Lecture Series Index

January 20th, 2005

Q & A Index

Sandra says, 'raise 'em if ya got 'em'
Sandra points at Spanish-Flea.
Vanion raises his hand.
Spanish-Flea says, 'code changes?'
Spanish-Flea says, 'anyone?'
Xuvenia raises her hand.
Saiph sits down and rests on a chair.
Sandra says, 'none this week cept a bug fix we just found/fixed'
Slayer cuddles Xuvenia.
Kaige says, 'none this week, except for maybe the description keyword thing Ruf mentions there'
Spanish-Flea nods solemnly.
Spanish-Flea raises his hand.
Saiph raises his hand.


Sandra points at Vanion. Vanion says, 'oki this is based on an idea post earlier' Vanion says, 'the broad idea of sperating nature type spells from pure magic spells, giving things like barkskin and binding (roots binding feet) type spells' Vanion says, 'obviously not making the spells very very powerful being all 2nd circle' Vanion says, 'expanding upon animal lore even some' Sandra says, 'giving those to who?' Spanish-Flea isnt following the idea. Vanion says, 'spr' Tah nods his agreement with Spanish-Flea. Vanion says, 'mind/spr it would be' Beverly disappears into the void. Sandra says, 'well they kinda are already?' Tah says to Vanion, 'Uh, how are you already not getting it with mind?' Tah looks at Vanion, boggled. Vanion says, 'this would make certain spells only for mages, and druids bearing only what they get' Kaige says, 'there are no long term plans to make any changes to how spells are currently set up... however, there are long term plans to enrich outdoors/druidic types.' Vanion says, 'kinda a seperation of create cause and nature magic' Sandra nods her agreement with Kaige. Tah beams at Kaige delightedly. Vanion nods solemnly. Vanion says, 'anything specifically?' Kaige says, 'with hopefully differing stuff, instead of overlapping -- it is something we've tried to avoid more than when we first started out.' Necrosis pokes DoC in the ribs. Tah tickles Mia. Vanion says, 'i know the whole spr concept of skill trees , or i heard wind of it' Kaige nods her agreement with Vanion. Vanion smiles happily. Sandra says, 'that answer it for ya?' Vanion says, 'noticed skilltress is more of a general concept going in over the past +years doing sector by sector' Sandra nods her agreement with Vanion. Vanion says, 'and that sector being minimally touched right' Vanion says, 'roger, answered mine' Sandra smiles happily. Isam waves hello to the peons


Sandra points at Xuvenia. Vanion makes a face at Isam. Necrosis eats a plate of fish 'n' chips. Isam sticks his tongue out at Vanion. =P Spanish-Flea slaps Isam. Xuvenia says, 'are there any plans to add different redeem types? for example, being able to redeem a skill for a new point or shift a stat point to a different slot?' Kaige says, 'no' Vanion says, '*broken record*' Vanion ducks to the ground. Xuvenia says, 'give us more incentive to play characters long term' Vanion tickles Kaige. Isam says to Xuvenia, 'they don't reward long term players here.' Necrosis says, 'they don't need rewarding.' Vanion smiles happily. Chunk raises his hand. Xuvenia says, 'we all spend tons of hours on our characters, we should be able to adapt our characters if we need to' Necrosis says, 'that is what eq is for.' Vanion says, 'one of em worded it to me well when i asked that a year or so ago' Vanion says, 'er when' Isam says, 'I think skill resets for redeems would be a wonderful feature' Sandra says, 'we do want to keep people interested in their characters after level 50. And it's something that we've discussed off and on over the years, but wehave yet to come up with a fair middle ground' Xuvenia says to Necrosis, 'Yeah, but that's not real helpful if you don't have any free pracs.' Necrosis nods his agreement with Xuvenia. Vanion says, 'you cant reward someone for being oow for 2000 hours' Xuvenia says, 'all it's doing is a coupon mill, yay coupon mill' Vanion smiles happily. Necrosis says, 'i agree with exchanging of skills...' Saiph says, 'only mage generally have trouble with pracs though' Isam says to Vanion, 'i meant for xp.' Vanion says, 'right' Spanish-Flea says, 'druids can have some too' Xuvenia says to Vanion, 'No, of course the bot rules would have to be changed.' Drizzt nods his agreement with Saiph. Kaige says, 'you can still get xp while oow/afk' Spanish-Flea says, 'oh come on' Spanish-Flea says, 'that's a huge risk in most cases' Xuvenia says to Kaige, 'Yea, and i'm saying change the bot rules.' Spanish-Flea says, 'xping oow/afk' Isam says, 'Yeah but only if you have some lackey' Necrosis says, 'once you hit 50, its pretty much impossible to switch fighting stats.... unless you are a straight fighter.' Saiph nods his agreement with Necrosis. Tah says to Necrosis, 'Not even remotely true.' Isam says to Necrosis, 'i have the pracs to be any fight type.' Xuvenia says, 'if there were actually a reason to xp beyond 50 other than coupons,' Vanion says, 'honestly having got 500mil myself if i saw or heard of it, i would report it, you better believe it' Isam says to Necrosis, 'my mage could switch once I think.' Vanion smirks. Vanion says, 'thats cheesy' Tah says, 'maybe as a mage. but not other char types.' Necrosis says, 'and get all the proper skills?' Tah nods his agreement with Necrosis. Spanish-Flea says, 'so, make a full skill reset like 3 redeems or something ridiculous' Xuvenia says, 'and it wouldn't give this huge unfair advantage either' Xuvenia says, 'nah, i was thinking something like one redeem point = one skill redeemed' Isam says, 'I dont see skill resets as a advantage, just refinement. I suppose you could do the same thing by permaing :P' Spanish-Flea says, 'part of the problem is that old players are bitter that they learned useless skills when you said 'skilltrees'' Xuvenia nods her agreement with Spanish-Flea. Xuvenia says, 'yes, every one of my old fighters has chant :P' Spanish-Flea says, 'and now they have to perma or argue at q n a :P' Isam says, 'I should think skill tree's would come with a reset to the new system :P' Spanish-Flea laughs at Xuvenia. Vanion says, 'this brings up an alternative i proposed a while back being a certain number of max skills, and realisticly a well experienced fighter would be well atuned, so over the years (many redeems) your skills alter to your liking, but when g' Kaige says to Isam, 'It will.' Isam says to Xuvenia, 'chant redeems were offered.' Vanion says, 'aining one, you lose one, staying at the max-number' Spanish-Flea says to Kaige, 'you used present tense.' Kaige nods her agreement with Isam. Spanish-Flea says to Kaige, 'we're gonna see skilltreeeeeees?' Xuvenia says to Isam, 'I missed it.' Xuvenia shrugs helplessly. Xuvenia says, 'not all of us actually keep track of what's going on when they don't play' Spanish-Flea runs off to learn appraise and eloquence Isam nods his agreement with Xuvenia. Sandra says, 'a lot of the skilltree stuff is already in. It has been for some time.' Sandra pokes Spanish-Flea in the eye! Isam says, 'heh I can forge!' Spanish-Flea sniffles quietly. Isam says, 'rawr' Xuvenia says, 'then offer more redeems or something' Xuvenia giggles. Spanish-Flea laughs at Isam. Spanish-Flea says to Isam, 'thats no laughing matter, you can repair all like...2 of the repairable weapons!' Spanish-Flea jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Isam! Tah raises his hand. Saiph beams at a silver serrated sword delightedly - such materialism! Sandra says, 'Huginn is currently rattling his brain on ways to keep people interested > level 50' Isam frowns at a silver serrated sword. Xuvenia says, 'oh goody' Xuvenia says, 'where is he then?' Xuvenia peers around intently. Sandra says, 'but I don't think it will be a redeem thing' Spanish-Flea says, 'heres one: enable chaos PK in battlezones :P' Drizzt nods his agreement with Spanish-Flea. Xuvenia says, 'he should be down here telling us some of his ideas' Spanish-Flea says, 'and make the imms un-immortal for PK so we can wolfpack em' Isam says, 'we have pkok...' Vanion