, 'better accuracy?' Galahad says, 'but again... you can stand and aim' Sandra nods solemnly. Galahad says to Jesus, 'accuracy is from the bow skills.' Galahad says, 'and perc' Sandra says, 'actually it's from both, and the bow' Jesus says, 'you're alot steadier kneeling tho, from a realistic point.' Quagmire says, 'you mean add a bonus for sit or kneel' Quagmire says, '?' Jesus nods his agreement with Quagmire. Galahad says, 'Since when has this game claimed to be realistic' Slayer says, 'kneel i can see' Slayer says, 'but sit, no way' Jesus says, 'we already lose alot, quickdraw and +dam from a horn.' Sandra says, 'I don't think you would get more accurate if you were sitting down and trying to shoot a bow' Sandra says, 'you may shoot yourself in the foot' Slayer says, 'tho sandra' Galahad says, 'or in the eye' Jesus says to Sandra, 'Try shooting a bow.' Sandra has. Slayer says, 'kneeling is how people are first taught to shoot a bow for aiming' Galahad says, 'can you critically fail with bow and blind yourself' Huginn says, 'wait are you saying shoot isn't powerful enough?' Sandra says, 'kneeling I could see. I said that already :)' Jesus says, 'kneeling is way easier than standing.' Slayer goes EEK! at Huginn in distress - isn't Huginn an awful person for teasing? Sandra says, 'not sitting' Lust has a bow hanging above her desk, can't sit and shoot that but youc ould definitely kneel! Jesus says, 'kneeling is my main concern.' Galahad says, 'did you see Hero?' Jesus says, 'you can sit and shoot a bow, btw. :p' Lust says, 'you can, but it's awkward' Jesus says, 'but let's just say kneel.' Slayer says, 'i think it would depend on the bow as well' Jesus nods his agreement with Slayer. Slayer says, 'a short bow you could kneel with' Sandra says, 'but I have to say that I don't see why this is a problem? I mean bow users are the only ones that can stand and aim, thus not having to worry about not standing up' Galahad says, 'you can lie on your back and use your feet to stretch the bow' Slayer says, 'but composite or odysseus's]' Slayer says, 'you have to stand' Slayer says, 'or longbow for the matter' Jesus says to Sandra, 'Well, there's huge disadvantages to using a bow.' Sandra says, 'we don't really take note of sizes in the bows' Slayer nods her agreement with Sandra. Nephiel says, 'like the constant reloading' Slayer shrugs philosophically. Slayer says, 'just a thought' Sandra nods solemnly. Jesus says, 'two handed.' Galahad says, 'size doesn't matter' Jesus says, 'less damage.' Sandra says, 'um' Sandra says, 'not less' Sandman says, 'bows do more damage =p' Jesus says, 'well.' Jesus says, 'less damroll.' Jesus says, 'less stats.' Huginn says, 'bows can deliver tainted arrows' Huginn says, 'you can use them from all areas' Sandra says, 'flaming arrows' Galahad says, 'bows rule' Jesus says to Huginn, 'From lima.' Sandman says, '7 instead of 8 oh no =p' Quagmire says, 'except for the reload lag' Sandra says, 'no, you don't have to be liman to use tainted arrows' Slayer says, 'afk a min' Jesus says to Sandra, 'No, but you have to be liman to taint them.' Galahad says, 'Do only Tarans use vials?' Galahad laughs. Sandra says, 'if you wanna taint them yourself, sure. But there are ingame ways to do it' Jesus says to Sandra, 'I'm aware ;)' Sandra says, 'so I don't really consider that a hindrence :)' Kurgan disappears into the void. Kurgan has returned from the void. Jesus says, 'anyway, i'm just thinking kneeling should make bows more accurate!' Sandra giggles. Jesus says, 'move on!' Sandra says, 'idea it. :)' Galahad says, 'and stun every shot?'


