Lecture Series Index

January 27th, 2005

Q & A Index

Sandra says, 'raise if ya have 'em'
Adolph says to Silence, 'Wow, thought your desc said decapitated for a minute.'
Silence raises his hand.
Sandra points at Silence.
Silence says to Adolph, 'i might be.'
Silence says, 'Whee'
Adolph raises his hand.
Silence says, 'I move that Nell get more carrots, or stop eating them... the rabbit population is bigger than the carrot supply'
Kaige says, 'there's lots of OTHER places to get them too'
Sandra says, 'nell isn't the only place in the world to get carrots ;)'
Silence says to Kaige, 'i'm a player of habit.'
Sandra comforts Silence.
Adolph raises his hand.
Kaige says, 'so learn some new ones. =)'
Silence says to Kaige, 'if I was exploration-man, then maybe I'd go to another place.'
Slayer says, 'im a peasant basher myself i rarly use nell'
Silence says, 'but I'm an assassin'
Trousers nods his agreement with Slayer.
Silence says to Slayer, 'someone should kill you for that.'
Slayer rolls her eyes, exasperated with Silence.
Slayer says, 'your supposed to be silent!'
Sandra giggles.
Silence points to the OOC sign.
Sandra says, 'ok, so I think we answered that question'
Silence raises his hand.


Sandra points at Adolph. Adolph says, 'when can we expect housing keys to work?' Sandra raises an eyebrow inquiringly. Slayer nods her agreement with Adolph. Silence says, 'they don't?' Adolph shakes his head. Adolph says, 'not at all.' Slayer says, 'housing keys DO not work' Slayer says, 'and they need to rent' Sandra says, 'well that's new' Kaige passed on the report to Huginn. Slayer says, 'just a thought' Slayer nods her agreement with Sandra. Slayer says, 'we tested it' Sandra says, 'weird' Kaige says, 'not new. reported a bunch after we told them to try them out' Adolph says, 'someone said something on clan channel, just wondering the status.' Silence says, 'Leave your doors open' Sandra says, 'they used to work' Adolph says, 'when we noticed it.' Kaige says, 'waiting on coders to actually get the bug and look at it' Adolph nods solemnly. Adolph says, 'fair enough' Slayer says, 'anychance on them being rentable soon?' Slayer says, 'keys i mean :(' Adolph raises his hand. Fhang says, 'rentable keys would be bad.' Slayer says, 'na' Slayer says, 'good for pk' Silence says to Adolph, 'i think we're domination the question period.' A heavenly aura appears in the room, is that Huginn? Slayer gives Huginn a great big smooch! Fhang says, 'timed keys would be better' Silence says, 'Huginn has good timing' Sandra says, 'it's not really high on the list, but it's something that we want done I believe' Adolph says to Silence, 'What? english please?' Huginn says, 'the keys?' Sandra nods solemnly. Adolph nods his agreement with Huginn. Slayer nods solemnly. Slayer says, 'kewl' Slayer nods her agreement with Huginn. Silence says to Adolph, 'dominating.' Adolph says to Silence, 'You lost me ;)' Huginn starts writing on a postcard from Huginn. Silence says to Adolph, 'nm, it's not important.' Adolph nods his agreement with Silence. Adolph stomps on Lenore's toes. Lenore pouts at Adolph. Sandra smiles happily.


Sandra points at Silence. Slayer says, 'did i miss something, its kind of quiet' Sandra shakes her head. Slayer blinks. Adolph says, 'wow, lots of shoot code ;)' Silence says, 'Ok, what's up with shoot, it's too powerful' Sandra laughs. Huginn laughs. Trousers says, 'LOL' Silence says, 'The things I'm accomplishing is sick' Silence says to Sandra, 'your LoPs are suffering.' Huginn says, 'I can nerf it if you want' Spanish-Flea says to Sandra, 'the need to be cheating more.' Huginn says, 'but the hand shot thing is going away' Trousers says, 'See, people complain that dexies suck' Adolph says to Huginn, 'Bah, you put the iron will thing in.' Trousers says, 'and they were right' You do a slow fade as Adolph whines at Huginn, hoping he won't get to you too. Huginn nods his agreement with Adolph. Trousers says, 'They beef up bs and shoot and now dexies own' Trousers says, 'and they do' Silence says to Huginn, 'what?' Spanish-Flea says, 'beefed up BS?!' Silence says to Trousers, 'they didn't change BS.' Huginn says, 'backstab wasn't beefed up' Adolph says to Huginn, 'Is that shoot person hand, or hands?' Trousers says to Silence, 'Then yours just hurt really really bad earlier.' Silence says to Huginn, 'can you please explain the shoot changes? You can't shoot hands?' Huginn says, 'the point of the shoot changes was to make snipers actually shoot' Huginn says to Adolph, 'Hand.' Adolph nods solemnly. Huginn says to Silence, 'Shooting head will no longer hit the hands.' Adolph says to Huginn, 'I gave up and started using head :p' Silence nods solemnly. Silence says, 'ok' Slayer says, 'good' Silence says, 'will head still stun?' Huginn nods solemnly. Huginn says to Adolph, 'Single stun message.' Spanish-Flea says, 'but if you think about it, the head really is the hands' Silence says, 'OK but the question is also about stun frequency' Huginn says, 'so now snipers are the unbeatable type?' Silence says, 'it's way too often' Spanish-Flea shakes his head. Silence says to Huginn, 'certain snipers are.' Spanish-Flea says, 'no, cause mages still win' Trousers says, 'to some types' Spanish-Flea raises his hand. Huginn says, 'what about fighters? do they suck now?' Adolph says to Huginn, 'We're starting to get balance, actually ;)' Silence says, 'no' Spanish-Flea shakes his head. Trousers says, 'str dex and cause mages can beat snipers' Huginn says, 'sorry.. continue questions' Trousers says, 'but snipers run circles around str con' Spanish-Flea shakes his head. Slayer says, 'cause mages just piss me off' Trousers mutters something about X'z.. Huginn says, 'me too!' Huginn says, 'err' Silence says to Huginn, 'stuns are very random, I can kill an LoP with 4 stuns.' Sandra says, 'ok lets move on' Silence reloads a 9mm uzi from a fastloader. Silence gets a fastloader from somewhere or other. Silence reloads a 9mm uzi from a fastloader. Silence says, 'anyway that'll be open-ended' Slayer raises her hand. Sandra says to Adolph, 'Did you have another question or were you just raising your hand thinking I missed the first time?' Sandman has returned from the void. Adolph says, 'oh, me again?' Sandman stands up. Sandman says, 'ok im back!' Slayer goes EEK! at Sandman in distress - isn't Sandman an awful person for teasing? Sandra nods her agreement with Adolph. Adolph says, 'pke info messages, a pipe dream or something that could actually happen?' Huginn says, 'could happen' Sandra says, 'something we've discussed. But something that won'th appen until pk clans get off their asses' Huginn nods his agreement with Sandra. Adolph says, 'customizable by the gm, i hope?' Trousers stomps on Sandra's toes. Huginn says, 'no' Sandra pokes Trousers in the eye! Slayer says, 'i think pk is actually looking up sandra' Huginn says, 'not customizeable by the GM' Adolph sniffs sadly. Slayer says, 'theres been alot in the last few days' Huginn comforts Adolph. Slayer says, 'least for me' Sandra says, 'it is, but I wanna see more! MORE!' Slayer looks up into the sky and ponders. Huginn says, 'they'd have to be submitted' Adolph says to Sandra, 'Baby steps.' Slayer says, 'more is hard with 10 players that pke' Spanish-Flea says to Sandra, 'i'm doing 5 fights a day on quagmire.' Spanish-Flea says to Sandra, 'at least.' Slayer shrugs philosophically. Huginn says, 'and there should be some cost to change them..' Sandra says, 'oh I don't mean right this minute, but over time I do want to see more :)' Huginn says, 'maybe some good rping to go along with why they're changing' Slayer chuckles politely. Sandra says, 'so see all the cool stuff you might get? get busy!' Sandra says, 'I also see that there's a new pk clan' Sandra gives a round of applause. Adolph blinks. Slayer says, 'whhhhat?!?!' Silence says, 'COven?' Slayer is completely boggled. Sandra says, 'clans pk :)' Adolph says, 'wow.' Sandman says to Sandra, 'there will be another soon.' Sandman winks suggestively at Sandra. Silence says, 'secretives?' Slayer says, 'hahahahahhaahha' Slayer says, 'hahahahahhaahha' Silence gasps in astonishment. Trousers blinks. Trousers says, 'woah' Trousers says, 'whos the gm?' Adolph says to Sandra, 'If we get one more clan, can we have infos? :p' Slayer says, 'good one' Sandra says, 'no :)' Sandman raises his hand. Slayer laughs at Adolph. Adolph says to Sandman, 'Give us a goal!' Sandra says, 'anyway!' Sandra says, 'lets move on' Slayer says, 'im stunnnnned!' Sandra says, 'i"m over here' Slayer faints. Sandra giggles.