says, 'thats a delicate and tough task sandra' Xuvenia says, 'that sounds fun' Sandra nods solemnly. Vanion says, 'you want to reward but not give away' Vanion says, 'fine line' Sandra says, 'yea, that's why we haven't done anything with the ideas we've tossed around over the years' Spanish-Flea says, 'really? i just thought you were constantly fixing steal' Sandra says, 'I spend most of my time shooting you, you know that' Vanion says, 'ever tossed aroun the idea of RP redeem points, or RP point system?' Spanish-Flea bonks himself on the head and looks sheepish. Isam says, 'currently the reward for being old and knowing old players is access to old eq ;)' Tah says to Vanion, 'Hush.' Vanion says, '10rp points for a mundane... etc etc' Saiph nods his agreement with Isam. Sandra says, 'yes, and it hit the floor hard. Who's to judge what rp is good and not?' Saiph chuckles politely. Spanish-Flea says, 'which is gonna go squish in how long? (template timeline?)' Tah says to Vanion, 'That's just a sickening idea.' Kaige says, 'the subjectiveness of it is always the sticky point there' Isam says to Vanion, 'for that you need rp imms, and a more unified rp scheme...and ugh.' Sandra nods her agreement with Kaige. Kaige says, 'and it would be gamed by certain elements' Spanish-Flea says, 'you can un-sticky it' Vanion says, 'well a well appointed staffing sector of the imms could be the judges' Spanish-Flea says, 'make rp points available for participating in rp events' Sandra says, 'it just begs for cries of favoratism' Xuvenia says, 'i can see that going really well :P' Spanish-Flea says, 'and i dont mean idling on tinyplot 4 hours' Kaige says, 'yah.. like we don't get accused of favoritism enough as it IS' Necrosis says, 'no, no rp crap... bah.' Tah snickers at Kaige nastily. Spanish-Flea says to Kaige, 'you like gerbils more than me!' Spanish-Flea bursts into tears. Isam says, 'as a pker, I must then say pk points for pk! But i've had that idea shot down atleat 3 times already' Isam smirks. Vanion looks up into the sky and ponders. Chunk says, 'i actually, personally.. think mundane coupons should be buyable like paper.. alls a mundane does is help switch item desc's around for ppl to fit their rp..' Vanion says, 'pk points coul get ripped off too easy' Tah says, 'one thing i always liked about Legend, is that i've never felt like i *had* to rp.' Vanion says, 'hey ill make a char and let you kill me and split the coupons...' Vanion chuckles politely. Spanish-Flea says, 'i've got a great idea! a pk shopping list where we allow destructive crossplay and we make deaths *gain* players xp!' Sandra says, 'ok, I've got a qeue, so let's move on if we've answered Xuvenia's question?' Isam says to Vanion, 'oh I wouldnt say you get coupons.' Isam says to Vanion, 'just bragging rights.' Vanion says, 'ooh' Spanish-Flea says to Isam, 'that files under pk shopping list like that ladder you proposed a while ago.' Sandra says, 'ok, moving on' Vanion says, 'like a social that the victor is awarded to be able to do on the loser' Vanion says, 'ha' Xuvenia says, 'i guess kinda but i demand huginn' Xuvenia peers around intently. Meue disappears into the void. Sandra says, 'he should be on shortly. He's putting his little girl to bed'


Sandra points at Spanish-Flea. Xuvenia says, 'oh kewl' Spanish-Flea says, 'any plans to un-suck creates?' Slayer laughs. Spanish-Flea says, 'now that snipers are un-sucked' Slayer says, 'no kidding' Spanish-Flea says, 'ish' Chunk laughs. Sandra says, 'no plans to change creates' Slayer says, 'you need too' Necrosis says to Spanish-Flea, 'Ask a real question...' Necrosis rolls his eyes heavenward. Spanish-Flea says, 'can you please describe to me then, one real advantage a 2c create player has over a 2c cause player?' Tah says to Necrosis, 'Thanks, you saved me from saying it.' DoC disappears into the void. Isam says to Spanish-Flea, 'just wait for the pendulum to swing back to create.' DoC has returned from the void. DoC licks himself - ICK! Isam pats Spanish-Flea on the head. Necrosis says to Spanish-Flea, 'Dopples.' Sandra says, 'I dunno, ask Israfel' Spanish-Flea says to Necrosis, 'detect illusion,m nullified.' Necrosis says, 'blinding flash' Spanish-Flea says to Sandra, 'israfel pks?' Necrosis says, 'balm' Necrosis says, 'poison' Necrosis says, 'cure poisoin' Sandra says, 'the world doesn't revolve around pk' Necrosis nods his agreement with Sandra. Slayer says, 'does so' Chunk jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Sandra! Isam says, '2c create has no applicable pk spells :D' Spanish-Flea says, 'they're not much better as mobkillers' Vanion asks Kaige a question. It sounded like 'is any type of animal summon or animal lore expansion type on the agenda for the druid type agenda?' to you. Tah says to Isam, 'So untrue.' Isam says, 'except for a semi useful blind' Chunk says to Spanish-Flea, 'if thats the case israfel wouldnt have like 1bil exp.' Spanish-Flea says, 'poison and cure poison are minor points, i'll give you a cookie for cure poison' Necrosis says to Spanish-Flea, '2nd circle create are way better than cause.' Vanion says, 'in mob kill' Isam giggles at Necrosis. Vanion says, 'not pk' Spanish-Flea says to Necrosis, 'i really doubt that.' Necrosis says, 'even pk' Vanion nods solemnly. Chunk says, 'not everything is good in pk..' Mia disappears into the void. Chunk says, 'is a pure surgeon good in pk?' Mia has returned from the void. Mia blinks. Sandra says, 'some chars are better suited for things than others.' Necrosis says to Spanish-Flea, 'Well my 2nd circle create pkiller begs to differ. :P' Isam says to Necrosis, 'you are mistaken.' Spanish-Flea says to Necrosis, 'small small advantages in mobkill, and i guarantee i can find a 2c cause to roll over a 2c create.' Tah says to Chunk, 'With entrance? yes :p' Sandra grins evilly at Necrosis... Wonder what she's thinking... Tah ducks to the ground. Chunk says to Tah, 'they die in like 3 rounds =p' Necrosis spits on the ground. Vanion says, 'i can have a higher advantage on fewer amount of mobs' Vanion says, 'being cause vs create' Chunk says to Tah, 'a pure surgeon bieng 100 mind spirit.' Spanish-Flea says to Necrosis, 'blinding flash isnt good in areas with mobs either.' Tah says, 'it was a poke at the entrance change :p' Chunk snickers softly. Necrosis rolls his eyes heavenward. Spanish-Flea says to Necrosis, 'ever tried to bf a create with an lop in the room?' Chunk says, 'im not aware of it..' Necrosis raises his hand. Spanish-Flea had a 2c create druid, knows how useless the spells are in PK and for mobkill Isam says to Chunk, 'yes but a pure surgeon doesn't expect to kill anyone, you think create should be the same? mobkill only?' Chunk says, 'preserve = nice for a 2c druid' Necrosis says to Spanish-Flea, 'You just don't know how to pkill with one then.' Sandra says, 'so, pissing contest aside, we have no changes in the works for create mages' Slayer says, 'ill tell you what create needs' Isam says to Sandra, 'right!' Spanish-Flea says to Slayer, 'roots!' Slayer says, 'something they can cure crit' Slayer says, 'right' Slayer says, 'balm just blows in pk' Isam says to Spanish-Flea, 'i was gonna say it :<' Vanion says, 'one main thing that sticks out' Spanish-Flea jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Isam! Tah says, 'yeah, and 2c cause needs a charmie tank.' Vanion says, 'beiting is negated without offering solutions' Isam says to Slayer, 'sit in a safe room and balm up during the fight.' Spanish-Flea says, '2c cause needs no charmies :P' Vanion says, 'er bitching' Tah says, 'and a preserve equivalent.' Tah rolls his eyes heavenward. Spanish-Flea says, 'brb' Chunk says to Slayer, 'dude.. i healed 500 hps with a 100 mind balm in like 3 rl minutes.' Slayer says, 'cure crit is such crap when create has to spend 30 mins healing' Tah says, 'anyway' Sandra says, 'gosh, why don't we just make everyone the same type of mage and then there will be no bitching? YOu all want the same