Sandra points at Galahad. Jesus says, 'wait, one more thing on it.' Sandra giggles. Galahad says, 'Ok, this is a quick question, before my real question' Slayer says, 'ok back' Galahad says, 'Can you disorientedly walk into a DT?' Jesus says, 'guns, you can sit, kneel, and lie. do they have diff accuracies? i don't do guns.' Jesus says, 'i assumed they did.' Jesus says, 'if they don't, i'll hush. :p' Sandra says to Jesus, 'I don't believe so.' Jesus nods solemnly. Jesus hushes! Galahad says to Jesus, 'no.' Sandra says to Galahad, 'I don't know honestly. Lemme find out.' Galahad says to Sandra, 'disorient yourself and run near a dt.' Sandman laughs. Sandra giggles. Sandra is dtproof. Galahad says, 'but you'll know if you ran into one' Slayer says, 'ill test it if i get my crap back' Sandra says, 'hehe' Slayer says, 'or ill let quagy test it!' Slayer says, 'and ill elbow him' Slayer nods to herself. Sandra says, 'let's assume that you will dt until Huginn gets back to answer it for us :)' Quagmire points at Slayer and then the little sure-shot. Galahad says, 'ok second part of my question' Jesus says, 'really glad to see disorient is being used with shoot.' Galahad says, 'Can we make throw a little bit better skill, allow me to elaborate please' Slayer nods her agreement with Jesus. Slayer says, 'sniper making time!' Slayer nods to herself. Huginn says, 'you will dt' Galahad says, 'Right now throw is pretty shitty' Jesus has a bowman! Galahad cheers wildly! Sandra says, 'throw is based on a couple of things' Slayer says to Huginn, 'Thats icky man.' Galahad says, 'It doesn't succeed a lot and it can be nulled with juggle' Galahad says, 'But, can we make like javelins to do like 20hp damage or something' Huginn says, 'it might be more useful soon' Galahad says, 'they can be weighty, and maybe you could taint them' Galahad says, 'Just to spice throw up a bit' Quagmire says, 'wow, so like, a str sniper could use them?' Jesus says to Galahad, 'Oh, i love the taint idea.' Galahad says, 'no' Sandman says, 'i would like to throw darts and possibly blind someone!' Sandman nods to himself. Galahad says, 'Throw is like STR/Dex skill' Huginn says, 'anyway.. moving on' Huginn smiles happily. Galahad nods his agreement with Huginn. Galahad says, 'thanks' Sandra smiles happily.


Sandra points at Sandman. Sandman says, 'whoot!' Sandman says, 'ok question 2 of my many to come!' Sandman says, 'is it at all possible.. to put size in armslore.. so some of us can figure what we can wear.. ive heard from different ppl that you can wear a certain sword with a certain gun' Sandman says, 'and is it possible to give what all determines how much you can wear size wise' Slayer says, 'oh i had an idea on armslore' Sandman says, '2ndly follow up on that..' Slayer says, 'i'd like to see armslore show alignment' Slayer says, 'at least a hint of it' Jesus nods his agreement with Slayer. Jesus nods his agreement with Slayer. Jesus nods his agreement with Slayer. Slayer says, 'see i have some good ideas!' Slayer prances in circles around Jesus, smiling happily. Huginn says, 'hmm' LadyAce says, 'no more class bye' Huginn looks up into the sky and ponders. Sandman says, 'considering size, im not sure but i keep hearing swords dont parry.. is this true?' Huginn says, 'I don't see it showing alignment' Quagmire squeezes LadyAce fondly. You do a slow fade as Slayer whines at Huginn, hoping she won't get to you too. Sandman says, 'and if so.. why cant smaller swords parry.. or say the claw' Sandra says, 'I don't think that armslore should show align. But I don't see why size couldn't get put in' Slayer says, 'just a hint would be nive' Huginn says, 'size might be possible' Slayer says, 'like this claw is an evil weapon' Slayer says, 'or something' Slayer shrugs philosophically. Huginn says, 'but there won't be a formula provided' Sandman says, 'k no problem' Huma says, 'this is evil is a small hint definately' Huginn says, 'for how much you can hold' Slayer