Sandra points at Spanish-Flea. Trousers says to Sandman, 'You're the gm or you've got a question?' Adolph points at Sandman. Spanish-Flea says, 'ok' Sandman says, 'forgive me i dont have much of a backscroll so i hope i dont ask something that has been asked' Adolph points at Sandra. Spanish-Flea says, 'you have GOT to do something about blind' Sandman says, 'i got a question ;)' Trousers nods his agreement with Sandman. Slayer says, 'your in line sandy' Sandra says, 'why? Coz it sucks big time?' Sandman says, 'i wouldnt say if i was the gm!' Spanish-Flea says, 'i'm sorry, i just cant get over how overpowered it is' Sandman says, 'ok 2 parter..' Spanish-Flea says, 'wha?' Sandra says, 'not yet sandman' Sandman says, 'oh ok' Sandman giggles. Trousers says, 'it needs a resist' Spanish-Flea says, 'i'm sorry, i carry 5k rent of bubblies and clears on quagmire' Sandra says, 'how is blind overpowered?' Slayer nods her agreement with Spanish-Flea. Spanish-Flea says, 'and mages, two to date, have spam blinded me for wins' Slayer says, 'thats why' Trousers says, 'it hits every time' Sandra says, 'hehe' Trousers says, 'and it's done over and over again' Spanish-Flea says, 'thats just moronic, i'm sorry' Sandra says, 'use the resist item' Spanish-Flea says, 'hell no' Huginn says, 'blind fighting?' Spanish-Flea says, 'the mages are con' Sandman says, 'blind hurts moves ac .. and if you dont have blindfighting you in trouble..' Trousers says, 'blind fighting doesnt do much' Slayer says, 'blindfighting sucks sorry hug' Slayer says, 'it never lands' Spanish-Flea says, 'actually i did blindfight, with 98 perc' Adolph says, 'blinfighting is kinda odd with calm.' Kaige says, 'and blind is so wimpy these days' Sandman says, 'oh i havent tested it..' Sandra says, 'blind is kinda pathetic. Half the time I don't even cure it' Spanish-Flea says, 'all it did was re-engage me, a sniper, toe to toe with a con cause' Kaige makes tsk tsking noises. Beverly disappears into the void. Beverly has returned from the void. Sandman nods his agreement with Sandra. Slayer says, 'i cant carry 5k worth of vials tho' Spanish-Flea says, 'that worked *real* well' Sandman says to Sandra, 'i sit there and laugh while it ticks off =p' Huginn says, 'try it does reengage' Slayer says, 'i have' Slayer says, 'it only swings and miss's' Huginn says, 'true even' Spanish-Flea says, 'it's perc based huggy' Huginn says, 'sorry' Spanish-Flea says, 'slayer has 30' Silence says to Huginn, 'if they want to they can move away.' Huginn says, 'it is' Slayer says, 'never reengages' Slayer says, 'yeah' Spanish-Flea says, 'and it only helps slayer's type' Spanish-Flea says, 'not snipers' Trousers nods his agreement with Slayer. Slayer says, 'right' Trousers says, 'It only reengages well for people with snipers' Adolph says, 'i've gotten a few blindfights off with tah, who has 30 perc.' Trousers says, 'er' Trousers says, 'high perc' Slayer says, 'and i cant carry around 5k worth of vials with the material changes' Spanish-Flea says, 'bottom line is, i cant compete, and the only resist blind item i remember has a suscep crush on it' Trousers says, 'ie snipers' Spanish-Flea says, 'meaning that i'm a dead man' Spanish-Flea says, 'hey alright! the con mage cant blind me! but he can headbutt and damcap!' Slayer says, 'i wont win a fight blinded 10 times' Sandman says, 'i dont have a practice to use on blindfightin to play with it :(' Adolph says to Slayer, 'You're from klein, hush about ac.' Slayer says, 'even if blindfighting landed' Slayer says, 'oh i gave up on that adolph' Slayer rolls her eyes heavenward. Spanish-Flea says, 'even then sandra, i cant find a way around it' Trousers says to Slayer, 'Gave up on what?' Adolph says to Slayer, 'Try moving rooms :p' Slayer says to Adolph, 'Even from klien my ac still sucks ass.' Spanish-Flea says, 'a tick blinded and a cause mage can have his way with me' Slayer shrugs philosophically, commiserating with Adolph. Trousers snickers at Slayer nastily. Trousers says to Slayer, 'What's it at?' Slayer says to Trousers, 'Too low :P' Adolph says to Slayer, 'Really? i'm at -55 with my klein level 25 without trying.' Trousers says to Slayer, 'Can't be worse than mine :P' Slayer says to Adolph, 'Mine sucks bad.' Slayer shrugs philosophically. Spanish-Flea says, 'i'm sorry but i get tired when every pker keeps telling you spam blinding is overpowered and you sit there claiming it isnt' Adolph says, 'dex/perc, though.' Slayer says, 'it way is sorry' Slayer says, 'i wont fight cause mages anymore' Spanish-Flea says, 'it's a little better with taints because at least then you can dodge/reload' Slayer says, 'ill just run' Spanish-Flea says, 'mages hit it 100%' Adolph says to Spanish-Flea, 'Some chartypes need it.' Slayer says, 'im not saying noone should use it' Trousers says, 'er i lied, my ac just got beter' Trousers says, 'er better' Spanish-Flea says, 'point is, after 385 mana of wated blinds the mage can cure up to full, and kill me' Slayer says, 'but carring 5k worth of vials is stupid' Huginn says, 'ok blind, no plans to change it.. there are ways to deal with it, skills and spells' Slayer says, 'i had an idea' Slayer says, 'on this' Adolph says to Spanish-Flea, 'This char gets pwned without blinding, i've tried.' Huginn says, 'perhaps if someone asks a builder might add something' Spanish-Flea says, 'huggy bear, sorry, blindfighting cant death with it' Slayer nods her agreement with Spanish-Flea. Spanish-Flea says, 'i dont know where you got that idea from, but it doesnt work' Axis licks Spanish-Flea. Slayer says, 'make blinding more like backstab' Spanish-Flea says, 'it's the wrong stat for the wrong crowd' Trousers says, 'blindfighting helps if you're lucky' Huginn says, 'not just blindfighting' Slayer says, 'you got a tick or so will you can do it again because your eyes have ajusted' Slayer says, 'will=till!' Silence says, 'Honestly, I know everything about this game, and I know you can't deal with it' Slayer shrugs philosophically. Spanish-Flea says, 'i cant fathom a skill other than blindfight that can help' Silence says, 'Even some stuff imms don't know' Spanish-Flea says, 'seriously, you're off your rocker' Sandra says, 'ok ok ok listen' Silence lies down on the ground and gets comfortable. Silence says, 'but whatever' Sandra says, 'we'll discuss it. That's all you're gonna get for now :)' Slayer snickers softly. Spanish-Flea says, 'look, i dont care if you two think you know everything' Adolph giggles at Spanish-Flea. Spanish-Flea says, 'does a room full of the mud's ACTIVE PK BASE TELLING YOU BLIND IS OVERPOWERED SINKING IN TO YOUR THICK SKULLS YET?' Trousers feels a glue/slay coming on. Slayer laughs. Sandra says, 'hey dipshit. I said we'd discuss it' Huginn says, 'oh yeah .. that's good' Sandman says, 'oye i cant spell..' Sandman peers at himself myopically. Sandra pokes Spanish-Flea in the eye! Saiph says, 'blind overpowered?' Slayer nods her agreement with Saiph. Saiph snickers softly. Trousers nods his agreement with Saiph. Slayer says, 'were over it!' Kaige says, 'now, let's not get personal in our insults here. it's not called for from either side.' Slayer says, 'sandra said dipshit!' Saiph says, 'geez play when you really got blinded' Spanish-Flea says, 'you could rent it off saiph' Adolph nods his agreement with Saiph. Sandra says, 'I did! :) But it's all with love' Sandman says, 'yall need a hug!' Sandman gives a big hug to everyone in the room. Trousers says, 'sandy said a naughty word. Kaige! Slay!' Slayer chuckles politely. Slayer nods her agreement with Sandman. Trousers says, '*flee*' Slayer nods her agreement with Sandra. Sandra says, 'brb' Slayer ponders her own existence - better keep an eye on her. Slayer says, 'god!' Slayer says to Sandman, 'Alt your messing me up from spaming sandra!' You do a slow fade as Slayer whines at Sandman, hoping she won't get to you too. Sandman snickers softly. Sandman says to Slayer, 'its fun when i get her tells =p' Slayer laughs. Sandra says, 'ok back' Slayer says, 'you know, about blind' Trousers laughs. Slayer says, 'one last thing then ill shut up' Trousers stops using a lantern. Trousers holds Herne's hunting horn in his hands. Slayer says, 'if the eye wasnt crap...' Trousers thumps on a cup of allspice chai. Sandra says, 'as I said, we'll discuss it. We may agree with you, we may not. But we've committed to discussing it further' Slayer says, '10% really doesnt help' Adolph says to Slayer, 'The eye is crap?' Sandra says, 'so lets move on' Slayer says, 'i tested it' Slayer shrugs philosophically. Slayer says, 'moving on' Slayer nods to herself.