thing for each type' Tah raises his hand. Slayer says, 'no' Necrosis laughs. Sandra says, 'each type is SUPPOSED to be different' Necrosis says, 'sandra' Slayer says, 'thats not what im saying' Necrosis nods his agreement with Sandra. Isam says to Sandra, 'well not all of us.' Sandra says, 'yes you are' Kaige says to Sandra, 'I remember when we didn't have mages.' Slayer says, 'no i am not' Tah says to Sandra, 'We're all secretly 2c cause str klein anyway :p' Vanion says, 'you wave your hands and cast a standard spell.' Vanion laughs at Sandra. Slayer says, 'nope' Sandra says, 'I want cure crit! I want charmies! Buncha pansies :P' Necrosis says to Sandra, 'I don't think creates are underpowered at all... he just smokin crack.' AA-Aarington says, 'ok lets see, woo! vile green goo! thats badarse for PK! wave of nausea!...disintegrate!!!' Chunk nods his agreement with Sandra. Slayer says, 'cure crit is crap in pk sandra and you know it' Xuvenia chuckles politely at AA-Aarington. Isam says, 'cure crit?' Isam says, 'what?' Tah says, 'can we move on?' Necrosis says to AA-Aarington, 'Don't be a create if you wanna do fucking spell damage!' Isam says, 'you people are all crazy' Necrosis rolls his eyes heavenward. AA-Aarington says, 'i'm 2c, what spell damage :P' AA-Aarington sits down and rests. Slayer laughs. Necrosis says, 'gawd' Sandra says, 'As I said before, we have no plans on changing create mages' Isam says to Necrosis, 'actually 3c create has good damage spells.' Slayer says, 'whatever, creates are so nerfed anymore' Necrosis pats Isam on the head. Slayer says, 'you all know it' AA-Aarington nods his agreement with Slayer. Chunk says, 'its not called create for nothing.. cause.. cause damage.. create... create stuff! its not like rocket science ppl..' Chunk nods his agreement with Isam. Vanion says, 'there only the char that can kill the toughest mobs, and the most' Necrosis says to Chunk, 'Yes, thank you.' Slayer says, 'create can CAUSE damage :P' Vanion says, 'that hasnt changed' Isam says, 'well 3c create got raped after they ran SL too much' Isam snickers softly. Slayer says, 'lightning, frost' Vanion says, 'they just do it with more effort now' Slayer says, 'whatever' Slayer says, 'your all high' Chunk says to Slayer, 'and be happy with that!' Slayer says, 'its not enough without the ability to heal' Sandra says, 'ok, let's move on before we get stuck in the same circle' Chunk snickers softly. Slayer snickers softly.


Sandra points at Saiph. Vanion spins around. Tah says to Slayer, 'Jesus, they gave you root, hush about it. :p' Slayer says, 'i want roots!' Saiph says, 'damage roll, I thought thre was a max is there not?' Isam says to Saiph, 'it was removed.' Sandra says, 'the max was taken off of hit/dam roll' Tah says, 'i don't see why create should get any healing at all.' Vanion says, 'yea root, and mediate should be seperated with tara/agrabah' Saiph says, 'ah welk then that explains why I have more' Saiph laughs. Sandra giggles. Beverly has returned from the void. Tah slaps Beverly. Sandra says, 'I had 92 once' Sandra says, 'that was cool' Isam says, 'err' Saiph chuckles politely. Sandra says, 'I was wearing horns all over' Isam says, 'HMM' Isam says, 'I would like horns for my neck slots' Sandra was bored. Isam says, 'hook me up' Vanion says, 'the max is off again?' Isam winks suggestively at Sandra. Vanion says, 'arooooo?' Sandra giggles. Chunk laughs. Vanion says, '*ears perk*' Sandra says, 'yea there is no max' Isam says to Vanion, 'has been for months.' Chunk says, '92 damroll.. thats gotta be just sick..' Sandra nods her agreement with Chunk. Saiph says, 'since I finaly got over 50 IO noticed' Saiph chuckles politely. Sandra giggles. Vanion says, 'you hit once out of 12 times, you nearly send...' Chunk snickers softly. Isam says, 'depends on how damroll works' Isam shrugs helplessly. Saiph says, 'good luck doing that' Tah says, 'hah, you made my damcap trigger go off.' Isam says, 'I thought it was +% to the damage' DoC snickers softly. Sandra says, 'it is' Isam says, 'so maxdam 18 sword' Isam says, '+50%' Chunk looks up into the sky and ponders. Isam says, 'is 36or so per hit' Saiph says, 'bash/rage + nice dam roll = fun' Isam says, 'Headbutt + damroll' Chunk says, 'yeah but if there is no limit.. then what exactly is nice these days?' Saiph says, 'headbut if for wimps' Tah says to Saiph, '+iron will.' Chunk looks up into the sky and ponders. Saiph says, 'is even' Sandra giggles. Chunk really needs to catch up on current stuff... Isam says to Chunk, 'getting much higher than 50 requires really ruining your stats imho.' Chunk nods his agreement with Isam. Isam says, 'got to wear spike heels' Isam says, 'or blackened palte' Chunk says, 'im happy to hit 20 =p' Vanion says, 'how about the sperating secondaries to the limb they are worn and the skill used that utilizes that limb, i.e. greaves go off when elbowing, talons go off when kicking, hook-nucky claws go off when suckerpunch etc etc' Sandra says, 'and look a little weird!' Tah says, 'how about yanking extra attacks out. :p' AA-Aarington says, 'yeah, sounds good' Tah points at a hook. Tah points at razor-sharp talons. Isam says, 'what' Vanion dusts off razor greaves. Isam says, 'I still want to get all 4 items' Saiph ponders a hook's existence. Isam says, 'I'm missing 2' Vanion dusts off a pair of Nucklavee claws. Vanion makes a face at Tah. Sandra says, 'they aren't as aall wonderful as people think they are :P' Sandra says, 'woo! I did 6 damage!' Chunk says, 'i horribly am against secondary attacks =p' Tah says to Sandra, 'They've been nerfed, but they're still nasty.' Isam says, 'I see them decimate often enough' Vanion nods solemnly. Isam says, 'or obliterate' Isam says, 'thats 40-50' Dusk raises his hand. Sandra says, 'you have to remember' AA-Aarington says, 'thats a buttload of damroll' Tah slaps Dusk. Vanion says, 'i can still do 200damage in a round as a druid' Sandra says, 'that a decimate on a single attack weapon is MUCH different than a decimate on a primary weapon' Drizzt disappears into the void. Drizzt has returned from the void. Drizzt snorts to himself, disgusted. Vanion says, 'id say i never thought i could do that 5 years ago' Vanion chuckles politely. Isam says to Sandra, 'really?' Sandra says, 'rather' Tah says to Sandra, 'True, but we don't see damage like you do. :p' Tah says, 'that's all we get, is damage messages.' AA-Aarington says, 'not all of us have 30k hp sandra :P' Chunk says, 'shouldnt it be based on quality? i figure the secondary weapons are like q1.. maxdam low as heck..' Vendetta sits down on a chair. Isam says to Sandra, 'get huginn to add debug damage message snext build, so we can see!' Kaige says, 'we don't see it any differently than y'all do, unless someone specially puts in debugging code when testing something' Sandra says, 'there is no quality on sec attack weapons' Vanion nods solemnly. Sandra nods her agreement with Kaige. Tah says to Kaige, 'Point being you know the code, we don't.' Chunk says to Sandra, 'i was generalizing.. as in.. they dont hit as hard as ppl think.' Vendetta raises his hand. Isam says to Sandra, 'could you tell us how it is added differently?' Sandra says, 'think of it as a primary weapon. YOu hit 1 time on a max 18 damage sword. That's what? 18 damage...' Chunk says to Sandra, 'most compare them to their weapons.. with decimates etc etc.. which in essense is prolly more on the end of low damage just looks pretty.' Vanion says, 'are the damage messages always signfying the exact damage done?' Isam says, 'so is the damage message a %% of your total damage?' Isam says, 'total possible rather' Sandra says, 'so if a hook was say 10 max damage,a nd you decimated with it, that's like what? 7?' Tah says to Vanion, 'They're brackets.' Dusk says to Isam, 'no.' Vanion says, 'or is a "decimate" done with primary diff from a "decimate" with greaves?' Sandra says, 'so while you may be decimating, you're doing 7 damage' Kaige says, 'and add to that the