says to Huma, 'You know what i mean!' Sandra says, 'that's what aurasight is for! :)' Slayer bonks Huma on the head! Sandman says, 'now on to swords parrying?' Slayer says, 'im not a mage!' Sandra says, 'findone!' Quagmire says to Sandra, 'aurasight is for finding mobs to modify your alignment.' Slayer laughs. Slayer says, 'booo! im antisocial!' Huginn says, 'some swords can parry' Quagmire says to Sandra, 'and for using on people you hate to spite them.' Jesus says, 'but marauder is broken!' Slayer laughs at Jesus. Jesus snickers softly. Quagmire says, 'he wont load' Sandra says, 'and for seeing if someone has sink on, if an item is magical, etc' Huginn says, 'just not all of them' Jesus says, 'he has connection issues. :p' Quagmire says, 'nelson already mailed fionn but we're not getting any response' Slayer chuckles politely. Quagmire asks Sandra a question. It sounded like 'newbie kit' to you. Sandman says, 'how can one see if they parry? it will show correct?' Sandman says, 'and could we get it to show in armslore as well?' Slayer says, 'yeah thats would be nice' Sandman scuffles his feet around in the dirt. Slayer says, 'parry thing' Slayer nods her agreement with Sandman. Sandra says, 'I dunno if it shows up in armslore' Huginn doesn't know either Jesus says, '-parry and +parry show in status, still?' Sandra nods solemnly. Huginn says, 'if it doesn't then it could' Quagmire nods solemnly. Galahad says, 'yes' Sandman says, 'i think armslore just shows weight um damage ave damage.. and quality' Jesus nods to himself. Slayer says, 'This weapon appears to be poorly suited for defensive use.' Slayer peers intently at the demon's claw. Sandra says, 'well there ya go :)' Slayer says, 'armslore :P' Sandman says, 'oh it says in armslore then??' Sandman says, 'nice!' Slayer bonks herself on the head and looks sheepish. Slayer says, 'i love testing shit' Slayer chuckles politely. Sandra giggles. Jesus says to Slayer, 'Hey, armslore something for me later.' Sandman says to Slayer, 'ima have to make you armslore every sword in game =p' Slayer nods her agreement with Jesus. Sandman snickers softly. Slayer nods her agreement with Sandman. Jesus says to Slayer, 'Ody bow. wondering if it's 15 or what.' Slayer nods her agreement with Jesus. Slayer shrugs philosophically. Jesus says, 'q5 rather' Sandman raises his hand. Huginn points at Sandman. Jesus raises his hand. Slayer says, 'whos turn?' Huginn says, 'sandman' Sandman says, 'another for me?' Sandman says, 'nice!' Sandman says, 'ok..' Slayer snickers softly. Huginn says, 'then heyseuss' Sandman says, 'question 3 of my rantings!' Jesus grins evilly at Huginn... Wonder what he's thinking... Slayer giggles at Huginn. Slayer says, 'i was like who?>' Jesus says to Huginn, 'Don't make me say it.' Huginn laughs. Jesus pets Huginn lovingly. Sandman says, 'i idea'd a skill called track.. basically i would like to see a skill for higher perception ppl to use that decreases the lag on hunt.. but costs a practice to get' Quagmire says, 'i wouldnt get it' Sandman says, 'is that at all remotely something to ponder?' Huginn shakes his head in disagreement. Huginn says, 'not right now' Quagmire says, 'i already zip around within 16 rooms of the person with regular hunt' Huginn says, 'high perc people already hunt faster' Sandman says, 'we do?' Sandman says, 'i just thought we hunt farther..' Jesus says to Quagmire, 'Yeah, you chased adolph down like a bitch.' Quagmire nods his agreement with Sandra. Galahad says, 'since your range is longer' Quagmire nods his agreement with Jesus. Galahad says, 'you have more rooms to have fresh trail' Quagmire says, 'since your range is longer you get no lag more' Jesus says to Quagmire, 'And i run fast!' Huginn nods his agreement with Galahad. Slayer says to Huma, 'That work?' Sandman says, 'hmm true dat.. i forget about the low perception ppl sometimes =p' Sandman raises his hand. Sandman grins evilly. Jesus says, 'hunt is nice the way it is now.'