Sandra points at Slayer. Slayer says, 'oh oh' Trousers stands on his tip-toes and does a Snoopy-like dance of joy! Trousers says, 'Hmm, i'm tempted to go play mercenaries...' Trousers looks up into the sky and ponders. Trousers says, 'oh wait' Trousers says, 'SL after qna. right.' Slayer says, 'ok this is about removing your weapon and shooting, i know it supposed to make you shoot faster ect BUT....' Huginn nods solemnly. Huginn says, 'slightly' Slayer says, 'someoen tumbled on my bash' Huginn says, 'not superhumanly fast' Adolph says, 'snoop meue, for gods sake.' Slayer says, 'then shot me 3 times before i unlaged' Silence says, 'Shoot as fast as Dirty harry?' Slayer says, 'whats shitty hug' Slayer says, 'thats shitts too' Slayer says, 'god' Slayer slaps herself - that looks really strange! Huginn says, 'once per round' Slayer says, 'you get my point' Silence says to Slayer, 'did you bash?' Huginn says, 'with a gun ..' Huginn says, 'right?' Isam says, 'ooh qna' Isam raises his hand. Slayer says, 'yea he tumbled fleeed' Silence chortles at Isam's feeble witticism. Slayer says, 'i got shot 3 times' Silence says to Slayer, 'that's fair.' Huginn says, 'you have 3 rounds of lag' Slayer says, 'bs' Sandra says, 'yea, 3 rounds of lag, 3 rounds of shots' Slayer says, 'then make rush work!' Spanish-Flea says, 'i already explained this to you slayer :P' Huginn says, 'rush works fine' Sandra says, 'it does work. But it isn't 100%' Slayer says, 'no way' Huginn nods solemnly. Spanish-Flea says, 'and autorush wont work on skill lag' Slayer says, 'i NEVER rush' Sandra nods her agreement with Spanish-Flea. Isam says, 'I haven't seen rush work once in getting shot over 30 times' Slayer says, 'it should in that case' Spanish-Flea says, 'because otherwise it's just like the old wimpy flee' Slayer nods her agreement with Isam. Adolph says to Slayer, 'It's prolly perc. :p' Huginn says to Isam, 'You have it on?' Spanish-Flea says, 'rush used to work 80%+ of the time' Slayer nods her agreement with Spanish-Flea. Slayer says, 'it needs to' Spanish-Flea says, 'it was bad for snipers' Isam says to Huginn, 'my pker does.' Huginn says, 'rush used to work a little too much' Spanish-Flea says, 'now it might be good to pop rush up' Adolph nods his agreement with Huginn. Spanish-Flea says, 'because now snipers shots actually hurt' Spanish-Flea says, 'a lot' Slayer says, 'i agree to that hug, but it never works for me now' Slayer says, 'yeah' Slayer says, 'what spanish said' Huginn says, 'if you give up stats in other areas to hit harder, rush won't work as well' Isam says, 'i get the "looking around confused" message alot though' Slayer says, '3 headshots are a but much without me doing anything jsut standing there looking dead' Adolph raises his hand. Slayer shrugs philosophically. Slayer says, 'anyway' Fhang leaves east. Slayer says to Isam, 'I get that 95% too.' Spanish-Flea raises his hand. Isam says, 'i should have alted before i came in here, all well' Sandra says, 'we done with the autorush thing?' Slayer says, 'well' Darktalon raises his hand. Slayer says, 'it was more based to that remove weapon shoot crap' Slayer says, 'but whatevrtr' Spanish-Flea says to Isam, 'quick question, is spam blinding an overpowered pk tactic on snipers?' Adolph says, 'i fail to see the point in autorushing when every shot stuns. :p' Isam says to Spanish-Flea, 'not when they carry 9 cure blinds no.' Slayer says, 'exactly!' Silence says to Adolph, 'not true, every other.' Sandra says, 'oh sorry, I'm guessing we sorta skipped over to the autorush thing for some reason. DId we respond to the weapon thing?' Slayer gives Isam a great big smooch! Adolph says to Silence, 'Still.' Slayer says, 'its ok move on' Adolph grins evilly at Silence... Wonder what he's thinking... Sandman says to Isam, 'i dont have rent to rent but 1 vial =p' Sandman sighs loudly. Isam says to Sandman, 'change your list?' Sandman says to Isam, 'and no perma light!' Sandman sighs loudly.