brackets can overlap' Isam says, 'aaah' Isam says, 'i see' Isam says, 'they are % of the possible damage then' Isam says, 'not the true damage' Vendetta says, 'Oh' Vendetta says, 'really?' Dusk says to Sandra, 'just the 2ndary weapons?' Sandra nods her agreement with Dusk. Dusk nods solemnly. Saiph says, 'message based on scale over raw damage' Vanion says, 'just give me a yes or no' Vanion stomps around. A heavenly aura appears in the room, is that Huginn? Sandra says, 'I don't think that armslore can work with second attack weapons, can it?' Sandra says, 'it probably should' AA-Aarington launches himself across the room and tackles Huginn to the ground! Dusk says, 'so what, nobody has ever tested damage in pk on those items?' AA-Aarington gives Huginn a huge bearhug - your ribs ache in sympathy. Tah tickles Huginn. Vanion says, 'i have' Chunk says to Sandra, 'yeah that would be nice :D' Tah says to Huginn, 'I still wanna ask you that question, when you get time.' Isam says, 'pk damcap was raised too' Isam says, 'if nobody else noticed :p' Vanion says, 'and a double damcap, is a freaking double damcap ill tell you that' Vanion throws his head back and cackles gleefully! Sandra giggles. Vanion says, 'ask mercedes' Vanion cringes in terror. Dusk says, 'i have seen people do 120 on me in a round...' Sandra nods solemnly. Isam says, 'thats the damcap' Dusk says, 'which is utter crap in my opinion.... specially with 100ac and 100dex' Vanion says, 'or is it 119?' Huginn says to Dusk, 'You were standing?' Dusk says, 'but whatever.' Tah says, 'do secondaries allow you to do more than damcap?' Sandra says, 'I don't know what the pk damcap is' Tah says, 'in a given round.' Dusk says to Huginn, 'prolly was bashed... yes.' Isam nods his agreement with Tah. Dusk says, 'don't actually recall' Vanion says, 'yea what about a skill or couple levels of a skill that resists a damcap' Vanion says, 'like how ironwill goes off' Huginn says, 'sitting you take more damage of course' Dusk says, 'yeah, i know... but still... 120 in a round.. *wince*' Isam says, 'does sitting raise the damcap?' Huginn says, 'yeah its painful' Sandra says, 'yea it hurts' Tah says, 'and is there a diff between sitting and resting?' AA-Aarington says, 'woo, pk damcap sitting is more?' Vanion says, 'your threshold of pain gives you the ability to bear through the agony!' Isam says, 'I did not know this' Vanion says, '*resist damcap*' Huginn says, 'no, the damcap is the same' Meue has returned from the void. Sandra says, 'you're just easier pickins when on your butt' Huginn says, 'its easier to hit on someone stunned or sitting' Dusk says, 'nobody is pointing... so i have a question... The stun spell seems to be very underpowered atm.' Isam says, 'resist damcap lol so people have to carefully make there chars hit just under...' AA-Aarington says, 'really? the laws of physics apply?' Sandra says, 'I have you in qeue' Tah says to Huginn, 'Sitting/resting was the question, though ;)' Vanion says, 'thats cause it used to be StunDexMud' Dusk says, 'I have noticed people wake up from the stun spell even before you hit them...' Dusk says, 'i mean, come on!' Vanion says, 'it will cycle around, or -should- to get balanced back in' AA-Aarington says, 'ever seen a 500 hp 800 mana dex mage? those used to be stun spell whores :P' Isam says, 'whats even more disturbing is being lagged for the entire 4 round wfw' Huginn says, 'before you hit them or before they're hit at all?' Dusk says to Huginn, 'before anyone hits them.' Huginn says, 'hmm well that's new' Dusk says, 'well it happend to me while i was killing tah' Dusk pokes Tah in the ribs. Dusk says, 'i still won mind you. :)' Tah pats Dusk on the head. Vendetta jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Dusk! Tah nods his agreement with Dusk. Tah says to Dusk, 'You always do..' Huginn says, 'stun was changed a long time ago to encourage people to use other damage spells' AA-Aarington says, 'stun is actually better in a few casses' Huginn says, 'the more recent change was aimed at prolonging fights with mages' AA-Aarington says, 'my str mage loves the longer duration' Dusk says, 'its bad enough they randomly don't work, or randomly backlash, and you can't use spells or skill when someone is stunned.... but now u just waste 35 mana and get skill lag.' Sandra says, 'yea, so that you can bash them and kill them in 2 rounds :-D' Tah says, '2c cause really doesn't get a damage spell.' AA-Aarington says to Tah, 'wither!' Tah rolls his eyes, exasperated with AA-Aarington. Dusk says, 'beam of pain' AA-Aarington laughs. Huginn says, 'nausea!' Dusk says, 'the spell desc is awsome.' AA-Aarington nods his agreement with Huginn. Isam says, 'evil thoughts!' AA-Aarington says, 'they're badarse!' AA-Aarington says, 'empathy!' Dusk says, 'have you ever killed someone with beam of pain? Its hilarious' Huginn says, 'empathy is a great spell!' Tah says, 'anyway, i had a question and raised like 4 times.' Sandra says, 'ok, lets move on. Got a qeue still' Isam says, 'hey empathy is a useless good spell' AA-Aarington nods his agreement with Huginn. Huginn says, 'final note about the stun spell' Dusk nods his agreement with Huginn. Vendetta says, 'I believe empathy is very good' Huginn says, 'we are looking at ways to not give you the full wfw lag on all actions.. only on additional spells' Vendetta says, 'ooh' Isam says, 'oh good' Huginn says, 'so still no firestorming but you could say kick' Vendetta says, 'that's sweet' Dusk says to Huginn, 'so the waking before hit, is that a bug?' Huginn says, 'its not simple though' Huginn says to Dusk, 'Bug it, we'll look.' Huginn says, 'it definately sounds wrong' Dusk nods solemnly. Huginn says, 'you should get a hit in' Dusk says, 'okay, so if it isn't supposed to happen that way.... its a bug... :)'


Sandra points at Tah. Dusk says to Tah, 'bah, you were abusing a bug!' AA-Aarington slaps Tah. AA-Aarington says, 'damn backwards hats' Tah says to Dusk, 'Bite me. :p' Tah says, 'ok, materials.' Tah says, 'any plans for non mages to actually be able to tell what material type something is?' Tah says, 'because it's annoying as hell.' AA-Aarington says, 'appraise skill :P' Huginn says, 'nothing specific but its a good idea' Vendetta says, 'Ooh, we need another SKILL' Tah says, 'when gold rings mend leather boots.' Sandra says, 'appraise?' Isam says, 'no' AA-Aarington says to Vendetta, 'to add to the TREE.' Isam says, 'make it part of mend and forge! :P' Sandra says, 'appraise tells you' Isam says, 'err repair' Sandra says, 'so learn it!' Sandra throws her head back and cackles gleefully! Tah says, 'can't we just have a simple command?' Sandra says, 'yea, appraise' Sandra giggles. Tah looks up into the sky and ponders. Drizzt says, 'Tah you out of pracs?' Drizzt chortles with amusement. DoC peers around intently. Isam says to Sandra, 'but then i might not be able to learn tan! or eloquence!' Tah says, 'not by a long shot. was appraise changed at some point?' Sandra giggles. Slayer disappears into the void. Slayer has returned from the void. Sandra says, 'when the new materials went in' Tah scuffles his feet around in the dirt. Sandra giggles. Tah had no idea. :p Huginn says, 'I have characters with tan.. its actually kinda handy' AA-Aarington blinks. AA-Aarington blinks. Tah nods his agreement with Huginn. Vendetta says, 'tailor, now that's handy!' Sandra says, 'hey I like making bags :P' Chunk says to Dusk, 'bah you are ignoring me =p' Dusk smirks. Dusk says, 'so i am...' Chunk peers at Dusk, looking him up and down. Vendetta says to Sandra, 'do you have a sarcasm meter?' Dusk says, 'my list is very extensive.' Sandra says, 'yea but it's broken sometimes' Dusk says to Chunk, 'you must of pissed me off years ago. :P' Sandra says, 'anyway!' AA-Aarington says to Vendetta, 'a sarcasm meter, that's *real* useful!' Chunk says to Dusk, 'well after this i wanna talk to you if you have time =p' Chunk giggles. Sandra says, 'one sec, phone' Sandra says, 'ok, next up!'