Sandra points at Jesus. Sandman nods solemnly. Huma says, 'who wha' Jesus says, 'any progress on sl expansion in recent weeks?' Sandra shakes her head. Slayer says to Huma, 'I bugged that carthage shit.' You do a slow fade as Jesus whines at Sandra, hoping he won't get to you too. Sandra says, 'Rufus has been busy with RL' Huginn nods his agreement with Sandra. Jesus nods solemnly. Slayer says to Huma, 'You see it?' Huma beams at Slayer delightedly. Huma says, 'good' Slayer nods her agreement with Huma. Huma says, 'no I wasnt paying attentiuon =P' Slayer laughs. Quagmire says, 'are you guys actually letting him see the light of day?!' Slayer says, 'shocker!' Jesus says, 'that's it.' Sandra says, 'it's about half way tested' Huma says, 'Nestor is a dynamo.. he'll fix it' Slayer says, 'nod' Quagmire says, 'whoa, slow down' Quagmire says, 'you, let rufus out of his office?' Quagmire is completely boggled. Slayer chuckles politely. Nephiel giggles at Quagmire. Sandra says, 'occasionally :)' Sandra says, 'or his wife gets mad'


Sandra points at Sandman. Sandman says, 'holy crud!' Sandman says, 'ok um..' Lust says, 'didn't he get the last 4 questions?' Lust peers around intently. Sandman says, 'yeah no doubt..' Sandra says, 'no one else is in qeue :)' Sandman says, 'anyway!' Quagmire says, 'desire lust' Slayer says, 'am i gettn skiped?' Slayer blinks. Quagmire wants Lust, he needs her, he's got to have her! Quagmire bonks himself on the head and looks sheepish. Lust laughs at Quagmire. Sandra says, 'didn't see your h and raise' Slayer chuckles politely. Sandra says, 'don't have you in backscroll either!' Slayer says, 'who me?' Slayer blinks. Sandra nods solemnly. Slayer says, 'i swear i thoguht i did' Slayer says, 'ok lemme remember' Galahad says, 'It was probably about blind' Sandra says, 'I'll put you after sandman' Slayer says, 'no' Sandman says, 'erm.. im thinking it is up there but its not wanting to show atm..' Slayer says, 'bah i lost it' Galahad ducks under Slayer. Slayer bonks herself on the head and looks sheepish. Lust says, 'armslore' Sandra giggles. Lust pokes Slayer in the ribs. Slayer goes EEK! at herself in distress - what a klutz! Jesus ponders #trigger (%w) raises {append note;%1} Slayer laughs. Lust chuckles politely. Sandra says, 'I tell to my afk buffer' Slayer says, 'damn it was a good one too' Slayer says, 'just forgot it' Sandra says, 'and I use a real client that has /recall :)' Jesus snickers at Sandra nastily. Lust throws her head back and cackles gleefully! Slayer says, 'oh i know!' Slayer raises her hand. Quagmire says, 'you mean unix for muds?' Slayer jumps up and down. Jesus gives a small piece of paper from Jesus marked 'Battle Graph' to Sandra. Sandra giggles. Sandra nods her agreement with Slayer. Slayer says, 'ok' Slayer says, 'i know im gonna get screamed at' Slayer says, 'but' Slayer says, 'please please please please' Huginn says, 'no!' Huginn says, 'err' Slayer says, 'look closer at rush' Jesus chortles with amusement. Huginn says, 'oh ok ... no' Slayer laughs. Lust peers around