Sandra points at Sandman. Sandman says, 'ok two parter.' Isam says to Sandman, 'newer kraken belt has lower rent if you wear one.' Sandman says, 'first.. i recently heard, yeah i know, that your main stat determines your hitroll.. but dex does still affect hitroll.. but can you say how much is each?' Sandman says, 'secondly which relates' Sandra will let Huginn explain that one. Isam says, 'figure it out yourself' Isam says, 'i already did :P' Sandman says, 'my fighter.. has 100 con 70 dex.. wearing +12 hitroll.. and has only 21 hitroll' Sandra says, 'sounds right' Sandman says, 'i figure 70 dex and 100 in my prime would give me more than that..' Isam says, 'well then your broken' Spanish-Flea says, 'god hates you' Slayer says, 'its about right' Isam says, 'no' Slayer says, 'compairing to myself' Sandman says, 'so 70 dex 100 stat = 9 hitroll?' Sandra says, 'you don't get full hitroll with non dex' Isam says, 'unless' Isam says, 'i'm bugged' Sandman looks up into the sky and ponders. Slayer says to Sandman, 'You mean WIELDING dex.' Sandman shakes his head. Slayer says, 'er sandra' Isam says, 'no' Sandman says, 'wearing con' Slayer slaps herself - that looks really strange! Sandman says, 'staff etc' Slayer says, 'thats why sandman' Isam says, 'i get' Slayer says, 'if your wielding dex you get more' Isam says, 'haha' Isam says, 'you guys are wrong' Isam says, 'so wrong' Sandra says, 'dex gets the full benefit of hitroll.' Sandman says, 'i also cant check when i remove my weapon.. it doesnt change like my other characters do :(' Trishell leaves east. Sandra says, 'con and str get hitroll but not 100% like dex does' Huginn nods solemnly. Sandman says to Sandra, 'this is what i compare this to.. just so i have a reference not knowing the formula..' Lenore goes EEK! in distress. Lenore joins Darktalon's group. Sandman says to Sandra, 'my con cause mage.. has no +hit gear.. and has 30 dex.. and has 14 hitroll.' Beverly disappears into the void. Beverly has returned from the void. Slayer says, 'which is wierd' Spanish-Flea says, 'dex still helps' Slayer says, 'because mine has 30 and 9' Sandman says, 'which i find is waaay wrong compare to my fighter con.. that has higher dex higher str.. and +12 hitroll' Adolph says to Sandman, 'My con cause, with 60 dex, had 14 hitroll.' Isam says, 'my 28dex con create has 11 hitroll' Spanish-Flea says, 'or at least i remember huggies said it would' Sandman looks up into the sky and ponders. Sandra says, 'no +hit gear? No bless?' Slayer shakes her head. Sandman says, 'nope' Isam says, 'nothing nadda zip' Sandman says, 'i can log them if you like' Isam says, '28 dex, 100con, 11hit' Slayer pinches Somar and you wonder what he will do back. Lenore beams at Somar delightedly. Isam says, '100 fight stat = 11 hit' Sandra nods solemnly. Silence peers at Somar, looking him up and down. Isam says, '100 dex = 23 hit, when wielding dex' Spanish-Flea throws his hands in the aiyah. Sandra nods solemnly. Sandman looks up into the sky and ponders. Sandra says, 'yea the dex hitroll thing was unchanged' Slayer says, 'theres your formula' Sandman says to Sandra, 'do you think it could be a bug related to possibly my alt having weapon practice in swords but using a con weapon with that practiced?' Huginn says, '100 con should give you 11' Adolph says, 'does perc still give a hitroll bonus, or was that like, ,years ago?' Sandman says, 'erm focus that to huggy' Sandra shakes her head in disagreement with Sandman. Sandra says, 'years ago' Isam says, 'i use a str weapon but i have con skills' Adolph nods solemnly. Sandman says to Huginn, 'wanna look at the character?' Somar says to Adolph, 'But every 3 points of karma still counts for one 'secret' hitroll.' Spanish-Flea says, 'dex still helps you hit better, doesnt it?' Sandra nods her agreement with Somar. Slayer snickers at Somar nastily. Spanish-Flea says, 'thats what i remember' Isam says to Spanish-Flea, 'yess.' Saiph says, 'very much so' Sandra says, 'Don't forget the secret karma stat' Adolph says to Somar, 'The poetry theory?' Spanish-Flea says, 'extra +hit and +dam isnt as good now unless you got the dex/hit' Adolph winks suggestively at Somar. Spanish-Flea says, 'blah, dex/str' Sandman says, 'also another side note.. weapon mastery helps hit in a non visible way? or does that add hitroll?' Sandman says, 'just curious on that..' Huginn says, 'it does better than adding to hitroll' Huginn says, 'leave it at that' Adolph says to Sandman, 'My understanding, is that it negates needing hitroll.' Spanish-Flea nods his agreement with Huginn. Sandman says to Huginn, 'then my character is messed up..' Sandra says, 'it's nifty and stuff' Spanish-Flea says, 'what his sexyness huggy bear said' Silence says, 'I've known chars without weapon mastery' Spanish-Flea falls to his knees and worships Huginn's existence. Sandman says to Huginn, 'he hits for crap..' Silence says, 'and I don't see ANY difference' Sandman looks up into the sky and ponders. Huginn comforts Sandman. Isam says, 'weapon mastery is beastly is what it is' Adolph nods his agreement with Isam. Isam says, 'i dunno' Sandra says, 'maybe he sucks more without it? :)' Silence says, 'I think it's a way for them to steal 1 practice from every player' Isam says, 'i hit harder now than I did before on average' Sandman says to Huginn, 'do you need me to log him to show you the stats he has etc?' Silence says, 'and make a pool of wasted practices' Sandman says to Huginn, 'cuz what your sayin is he should have more hitroll.. etc.' Huginn says to Sandman, 'If you'd like.' Sandman nods solemnly. Kaige says, 'Practice Sessions: 87 Yup. I've been collecting them.' Sandman says, 'brb!' Kaige grins evilly. Sandra giggles. LadyAce says, 'finances our mutton habit' Sandra says, 'I only have 73 =(' Sabu says, 'here me is' Sandra says, 'oh well I see the problem' Sabu says, 'hitroll 21 damroll 28' Lenore snickers at Sabu nastily. Sabu raises an eyebrow inquiringly. Sabu says, 'see the problem already??' Isam snickers softly. Isam says to Sabu, 'she was making fun of you.' Sabu laughs. Isam pats Sabu on the head. Slayer says, 'whats your dex?' Sabu says, '70' Silence says to Kaige, 'i knew it!!!' Slayer says, 'humm' Sabu says, '85 str' Sabu says, '100 con' Silence says to Kaige, 'i want some practices.' Huginn says, 'remove all your +hit items' Sabu takes off his white owl feather. Sabu takes off his silver feather. Sabu stops using the Luckstone. Isam says, '17 + 12, you should have 29 hit unless i'm wrong :P' Slayer says, 'i didnt notice a differance with me at 70 really' Slayer says, 'so i droped to 60' Sabu says, 'hmm' Sabu says, 'oye!' Adolph says to Slayer, '70 prolly blocks a bit more.' Sabu peers around intently. Sabu says, '14 hitroll now' Slayer says, 'prolly' Isam says, 'i'm considering dropping 17 dex and actually gaining hitroll :>' Slayer laughs. Sabu says, 'ok so i thought i had 2 luckstones..' Sabu peers intently at the Luckstone. Sabu stops using a |11golden candelabra. Sandra giggles. Trishell laughs. Sabu holds a |11golden candelabra in his hands. Sabu says, 'its a horn =p' Slayer pats Sabu on the head. Sandra nods solemnly. Huginn says, 'hmm ok' Sabu says, 'ok so i have +8' Sandra says, 'is right' Huginn says, 'ok so here's one thing' Sabu says, 'which 14+8 = 22??' Isam says, 'why do you only have 14 hit?!' Isam is completely boggled. Huginn says, 'you get the bonus from dex or your fight stat whichever is higher' Sabu says, 'and 70 dex?' Slayer says, 'ahh' Sabu holds the Luckstone in his hands. Slayer gives Lust a great big smooch! Sabu wears a silver feather on his left ear. Sabu wears a white owl feather on his right ear. Isam says to Huginn, 'how come some people get more of a bonus then...' Slayer looks lustful. Slayer snuggles up to Lust. Lust grins evilly at Slayer... Wonder what she's thinking... Sabu says, 'still tho isnt 14+8 22?' Sabu looks up into the sky and ponders. Sabu stops using the Luckstone. Trishell says, '3 hit luckstone?' Slayer says to Sabu, 'They use an old pentium.' Sabu says, 'oye yeah' Sabu holds the Luckstone in his hands. Trishell laughs. Spanish-Flea wants Lust, he needs her, he's got to have her! Somar jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Slayer! Sabu says, 'nm' Slayer giggles. Sandra giggles. Trishell comforts Sabu. Slayer nods her agreement with Somar. Huginn says, 'ok shall we move on?' Somar says, '14 + 8 = 23 for extremely large values of 14 and 8' Slayer laughs. Adolph says to Huginn, 'Please ;)' Sandra nods solemnly. Isam says, 'wait wait' Sabu says, 'bah!' Sabu looks up into the sky and ponders. Isam says, 'explain why some people get more of a bonus from their fight stat then other?!' Isam says, '<-- confused' Isam says, 'err' Saiph says, 'karma?' Huginn says, 'it means that having high dex will still help you hit better when using any weapon' Sandra nods her agreement with Huginn. Slayer says, 'wee 70 dex here i come!' Slayer nods to herself. Adolph says to Isam, 'I've noticed it alot, and tried to make sense of it, my guess is that hit and dam work in .25 points.' Isam says, 'so does dex add hitroll or not' Silence says, 'it does' Adolph says to Isam, 'Then round up or down.' Sabu takes off his black indian face paint. Isam says, 'My hitroll works out by this formula' Isam says, '11 by fight stat' Isam says, '8 from dex' Adolph says, 'but we're moving on!' Lust joins Slayer's group. Slayer gives Lust a great big smooch! Isam says, 'so 82 dex must = +8 hit' Isam says, 'right?!' Adolph tickles Lust. Spanish-Flea goes EEK! at Slayer in distress - isn't Slayer an awful person for teasing? Saiph says, 'my hit roll remained at 27 same as it was before the change' Spanish-Flea joins Slayer's group. Sandra says, 'ok, lets explain it this way, Huginn can correct me if I"m wrong' Sabu peers at himself myopically. Sandra says, 'say you get 11 hitroll from your 100str wielding a sword' Slayer says, 'ok' Sandra says, 'however, you have 85 dex, which gives you 15 hitroll(that's just a number, I don't know what it gives)' Sandra says, 'since the hitroll from your dex is higher, that's your hitroll bonus' Spanish-Flea says, '15 >11 => you get 15' Sandra nods solemnly. Isam says, 'aaah err' Isam says, 'i see i think' Sandra says, 'make sense?' Sandra giggles. Isam says, 'so' Huginn nods solemnly. Saiph says, 'then 100 dex still give 23 which is why my didnt change' Sandra says, 'it pays to have high dex' Isam says, '82 dex = 19 hitroll!@' Sandra nods her agreement with Saiph. Adolph says, 'oh, wow. so you don't get additional hitroll from dex?' Sandra says, 'you get one or the other' Huginn says, 'actually it gives a little more now' Silence says, 'not really' Slayer says, 'really tho' Spanish-Flea says, 'actually isnt 100 dex 25?' Slayer says, 'thats why i droped to 60' Adolph says, 'no wonder my con dex chars suck!' Silence says to Adolph, 'only if your dex hitroll is higher than str hitroll.' Sandra says, 'right' Sandman says, 'hmm' Slayer says, 'because at 70 i didnt get much more then i already had' Sandman says, 'that is interesting..' Slayer nods her agreement with Sandman. Sandra says, 'it pays to have high dex still' Saiph nods his agreement with Sandra. Slayer says, '60!' Adolph says, 'well, wielding con, giving the extra dex more hitroll would be hepful.' Slayer says, 'but i know what you mean' Sandman says, 'basically you gotta have like 75+ dex to outbeat your stat hitroll?' Sandman says, 'well high dex anyway..' Slayer nods her agreement with Sandman. Slayer says, 'correctomundo!' Sandra says, 'I dunno the numbers' Sandman says, 'me either but its high =p' Sandra nods solemnly. Sandra says, 'ok lets move on' Adolph says, 'that makes total sense now.' Lenore thanks Sandman heartily. Lenore says, 'err' Lenore thanks Sandra heartily. Sandra says, 'hehe' Slayer laughs. Lenore scuffles dirt onto Sandman's shoes.