Sandra points at Vendetta. Dusk says, 'i have LOP's still in my gag list...' Huginn panics, and attempts to flee. Vendetta says, 'OK one really really small question' Chunk raises his hand. Vendetta says, 'to preceed my complaint' Chunk scuffles his feet around in the dirt. Vendetta says, 'It's about some LoPs' Chunk lies down on the ground and gets comfortable. Tah raises his hand. Vendetta says, 'I personally experienced, being bashed, and seeing the LoP kick my doppel in one round of lag' Vendetta says, 'Like together between rounds' Chunk says to Vendetta, 'they cheat..' Vendetta says, 'Also things like, being bashed, standing up and bashing you back' Sandra says, 'did you bug 'em? They aren't intended to cheat' Vendetta says, 'Anyway' Vendetta says, 'My real question is' Chunk remembers being backstabbed fled got shot and tumbled a bash to just get stun shot.. Tah says, 'i saw sylia make dancing swords while entranced, but sandra says i'm crazy.' Vanion says, 'ok i gotta take a shower i stink from the gym' Vanion makes strange faces - what a weirdo! Vanion stands up. Vendetta says, 'And there was a very eloquent bug report about it' Vanion sits down on the ground. Vanion chuckles politely. Dusk says, 'some lop's use stuff that didn't exist when they were actually pkilling...' Dusk snickers softly. Vendetta says, 'What is wrong with retreat?' Sandra shakes her head. Vendetta says, 'Is it like a Spirit or MInd skill?' Vendetta says, 'Cause I haven't succeeded one in like 40 times' Vendetta says, 'in a row!!!' Dusk says, 'not even in my list' Vendetta says, 'If my opponent is standing' Huginn says, 'retreat is on the bug list' Dusk says to Vendetta, 'is it a fighter only skill?' Vendetta says to Dusk, 'think so.' Dusk nods solemnly. Huginn says, 'yeah its a no chant skill' Tah says to Dusk, 'Isn't that a nonauggie skill?' Dusk nods solemnly. Dusk says to Tah, 'which?' Tah says, 'retreat.' Vendetta says, 'ANyway, it works fine against stunned/para people but fails EVERY time otherwise' Dusk says, 'bah, i have never heard of retreat until 10 seconds ago' Dusk scuffles his feet around in the dirt. Sandra giggles. Chunk nods his agreement with Dusk. Chunk says, 'im clueless..' Huginn says to Dusk, 'Has anyone blindsided you yet?' Beverly disappears into the void. Beverly has returned from the void. Dusk shakes his head. Dusk says, 'nope' Huginn says, 'topple?' Dusk says, 'nope' Dusk says, 'just bash bash bahs' Huginn nods solemnly. Dusk rolls his eyes heavenward. Chunk says, 'blindside?' AA-Aarington thinks he has the only aa char with blindside and topple Vendetta says, 'snipe?' Tah says to Huginn, 'I never see those used in pk.' AA-Aarington also has suckerpunch! Drizzt says, 'so who is the sucker now' Drizzt chortles with amusement. Drizzt tickles AA-Aarington. AA-Aarington says, 'haha, when was the last time someone used innate defense :P' Vendetta says to Huginn, 'so are you gonna look into retreat?' Huginn nods his agreement with Vendetta. Dusk says, 'all these new kewl skills, everyone still tries bash' Vendetta says to AA-Aarington, 'it's an auto skill.' Dusk shrugs helplessly. Tah says to Dusk, 'It's the sitting thing huginn mentioned.' Dusk says, 'is balance an auto skill?' Chunk shakes his head. Huginn says, 'not currently..' Vendetta says to Dusk, 'you have to turn it on.' Huginn says, 'but I do want to change it so that its on by default' Chunk says, 'balance should be a nice skill but i havent seen it do anything cool :(' Huginn says, 'and you can toggle it off' Dusk says, 'but you have less chance from falling over in combat?' Vendetta raises his hand. Kaige says, 'why would you?' Huginn says, 'why would you toggle it off?' Vendetta says to Dusk, 'yes.' Kaige says, 'yeah' Beverly says, 'as soonas you get bashed, balance is cancelled' Dusk nods solemnly. Huginn says, 'it you want to drop down somewhere' Tah says to Beverly, 'Is it?' Huginn says, 'and its keeping you from that' Vendetta says, 'as soon as you sit down it gets cancelled' Kaige looks up into the sky and ponders. Chunk says, 'then you use climb? =p' Vendetta says, 'i think it's worse than agg' Tah wrinkles his nose with distaste. Kaige says, 'ok. so basically hardly ever... why don't we just rip it?' Huginn says, 'rip balance?' Dusk says, 'why not rip arm wrestle. :P' Kaige says, 'make it an assumed part of your character's ability' AA-Aarington says, 'because occassionally a flurry of attacks will send you sprawling!' Chunk says, 'i think i used it on a tight rope somewheres..' Huginn says, 'because then its not a choice' Dusk nods his agreement with Kaige. Kaige says, 'it's not a choice if it defaults to being on either' AA-Aarington says, 'why not rip free will!' Dusk snickers softly. Tah says to Huginn, 'I don't see where anyone would NOT want it.' Huginn says, 'except you can CHOOSE to learn it' Kaige nods her agreement with Tah. AA-Aarington says, 'it's only useful for that piece of gristle in tudor :P' Huginn says, 'maybe it should be worth spending a practice on' Tah says to AA-Aarington, 'Not true.' Drizzt chortles with amusement. Chunk says, 'balance would be cool if you toggle it and it stays for certain ammount of ticks' Chunk says, 'and does benefits that way.. during tick' Vendetta says, 'like sustained?' Chunk nods solemnly. Chunk says, 'maybe use it like.. to help sneak.. or aiming while standing.. or ionno other logical things' Tah says, 'nah, make it like tumble. :p' Huginn says, 'ok sorry.. balance will not be chhanged' Huginn says, 'we love it the way it is' Tah says, 'but prevent you from falling in combat.' Huginn says, 'next question?' Chunk says, 'heh' Chunk raises his hand. AA-Aarington raises his hand. Vendetta says, 'he just stabbed all your hopes!!!'