intently. Huginn says, 'that was the right answer' Lust giggles. Quagmire is completely boggled. Slayer says, 'its just crapy for a fighter' Slayer nods her agreement with Quagmire. Slayer shrugs philosophically. Slayer says, 'i tried' Sandra says, 'won't even think about it until after the change this weekend :P' Jesus says, 'because str/con from klein should get everything!' Quagmire says, 'it needs work dude' Huginn says, 'let me say:' Lust says, 'oh, cool' Slayer says, 'ok' Sandman says, 'oh yeah!' Slayer says, 'thats kewl' Huginn says, 'rush is based on perc and spirit' Sandman says, 'i remember now =p' Slayer says, 'i know' Slayer says, 'just who doesnt really need it' Lust says, 'i can see druids rushing into battle, yea' Slayer says, 'snipers and druids?' Huginn says, 'if you drain those to hit like a truck, you pay for it' Slayer says, 'i guess.....' Sandman says, 'housing.. can you still semi change a room name inside a house?' Jesus says, 'mages get decent perc and spirit.' Quagmire says, 'well, isnt autorush not working for skill lag?' Slayer says, 'then!' Galahad says, 'you rush because you can tell where the shot came from' Sandra nods her agreement with Sandman. Slayer says, 'can we get a direction to show up' Sandra says, 'if you're in skill lag you won't rush, right' Slayer says, 'like you were hit from a shot from the east' Quagmire says, 'youn can hunt if they're in shooting range' Huginn says, 'actually I'll check that' Slayer says, 'yeah hunt lags a bit tho' Quagmire says, 'no more than a failed autorush :P' Slayer says, 'id rather see something' Lust says, 'yeah, but what if you shot someone from around the world?' Slayer says, 'like you were shot from the east' Lust says, 'damn, shoot has gotten the best bugs :P' Slayer shrugs philosophically. Quagmire says to Lust, 'i like your thinking!' Sandra giggles. Quagmire says, 'dear diary' Slayer says, 'ok done!' Quagmire says, 'JACKPOT!' Quagmire stretches out beside Sandra - nothing like subtlety...NOT! Huma says, 'what is this battle graph' Jesus gives a small piece of paper from Jesus marked 'Battle Graph' to Huma. Slayer says to Huma, 'One sec.' Galahad says, 'from Axis' Quagmire says, 'script axis coded' Huma says, 'slide it Huos way' Huma says, 'ohhh yeah I've seen one of those' Jesus says to Huma, 'It's nice ;)' Slayer cackles gleefully at Huma - whatever she's going to do to him, glad it's not you! Huma says, 'thats cool stuff' Slayer grins evilly. Huma says, 'its gotta be spammy though' Slayer says, 'na' Slayer says, 'you never see it' Slayer says, 'untill you write it on note' Quagmire nearly sends slayer to the grave with his miraculous HI BATTLE GRAPH! Slayer cheers for Quagmire - huzzah! Jesus says to Huma, 'It all saves to zmud variable thingies, then writes when you tells it to.' Huma says, 'oh nice' Slayer says, 'its a really nice zmud scruipt' Huma says, 'I gotta get me onna those =P' Sandra says, 'ok any other questions?' Quagmire raises his hand. Sandman gives a small piece of paper from Jesus marked 'Battle Graph' to Jesus.