Sandra points at Isam. Sandman says to Lenore, 'your welcome.' Sandman winks suggestively at Lenore. Isam says, 'now i forgot my original question' Isam says, 'oh' Sandra giggles. Isam says, 'i remember' Slayer laughs. Isam says, 'Please clarify field surgery / entrance reduce the change of iron will...' Isam says, 'if you are operated on' Isam says, 'it reduces the chance?' Slayer says, 'while fighting?' Saiph says, 'I think its if you have the skill' Adolph says, 'heh' Huginn says, 'if you have the skill you won't get as many ironwill activations for hitting' Adolph says, 'the more you entrance and operate, the crappier you hit!' Slayer says, 'sweet!' Isam says, 'while being operated?' Huginn says, 'I should have said that' Slayer says, 'die lima whores!' Huginn says, 'at all' Adolph says to Huginn, 'What if we drop stats?' Isam says, 'oh ok' Isam says, 'so if you have both skills at once' Adolph says to Huginn, 'Till it isn't in allskills.' Isam says, 'the iron will gets worse' Slayer says, 'really should get a skill redeem over that tho hug' Adolph nods his agreement with Slayer. Huginn says to Isam, 'No.. atm its just the one hit.' Isam says, 'confused' Huginn says, 'it still works..' Isam says, 'still' Adolph says to Huginn, 'Kinda.' Silence says to Huginn, 'will this be on the teset?' Darktalon smirks at Lenore. Silence says, 'test' Isam says, 'so if you posess both skills, the courage tree is decreased?' Sandra nods solemnly. Isam says, 'ok' Sandra says, 'no more super surgeons' Huginn says, 'if you posses either skill' Slayer cheers for Sandra - huzzah! Adolph sniffs sadly at Sandra. Saiph says, 'not surprising' Slayer sweeps Sandra into a romantic waltz - aren't they a striking couple? Huginn says, 'it reduces the chance' Spanish-Flea says, 'shivan said tree....with a skill in front of it' Isam says, 'cause it looked ot me like if you were operated on or entranced, you would get worse :P' Spanish-Flea stands up. Sandra giggles. Huginn says, 'not doubling up' Beverly disappears into the void. Beverly has returned from the void. Saiph says, 'is that only for str iron will activations or dex and con as well?' Isam says, 'i get it' Huginn says, 'str' Saiph nods solemnly. Adolph says to Saiph, 'Good question ;)' Saiph says, 'mind you dex IW sucks anyways' Saiph sighs at himself. What a sorry sight. Isam says, 'so its a partial nerf to the super hitty surgeons, good deal' Huginn says, 'I should clarify that' Adolph says to Saiph, 'Hush, that's my next question :p' Isam says to Huginn, 'you should.' Somar cheers for Haley - huzzah! Adolph falls to his knees and worships Haley's existence. Haley giggles. Haley waves hello to the world! Slayer says, 'anyway' Slayer says, 'where was we' Sandra says, 'ok, so that's all the haley spam' Sandra giggles. Haley says, 'sorry to interrupt like that =P' Sandra says to Isam, 'That answer your q?' Somar says to Haley, 'I didn't get a greeting near as cheerful!' Somar pouts. Beverly says, 'oh my god' Haley giggles at Somar. Beverly says, 'failed flee lag?' Beverly rolls her eyes heavenward. Saiph says to Somar, 'she's cuter.' Somar says, 'true, true' Adolph says to Somar, 'You aren't as cute as her, sorry. :p' Lust says to Somar, 'Gotta show more cleavage.' Sandra says, 'ok movin on!'