Sandra points at Vendetta. Vendetta says, 'Oh sweet' Vendetta says, 'I remember talk of climb being auto-matic in some cases' Vendetta says, 'Kind of like fleeing' Huginn says, 'only for walls atm' Vendetta says, 'But what about rooms with agg mobs that have 2 exits both of which are climb-only?' Slayer says, 'which is another thing on how create got ruined' Slayer mutters under her breath. Huginn says, 'create got more challenging, not ruined' Slayer says, 'bah' Meue chuckles politely. Vendetta jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Huginn! Slayer says, 'i changed eq like 1000 times with mine and she still sucks' Sandra says, 'you can't kill everything easily now. Suck it up :P' Huginn says, 'you can't just walk in with a huge army, create a wall and order all kill X' Slayer says, 'i dont want easy' Slayer says, 'i want fair :P' Sandra says, 'it is fair' Slayer says, 'whatever' Chunk swoons. AA-Aarington says to Huginn, 'didnt you say you'd stop kicking creates when people stopped asking about them for 2 or 3 person runs? i got news for ya, that was a long time ago, and they're funny pk chars too :P' Vendetta says to Huginn, 'so will we be looking into climb to be more automatic?' Tah says, 'fair, like -100 ac, 40 dam, 40 hit, and 700 hp with full 2c?' Tah says, 'at 30 dex.' AA-Aarington nods his agreement with Tah. Slayer says, 'bah' AA-Aarington says, 'of *course* that's fair!' Slayer snickers softly. Slayer says, 'thats not what im talking about and you all know it' Tah says, 'or to shorten, klein.' Slayer shakes her head. Vendetta coughs loudly. Vendetta says, 'This is about climb people' Sandra says, 'guys we're on Vendetta's question' Drizzt says, 'I just had an idea for all mages and redeem points, they could redeem them for scrolls' Tah says, 'oh yea' Tah hushes. Vendetta sighs loudly. Huginn says, 'I wouldn't be opposed but it'd have a high chance of failure' Vendetta says, 'Now is the time for that 'tumbleweed' social' Vendetta nods his agreement with Huginn. Sandra says, 'ok, next up'


Sandra points at Chunk. Chunk beams delightedly. Chunk says, 'ok.. i heard you discussed a possible at the pk meeting.. i just wanted to elaborate on it if it wasnt already asked' Chunk says, 'the pke clan halls would require a key to get into clan halls.. and keys would be carried by those clan members.. if you did that and/or are thinking of that' Slayer says, 'rogue here i come' Chunk says, 'i think a good way to do it would be to make a steal timer on them.. so ppl dont hoard them' Neo_Tritoch says, 'exscuse me?' Neo_Tritoch slaps Slayer. Slayer laughs. Tah says, 'or using a persons house as a clanhall.' Sandra says, 'it was an idea that was brought up that we said we liked' Slayer says, 'thats a bad idea really' Huginn says, 'why?' Chunk says, 'i think that is a great idea.. and would promote a lot of pk' AA-Aarington was trying to pk before q n a, and found 2 people in halls, and another 2 ooc! Slayer says, 'all your gonna do is kill pk even more' Vendetta says, 'clan halls are killing PK' Slayer says, 'make ppl alt more' Slayer says, 'na' Tah nods his agreement with AA-Aarington. AA-Aarington says, 'clan halls kill pk' Huginn says, 'it'd put risk into pkill housing' Chunk says, 'clan halls are hurting..' Slayer says, 'playerbase is killn pk' Vendetta says, 'and people stupid enough to walk into the halls' AA-Aarington says, 'i'd rather have alts than someone out of business' Slayer says, 'we've had clan halls forever' Tah says, 'it'd HAVE to be all housing, though.' Huginn says, 'no it wouldn't' Tah says, 'not pke housing.' Slayer says, 'not the problem' Vendetta jumps in the air and slams a thunderous high-5 with Huginn! Chunk says, 'if you had to use a key to get in.. then atleast if you killed someone you could lift the key or a key.. and have access for a certain ammount of time..' AA-Aarington says, 'right now a grendel can sit behind 2 doors and wait until hell freezes over' Huginn says, 'not just a grendel' Neo_Tritoch pokes AA-Aarington in the ribs. Vendetta says, 'I don't sit in my hall' Vendetta sticks his tongue out at everyone! =P Tah says to Huginn, 'Otherwise i could just use docs house, for example.' Slayer says, 'there all bitching about the grendel dootr' Neo_Tritoch says, 'yeah huginns right, underworld too' Chunk says, 'any clan at that.. i think its a nice incentive for clan characters also' Slayer says, 'well them too' Huginn says, 'with the proper number of doors, anyone is safe' AA-Aarington says, 'point is i cant find anyone ic to jump' Slayer says, 'but you can break there door' AA-Aarington says, 'make it autorent an idling pker faster would be a nice idea' Slayer says, 'your not gonna either aa' Slayer says, 'playerbase!' Tah says, 'here's an idea.' Tah says, 'remove the void message :p' AA-Aarington nods his agreement with Tah. Chunk says, 'also gives a lot of rp possibilities for selling or reaping in rewards for lost keys' Vanion disappears into the void. AA-Aarington says, 'no more void trigs unless you can program a timer....oh wait...' Vanion has returned from the void. Vanion smiles as he tears off a leg of mutton and tosses it in the corner of the room where it is quickly devoured by his intimidating tiger "Chaos". Slayer says, 'people are just mad because there targets get to heal in safty' AA-Aarington laughs at Vanion. Nelson says, 'dude kill vanion' AA-Aarington says, 'slay! slay! slay!' Huginn says, 'so to sum up.. yeah we're thinking about it..' Huginn says, 'but it'd only be pke' Nelson raises his hand. Chunk nods solemnly. AA-Aarington squeezes Huginn fondly. Huginn says, 'not for all housing' Chunk says, 'that would be best' Vendetta raises his hand. Slayer smirks. Huginn points at AA-Aarington. Slayer says to Huginn, 'Well.' Huginn says, 'you're next, sandra popped afk' Tah says to Huginn, 'It's pointless, then.' Chunk says, 'i would like to see some fun things pke can benefit from for going pke' Slayer says to Huginn, 'Youd have to give all pker the ability to steal then.' Slayer says to Huginn, 'Some cant!' Huginn says to Slayer, 'And? choice to be made.' Vendetta says to Slayer, 'then they shouldn't pk.' Nelson says, 'only the crappy ones' Chunk says to Slayer, 'pick your clan mates wisely?' Huginn says, 'get a friend who can' Slayer says to Vendetta, 'Bs.' Chunk raises his hand. Slayer says to Vendetta, 'Horror did fine in pk she never once has steal.' Huginn says, 'for low dex you have other powers' Huginn says, 'its a trade' AA-Aarington says, 'hooray!' Slayer says, 'steal should be a given or lowered' Vendetta says to Slayer, 'i'm all talk.' Nelson says, 'even *I* can steal and im con cause ;p' AA-Aarington says, 'ok, just wondering about backstab' Tah says to Slayer, 'Could she learn it?' Chunk says to Slayer, 'it wouldnt be hard to "hire" a thief just to lift a key either..' Meue nods his agreement with Nelson. Huginn says to AA-Aarington, 'What about it?' AA-Aarington says, 'i've got a sniper using a 5kg BSD, that does backstabs with 1 damroll around 65 damage' Nelson snickers at Meue nastily. Nelson waves to Meue. Huginn says, 'and?' Slayer says, 'ok here the other problem with keys' Huginn says to Slayer, 'One sec.' Huginn says, 'we'll go back to the keys in a sec' Slayer nods solemnly. Huginn says, 