Sandra points at Quagmire. Quagmire says, 'when is marauder getting loaded?' Sandra says, 'never. We turned him into a bunny' Quagmire says, 'sorry, nelson's not here, he told me to' Sandra says, 'and now he gets killed every day in sherwood' Quagmire says, 'sacrifice marauder, sit circle, ponder self' Sandra says, 'ok last call. I have uniforms to iron' Sandra groans loudly. Sandman says to Jesus, 'i want that script =p' Sandra says, 'no others?' Krange swoons. Sandman says, 'i cant think of the other ones i wanted to ask =p' Galahad says to Sandra, 'uniforms?' Sandra nods her agreement with Galahad. Sandra says, 'scrubs' Galahad says, 'for what?' Galahad says, 'ah' Sandman says, 'oh yeah!!' Sandman raises his hand. Sandra nods her agreement with Sandman. Huginn whispers quietly to Galahad. Sandman says, 'is there a command that will show you what you have herblored?' Sandra says to Huginn, 'Blue :)' Sandman says, 'and if not.. how come? =p' Galahad says to Huginn, 'oh I know it.' Huginn whispers quietly to Galahad. Slayer says to Sandman, 'Yeah LEGENDB.' Slayer panics, and attempts to flee. Sandman says, 'i dont like legenddb..' Galahad says to Sandra, 'so you too?' Sandra says, 'no. Just type herblore . Why would we make a command to do that same thing? :P' Sandman says, 'i want something like mages have.. they have spellbook.. allspells..' Sandman says, 'so you dont have to have the herb to remember what it is!' Slayer says, 'not a bad idea really for druids' Sandra giggles. Sandman says, 'you can just check a herbbook!' Slayer says, 'i wrote them all in a note pad myself' Sandra says, 'but you also don't need a prac for each herb. Quit being lazy :P' Jesus snickers at Sandra nastily. Slayer says to Sandman, 'Mark it on a paper i guess.' Sandman says to Sandra, 'bah!' Jesus says, 'druids need something..' Sandra giggles. Slayer shrugs philosophically. Sandman says to Sandra, 'but it would be fun!' Sandman says, 'and a very niiiice addition!' Sandra says, 'I don't see anything like that going in right now' Sandman says, 'oh ok!' Sandman says, 'there goes my dreams of my druid not needing to keep herbloring =p' Sandra giggles. Jesus says, 'everyone says druids are overpowered in pk, and well, that's BS.' Sandman says, 'cuz you know my memory sucks!' Sandra says, 'tomorrow they will be. SO quick, everyone go make a druid' Sandman says to Sandra, 'oh?!' Sandra says, 'hehe' Galahad says to Sandra, 'stop lying.' Sandra says, 'aw, but it's fun' Huma says, 'yeah Sandra just made a druid pk'er so shes gonna unbalance the system' Huma peers around intently. Sandman says to Sandra, 'we get make insane staff with special of choosing?' Krange goes EEK! in distress. Sandra nods her agreement with Huma. Sandman throws his head back and cackles gleefully! Huma says, 'now that I'm an imm she let me in one the know' Sandra says, 'tho I already did the druid in pk' Jesus says to Huma, 'Sandra unbalances any system :p' Huma says, 'we're gonna make an all imm clan full of overpowered pkillers' Sandman laughs. Sandra says, 'the coven! Oh wait!' Jesus snickers at Sandra nastily. Sandman laughs. Sandman laughs. Sandman says to Sandra, 'i have an alt that is semi coven! and im not imm!' Sandra giggles. Sandman snorts derisively. Sandra says, 'that's why you're just semi' Sandman laughs. Huma has an alt that... got killed by a coven once. Sandra snickers softly. Huma says, 'I personally have died to a coven once' Sandra says, 'me too' Sandra says, 'damn blinding flash' Jesus says to Sandra, 'You know, when i came back, i had four chars with coven in their title.' Jesus scuffles his feet around in the dirt. Sandra says, 'hehe' Sandman snickers softly. Jesus says, 'and i'm no imm!' Sandra says, 'yea, most of the coven really wasn't. But it was fun to let people think differently' Sandra says, 'most of the imms were hermetics' Jesus says, 'and certianly not an overpowered pk'er :p' Sandman says, 'and bards!' Sandra says, 'hermetics moreso' Sandman says, 'shady imms!' Sandman nods his agreement with Sandra. Sandra says, 'and um' Sandra says, 'grendels ;)' Sandman says, 'grendels pfft overpowered..' Sandman says, 'i wanna remake mercs =p' Sandra giggles. Sandman nods to himself. Huma frowns. Jesus chortles at Sandman's feeble witticism. Sandra says, 'ok, lets close up for tonight. I gotta go get the laundry'


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