Sandra points at Adolph. Adolph says, 'in comparing valor (haven't reached iron will yet) the dex version seems to go off way less than the str version, is this intentional, or more bad luck like being stunned 6 out of 6 shots?' Slayer cheers for Lust - huzzah! Slayer laughs. Huginn says, 'for things with dex..' Saiph says to Adolph, 'it just really sucks.' Spanish-Flea nods his agreement with Adolph. Huginn says, 'you only see it if it saves you' Adolph says to Huginn, 'You'd see blocks.' Saiph says, 'though i did get 5 dodges in a row vs the pirate horde once' Saiph smirks. Huginn cheers for Saiph - huzzah! Sandra says, 'hehe' Huginn says to Adolph, 'Blocks?' Adolph says to Huginn, 'At 90 dex, i've seen two blocks, where as i'd seen 50 by this time with str.' Lust says, 'so what, iron will ups the chance to block, tumble, parry, or any of the other dex skill?' Huginn says, 'it doesn't help with blocks atm' Sandra says, 'tumble' Sandra says, 'and dodge?' Huginn says, 'it will eventually help with parry' Saiph says, 'dodge and tumble' Adolph is completely boggled. Huginn says, 'dodge and tumble yes' Adolph says, 'dodge, i meant dodge.' Huginn nods solemnly. Huginn says, 'yes same thing if I recall..' Lust says, 'do you have to have 80 dex for iron will benefits to kick in?' Huginn says, 'only see it if you wouldn't have made the dodge without it' Sandra nods her agreement with Lust. Saiph says to Lust, '90 for iw.' Huginn says to Lust, 'That's courage.' Haley slowly fades into existence. Lust says, 'well, maybe i didn't phrase that right' Spanish-Flea meows cattily at Haley. Lust says, 'nevermind' Adolph says, 'so, on the slim chance that dodge goes off, there's a slim chance to iron will dodge on top of that?' Adolph looks at Huginn, boggled. Lenore eats a dead cat. Sandra says, 'for the set to work you need a min of 80' Somar jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Lenore! Lust says, 'oh right, that's what i thought' Lenore gives a dead cat to Somar. Huginn says, 'well it adds a bit when it goes off' Huginn says, 'but yes that's why we're adding it to parry' Adolph says to Huginn, 'Maybe i just don't fully understand dodge.' Saiph says, 'but it needs to go off more often!' Somar swings a dead cat. Huginn says, 'let's see how dex iw is after parry.. then we can adjust from there if needed' Sandra smiles happily. Trishell disappears into the void. Trishell has returned from the void. Adolph says, 'IW is going to effect parry?' Sandra nods solemnly. Adolph says, 'ok, i'll hush then ;)' Sandra giggles.