'AA is asking about backstab' AA-Aarington says, 'i've been backstabbed with a 14 kg weapon, and contrary to a linear or mathematical expansion you think you'd be able to predict, it does about 120 damage' Nelson says, 'im gonna ask about locks if i ever get a turn, lets just turn it into a rant session' Meue says, 'me too' Slayer nods her agreement with Nelson. Meue says, '120 hps in a backstab from a str fighter with 30 perc' Huginn says, 'I think vendetta is next, you can be behind him' Chunk raises an eyebrow inquiringly. Beverly disappears into the void. Beverly has returned from the void. Chunk says, 'i thought bs damage was purely based on perception and damroll?' AA-Aarington says, 'anyway, my question is why the different' Chunk says, 'damroll being a bonus to the perc damage..' Tah says to Huginn, 'Actually i was before aa, but i forgot anyway.' Chunk looks up into the sky and ponders. AA-Aarington says, 'i mean weapon weight, in the whole scheme of things seems to not pump bs damage enough to make it worthwhile' Huginn says, 'weapon weight, perception and damage roll all play parts' Meue says, 'quality should too' Huginn says, 'weapon weight's impact was lowered a long time ago although its still there' Nelson says, 'yeah for a 14kg weapon that i went on a horrible boring 3 hour thing to get, it was vewwy disappointing' AA-Aarington says, 'yes, and in being backstabbed by someone with more in all 3 by almost triple (except perc), he didle just over double' Kaige says, 'quatlity does play a role in it' Kaige says, 'quality too' AA-Aarington says, 'ah, quality' Kaige peers at her keyboard. Meue says, 'well not enough then, imho' Kaige says, 'maybe not the way you're thinking?' Kaige shrugs philosophically. Vendetta says, 'it is Q5' Meue giggles. Meue says, 'I understand' AA-Aarington says, 'you cant explain this away' AA-Aarington says, 'it was way less damage than it shoulda been' AA-Aarington says, '120 damage from 14kg with buttloads more dam, same perc, sane quarter' AA-Aarington says, '65 from 5kg, less dam, same perc, same quarter' AA-Aarington says, 'something doesnt add up' Vendetta says, 'stop saying quarter' AA-Aarington says, 'quarter bah' AA-Aarington says, 'Q' AA-Aarington says, 'i get it mixed up with quality' AA-Aarington slaps Vendetta. AA-Aarington says to Vendetta, 'quarter quarter quarter quarter.' AA-Aarington says, 'look, I think the new backstab system did some good to low perc weapons not getting the kickass para bonus' Slayer raises her hand. AA-Aarington says, 'but i think higher str weapons arent being compensated enough' AA-Aarington says, 'i mean 14kg, you need almost triple the str to weild that' Huginn says, 'a person who is going to be able to wield the larger weapons gets the bonus from damage roll though as well' AA-Aarington says, 'yes, and i'm telling you that bonus isnt significant' Huginn says, 'for damage roll it is' Vendetta says, 'and that's the end of that chapter' Vendetta pats himself on the head - wonder if he can rub his belly too? AA-Aarington says, 'ok, all I'm saying is that 14kg should do more damage on a stab' Nelson says, 'second' Huginn says, 'it does do some additional' Vendetta says, 'I just plain don't care' AA-Aarington says, 'yeah, ok, fine, whatever' AA-Aarington says, 'next question' Nelson says, 'I care, thats almost a damn sword, i wanna see people dead from that' Nelson mutters under his breath. Nelson says, 'i dont even have a sniper and it makes me grouchy' Slayer laughs. Huginn says to Nelson, 'Sort of a short fight.' Vendetta says to Nelson, 'you were the fun who said you didn't want me to have one.' Meue says, '14kg should do more damage. but hit less often. How can you sneak up behind someone with a ton of metal in your hand?' Slayer says, 'whos next?' Slayer looks about accusingly. Nelson says to Vendetta, 'i dont, that fight would last like two seconds.' Tah says to Huginn, 'How's it shorter than a dex fighter with 400 ho being bashed?' Tah says, 'hp.' Huginn says to Tah, 'Yeah we need to look at that too.' Tah nods his agreement with Huginn. Vendetta says to Tah, 'what kind of stupid sniper has 400hp.' Slayer says, 'are we loosing track of whos next?' Meue says, 'I do' LadyAce has lost link. Meue sniffs sadly. Meue reports: 414/414 hp |U16302/302 mana |U16432/432 mv. Sandra says, 'nah, are we done on this subject?' Tah says to Vendetta, 'Wasn't referring to a sniper.' Slayer nods her agreement with Sandra. Vendetta reports: 412/412 hp |U16372/372 mana |U16434/434 mv. Vendetta sticks his tongue out at Meue. =P Nelson raises his hand. Meue giggles.


Sandra points at Nelson. Chunk raises his hand. Sandra says, 'you were next up anyway nelson' Drizzt disappears into the void. Drizzt has returned from the void. Drizzt snorts to himself, disgusted. Nelson says, 'okay well more on houses' Slayer nods her agreement with Sandra. Nelson says, 'isnt there' Nelson says, 'whats with all the voiders' Nelson says, 'kill them!' AA-Aarington says, 'shoot smart' Slayer laughs. Nelson says, 'anyways isnt there something that makes you more likely to pick or break or phase a door the more you keep trying?' Tah says, 'oh, i remember my question now.' Nelson says, 'i'd heard that somewhere' Nelson zones out. Vendetta pokes Meue with a |8vow for revenge9. Huginn says, 'one sec' Huginn says, 'let me clear one thing up..' Huginn says, 'I shouldn't have said weight of weapon for backstab.. instead I should have said max damage the weapon can do per attack' Huginn says, 'that's influenced by a few things.' AA-Aarington says, 'per attack or per round?' Huginn says, 'and doesn't have to be as high as other weapons with the same weight' Huginn says, 'per swing' AA-Aarington says, 'ah' Huginn says, 'that's all for my clarification' Sandra says, 'I just scrolled all the way back to the beginning of the qna, and Tah wasn't skipped :P' Slayer says, 'hahahha' Slayer says, 'you know' Slayer says, 'i would just poof people to newbie hell when they void!' Slayer whistles innocently to herself. Kaige has created a small piece of paper! Kaige starts writing on a small piece of paper from Kaige. Adolph raises his hand. Sandra says to Nelson, 'Reask please.' Vendetta says to Slayer, 'you move to the VOID, when you void.' Vendetta says to Slayer, 'heh.' Huginn says to Nelson, 'I'd have to check.' Slayer says, 'i mean when they spam triggers' Slayer nods her agreement with Vendetta. Nelson says, 'well if there isn't, maybe thats an idea' Slayer nods her agreement with Nelson. Huginn nods solemnly. Nelson says, 'and if there is, lets just increase it by about 500%' Slayer says, 'battering ram!' Slayer throws her head back and cackles gleefully! Sandra giggles. Nelson says, 'because thats at least what, 10 ticks for two tries at a lock?' Nelson says, 'thats plenty of time to heal up from anyone your fleeing' Sandra says, 'that'd be a cool idea' Slayer says to Sandra, 'You could maybe even draw it with horses.' Sandra says, 'lock picks, and all that stuff' Vendetta says, 'what do you pick with now?' Vendetta says, 'Your hands?' Nelson says, 'by the third time you wait off picking timers, which also could go down, or breaking timers' Vendetta says, 'tongue?' Nelson says, 'you should be in' Nelson zones out. Slayer says, 'lower tick timer on picklock break door' Nelson says, 'and 7 people standing outside kicking and picking and spitting on a door should get in reaaaal fast' Slayer says, 'that will stop people from crying about doors' Sandra giggles. Beverly disappears into the void. Beverly has returned from the void. Slayer says, 'anyway were back in doors' Slayer says, 'i got a problem with keys' Slayer attempts to prod Huginn but Huginn isn't about to go anywhere. Sandra says, 'get in qeue :P' Nelson says, 'neener, neener' Slayer says, 'my qeue was something else :P' Sandra says, 'it's getting late and I wanna wrap this up. So let's get through the people in line' Slayer nods solemnly. Vendetta says, 'is ER on?' Slayer throws her head back and cackles gleefully! Sandra says, 'yep!' Sandra says, 'but that's not why I wanna get done' Sandra giggles. Slayer says to Sandra, 'Tivo yet?' Sandra says, 'nah not yet'