Sandra points at Darktalon. Adolph says, 'sucks that i made from klein, though :p' Sandra says, 'hehe' Darktalon says, 'my question is about spelltools' Sandra says, 'okie' Adolph waves happily. Darktalon says, 'and/or skilltools, I guess' Darktalon says, 'would it be possible to make it so that 1) they always give a message even if they fail (giving some CLUE to how they work)' Darktalon says, 'and 2) so that if they fail, it doesn't use up a charge?' Kaige says, '2) is very unlikely to happen.' Sandra says, 'probably can do 1, I think that 2 is a risk you have to take' Darktalon says, 'well' Darktalon says, 'the reason I ask about 2' Darktalon says, 'when you find a new one' Darktalon says, 'you have to test it out on yourself...an item...a mob...another player...you can use up the whole tool just figuring out what it does' Darktalon says, 'and in the case of hard to find ones that's not too fun' Darktalon says, 'and when you combine that with 1)' Huginn nods solemnly. Darktalon says, 'there are still spelltools where I can't for the life of me find any use for them' Huginn says, 'bug #1' Silence waves a welcome to Haley. Hello! Darktalon nods solemnly. Sandra says, 'that work for ya?' Kaige says to Darktalon, 'Idea the ones you can't find the use for, and we can take a look to make sure they're working correctly and described adequately.' Darktalon nods his agreement with Kaige. Darktalon says, 'all right' Darktalon says, 'oh also why does somar lie' Sandra smiles happily. Sandra says, 'coz he's a noob' Silence laughs. Darktalon nods solemnly. Sana raises her hand. Sandra giggles. Darktalon says, 'good enough' Sandra pats Somar on the head.


Sandra points at Sana. Somar goes EEK! in distress. Somar says, 'LIES!' Somar says, 'about my LIES!' Sana says, 'the entrance iron will thing, that means an entranced victim the people hitting him will iron will less? or' Sana peers around intently. Lenore taunts Somar mercilessly. Darktalon snickers at Lenore nastily. Isam says to Sana, 'read the append.' Isam says to Sana, 'already asked.' Sandra giggles. Huginn says to Sana, 'If you have entrance or surgery you won't hit as hard with ironwill.' Sana says, 'oh poo' Spanish-Flea nods his agreement with Sana. Sana raises her hand.


Sandra points at Sana. Sana says, 'Reimb for entrance and surgery?' Saiph snickers softly. Sandra says, 'probably not' Sana says, 'I have a few london fighters who learn surgery as babies then never have stats for it, pretty sure other people do that to' Sandra says, 'it isn't making them unusable' Sana says, 'to level and stuff and um' Somar says, 'but it is making them whiny!' Sana mutters under her breath. Sana pokes Spanish-Flea in the ribs. Somar ducks to the ground. Spanish-Flea says, 'what' Sandra giggles. Huginn laughs at Somar. Spanish-Flea says, 'sana is always right' Spanish-Flea says, 'you imms should give up and do it' Darktalon stands up. Sandra says, 'let's go with 'no' and if that changes, you'll all be happy :)' Spanish-Flea pokes Mephesto in the ribs. Spanish-Flea says, 'surgy cheese!' Saiph chuckles politely at Sandra. Mephesto says, 'hey, what's this I hear about strength surgeons sucking?' Sandra says, 'you do suck' Mephesto panics, and attempts to flee. Mephesto leaves east. Isam laughs. Sandra giggles. Sandra says, 'see, he ran away. Wuss' Isam loves being out hit by someone with 50mind 50spirit. Sandra says, 'other questions?' Spanish-Flea loved outhitting 45/45 drakkon with a surgeon Sandman says to Sandra, 'just specifically to me you and kaige :D' Sandman winks suggestively at Sandra. Sana raises her hand.


Sandra points at Sana. Sandman hopes yall hang round for it :D Sana says, 'will it make iron will suck if you know them, or if you can use them?' Sandra says, 'it will have to be very quick, Sandy' Sandman nods his agreement with Sandra. Isam says to Sandman, 'you are a sick monkey!' Sandra says, 'it will make them go off less' Sandman winks suggestively at Isam. Isam says to Sana, 'if you know them.' Isam says to Sana, 'that was clarified earlier as well.' Sana rolls her eyes heavenward. Sana raises her hand. Sandra giggles. Sandra nods her agreement with Sana. Sana says, 'ever thought about a system for deleting skills from a characters "memory" after they've been -'d for like' Sana says, '7 years and etc' Sana says, 'I doubt surgery is like riding a bicyle, you never forget?' Sana says, 'im pretty sure doctors go back to school and keep practicing on people and stuffs' Sandra says, 'thought about it? yes' Sandra says, 'next question? ;)' Haley giggles at Sandman. Haley says, 'errr' Haley giggles at Sandra. Sandra is over here. Sandra giggles. Slayer taunts Haley mercilessly. Lenore snickers at Sandra nastily. Haley says to Slayer, 'Now now, no taunting!' Slayer pinches Haley and you wonder what she will do back. Sana raises her hand. Haley says, 'ow' Sandra nods her agreement with Sana. Sana says, 'whats up with gun stuns?' Slayer snickers softly. Sana says, 'a few more is cool but if I fight certain people im just out the whole fight' Huginn says, 'what's up with them how?' Sandra says, 'well' Sana says, '11 stuns on 11 shots' Sandra says, 'there's a bug fix that will help some' Isam says, 'i'd want enough for tumble' Isam says, 'err' Isam says, 'mistell' Slayer says, 'lemme ask this about this question relating back to removing weapons ect' Saiph leaves east. Slayer says, 'does removing weapon make you shoot better?' Slayer says, 'ie more stuns' Slayer says, 'ect' Slayer flops about helplessly. Kaige says, 'I believe it lets you shoot a little faster, but not insanely so' Slayer says, 'k' Sandra says, 'it used to, but I do believe we pulled that coz it was some damn nasty stuff. It just gives some speed' Huginn nods solemnly. Sandra says, 'it was way funny too' Sandra giggles. Beverly disappears into the void. Beverly has returned from the void. Slayer says to Sandra, 'Too much speed!' Lenore looks up into the sky and ponders. Sandra says, 'it was some sick damage. We took an unarmed sniper into SL and it just shot the hounds to death while we had 1 tank ;)' Slayer says, 'haha' Isam says, 'yeah i missed that' Isam says, 'but' Isam says, 'for a while' Sandra says, 'it was fun' Slayer says, 'well lemme just say this' Isam says, 'snipers could shoot very fast for 60 damage :P' Slayer says, 'if a guy is removing shoot wielding spaming' Sana says, 'what you mean papercut like 1000 years ago?' Sana spaced out Slayer says, 'he's gonna be damn hard to beat as a fighter' Slayer says, 'he gets a ton more shots off that like stun crazy' Sandra nods her agreement with Sana. Sandra says, 'it isn't that much faster' Sandra says, 'maybe half a round?' Slayer says, 'i got shot 3 times from bash lag' Slayer says, 'thats alot' Huginn says, 'thought it was less' Sandra says, 'probably, you know better than me' Huginn says to Slayer, 'Shooting once per round with a run isn't that uncommon.' Sandra says, 'so like MAYBE every 5 rounds it might get in a 2nd shot' Huginn says, 'err gun not run' Slayer says, 'seems damn hard to beat that tho' Static says, 'when i was testing the shoot changes... i noticed with weapon removed you could shoot and flee before the mob could rush and start the combat round' Huginn says, 'you land a bash and you do how much damage?' Slayer says, 'all the while gettn that stun 50% of the time then wielding and comming in to backstab' Sandra says, 'oh one sec. And I'm sure this'll be understood' Sandra bonks Sana on the head! Slayer says, 'seems much' Isam says, 'people hit back during bashes' Slayer says, 'ack' Slayer says, 'snipers tumble' Sana says, 'ouch why'd i get bonked' Sana looks around defensively. Huginn says, 'its sort of funny.. fighters are crushing people and yet snipers are king?' Sandra says, 'you know why!' Isam says, 'and stun nearly isnt as much of a annoyance as headbutt is right now' Isam says, ':P' Slayer says, 'i cant beat a sniper, period' Sandman says to Huginn, 'everyone will always complain about a sniper.. even tho they arent as big and bad as everyone thinks.' Slayer says, 'even with a cause' Sandra comforts Slayer. Trishell disappears into the void. Trishell has returned from the void. Isam says to Slayer, 'cause has a easy solution for snipers :P' Slayer says, 'only way i could deal with snipers untill latley was walling them' Slayer says, 'now thats gone..' Static says, 'snipers pretty much suck it... they rely totally on blind luck... why people see snipers win is they're usually better prepared and run for healing and stuff' Sandra nods her agreement with Static. Static says, 'cuz they have to be' Static says, 'and they have to do that' Slayer says, 'thats not true static' Slayer says, 'look at x'z' Sandman nods his agreement with Static. Sandman says, 'i beat the hell outta x'z' Sandman says, 'she isnt that tough =p' Slayer rolls her eyes heavenward. Static says, 'only sniper that gives me a run for my money is vendy' Slayer says, 'whatever were off the subject' Isam says to Slayer, 'i don't know how much you can say, your not 50 yet are you.' Isam snickers softly. Slayer says, 'no' Sandman says to Static, 'im not in there?' Slayer says, 'its just just this character' Sandman sniffs sadly. Isam says, 'I haven't faught a sniper as this character in about 3 years' Isam says, 'so' Isam says, 'i don'tk now' Slayer says, 'anyway...' Static says to Sandman, 'I think ive fought you like once :P' Slayer says, 'the remove weapon spam shot needs looked at :P' Static says, 'here's a tip... headbutt them' Sandman says to Slayer, 'dude.. gun shots do like 18-23 damage a shot.' Isam says to Slayer, 'use a trigger to wield?' Static says, 'and bash them when they get low :P' Slayer says to Isam, 'Not that!' Slayer says, 'omg' Sana raises her hand. Slayer says to Static, 'I do.'


Sandra points at Sana. Sana says, 'we still going or is this the random bitching portion?' Slayer slaps Sana. Sandra says, 'was that your question? :)' Slayer nods her agreement with Sandra. Slayer nods her agreement with Sandra. Sana says, 'no!' Sana looks around defensively. Sandra giggles. Haley thinks Sana just likes to show up in the logs =P Sana says, 'how about a backfire on blind spell?' Slayer says, 'ooo back to blind!' Slayer laughs. Sandra laughs. Isam says, 'critical failure for blind?' Isam laughs. Sana says, 'yeah' Slayer says, 'not a bad idea' Sana says, 'ive been spam blinding people' Sana pokes Quagmire in the ribs. Sana says, 'testify' Quagmire mutters something about Sana. Slayer says, 'too bad cause can cure it' Quagmire says, 'yeah' The aura around Kaige slowly fades and she is gone. Sana says, 'ive been spam blinding just to be a punk' Quagmire says, 'it's too poewrful' Sana says, 'quagmire had like 9 vials and blindfighting' Quagmire says, 'didnt do jack' Sana says, 'and it came to a big fat nothing' Slayer nods her agreement with Quagmire. Isam says, 'thats 18 free rounds quagmire got while you were doing that' Isam is completely boggled. Quagmire says, 'sorry but it's just amusing when imms are like 'it's not overpowered'' Sandra says, 'it's something that we've said we'll discuss' Quagmire says, 'actually more like 6-7' Quagmire says, 'flee, shoot, he comes in, blinds, i quaff, flee' Quagmire says, 'regardless he was covered at the end' Isam says, 'quaff and hit since he can't cast during lag?' Quagmire says, 'even with another 2 stun backstabs he woulda won' Isam shrugs helplessly. Isam says, 'Spanish blinded me, and i Got him to dying while blind :P' Sana pokes Isam in the ribs. Quagmire says, 'i had over 500 mana left :P' Sana says, 'you dont spam blind either' Sana says, 'stop defneding it' Slayer says, 'i do on my cause' Slayer says, 'and its cheeeeesy' Slayer says, 'i admit it' Sana says, 'slayer does do it, do we need more proof than slayer doing something?' Isam says, 'i don't blind' Slayer says, 'but hey' Sandra says, 'other questions? I'm gonna close this up in a few. it's almost 9'


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