Sandra points at Vendetta. Slayer giggles. Vendetta says, 'I want clan infos' Nelson says, 'so lower timers higher odds and cumulitive effort bonuses and group effort bonuses on all 3 door bypassing skills!' Nelson nods to himself. Vendetta says, 'can you put them in right now?' Sandra says, 'clan infos?' AA-Aarington says, 'what about rogue infos?' Sandra says, 'rogues get no benefits!' Vendetta says, 'like if a clanned person gets a kill' Slayer laughs. Vendetta says, 'it says the regular death info' Huginn says, 'clan infos have been discussed' Sandra nods her agreement with Huginn. Vendetta says, 'and then like [Info:] So and so was JUSTIFIED!!!!' Slayer snickers softly. Huginn says, 'the scales of justice have just crushed XXXXXX' Vendetta says, 'or ... so and so died of the shabby Grendel smell.' Sandra says, 'it'd be a nice clan perk. But I don't see much activity in clans to give them much of a perk' Nelson says, 'first person to make a grendel joke' Nelson says, 'too late..' Nelson slaps Vendetta. Adolph snickers at Vendetta nastily. Slayer throws her head back and cackles gleefully! Vendetta chortles at Nelson's feeble witticism. AA-Aarington says, 'like... so and so died because they suck, god, killed by a grendel *laugh*' Sandra says, 'make me wanna fight for it! Get those clans active and stuff' Slayer smirks. Adolph says, 'i really like that idea.' Vendetta says to Sandra, 'were you not on last night?' Slayer says, 'yah i like it too' AA-Aarington says to Vendetta, 'guess she missed it.' Sandra says, 'what'd I miss?' Vendetta says to Sandra, 'infos gallore.' Sandra says, 'oh yea, but that's 1 day :)' Slayer says, 'off subject!' Sandra nods her agreement with Slayer. Slayer stomps around. Sandra says, 'anyway!' Vendetta says, 'One could say they were all in your name, but I think Huginn got a couple of dedications too' AA-Aarington says, 'if sandra idled and we could backstab her, i guarantee PK activity would incrase' Slayer says, 'shit phone' Sandra says, 'ok, it's something that we've thought about. But we want more clan activity first'


Sandra points at Chunk. AA-Aarington salutes Sandra briskly. Why don't people obey YOU like that? Nelson says, 'how much is more?' Sandra says, 'more than 3 half dead clans' Nelson says, 'i believe less is more' Chunk says, 'quick thing.. is clan limit 12 ppl max?' AA-Aarington says, 'does nulk multing count?' Sandra says, '20' Nelson says to AA-Aarington, 'lets find out.' Chunk says, 'oye 20.. ok.' Chunk says, 'here is my q...' Vendetta says, 'One of those clans just almost doubled their memebership in 2 days' Chunk says, 'because i think this will help balance out pke clans.. is it feesible to cut the clan max on pke clans to 8-10? i think that will allow more pk as well.. since ive noticed just about everyone is in one or 2 clans..' Vendetta says, 'none of the clans have more than 10 players' Vendetta chuckles politely. Slayer says, 'grendels are at 9 atm so' Vendetta says, 'or even 8' Sandra nods her agreement with Vendetta. Adolph says to Chunk, 'Which clan even has ten members?' Sandra says, '10 is the most' Chunk says, 'well i mean when pk picks up which im bankin on' Nelson says, 'grendels had 11 like 2 days ago' Chunk says, 'i plan on doing some pr work and pk teachings.. which has helped in the past to spark up new blood' Sandra says, 'I would say that that should be up to the GMs to regulate. I agree that they should spread the wealth' Adolph says, 'a better question would be can we lower the min?' Slayer nods her agreement with Nelson. Sandra shakes her head in disagreement with Adolph. Slayer says, 'you should' Sandra says, 'nah' Slayer shrugs philosophically. Sandra says, 'if you can't keep 5, you don't need to be a clan' Vendetta says, 'then it's too easy to make a clan' Adolph says, '5 t 4 is 20%.' Slayer says, 'with base so low' Slayer says, 'you almost cant keep that many' Sandra says, 'the lowest right now is 8' Sandra says, 'highest is 10' Slayer says, 'and have multipule clans' Chunk says, 'spread to 3 pke clans?' Vendetta says, 'I think PK playerbase is low' Nelson says, 'well even beyond that how about some time for a clan to form without all 5 people' Sandra says, 'and there are 2 new clans in the works' Vendetta says, 'not the playerbase itself' Kaige says, 'a lot of rogue pke out there' Sandra says, 'so that's at least 10 more' Huginn nods his agreement with Kaige. Adolph says to Sandra, '3 clans of 10 could be 6 clans of 5, that's kinda my point there.' Nelson says, 'it pops in what 10 ticks now? what if you have half your clan in america and half in singapore' Huginn says, 'organize them' AA-Aarington says, 'by rogue pk you mean pkers that never log on?' Slayer laughs. Slayer nods her agreement with AA-Aarington. Kaige says to AA-Aarington, 'Hardly. I meant that aren't in a clan.' Huginn says, 'some log in and don't kill' Huginn says, 'some kill and aren't affiliated' AA-Aarington says, 'some try to find pk, and find locked clan doors :P' Kaige says, 'but there are those that are in the clans too, tho less since the 45 day rule went in' Slayer says, '45 rule is harsh when your 35 :P' Chunk says, 'i hope i can get more ppl to aid me in doing the whole pk training with pkok to try to draw new blood.. but i gotta sit down with the pke clans to discuss a few issues of pkers =p' Slayer says, '45 rule should be for 40 and above' Nelson says, 'been there done that' Nelson says, 'i trained someone who said from the start they were only doing this to perma me, that was fun' Slayer says, 'theres like maybe 2 people i can pk with' Sandra giggles. Chunk snickers at Nelson nastily. Chunk says to Nelson, 'ive done that before..' Kaige says, 'sounds like you need to do more recruiting up through the ranks for all clans' Vendetta says to Nelson, 'dId you abandon it, or keep teaching them like a real teacher.' Sandra says, 'ok so I've lost track of the question' Sandra giggles. Slayer jumps up and down. Kaige says, 'member limits on pk clans... both max and min' Chunk says to Sandra, 'basically a hopes of lowering pke clan max limit when pk picks up.' Sandra says, 'oh yea' AA-Aarington says, 'part of it is nobody wants to level a char to 50 under these dumb new no run rules just to have it die later' Huginn says, 'no run rules?' Adolph says to AA-Aarington, 'No run rules? please.' AA-Aarington says, 'run restrictions' Sandra says, 'I think if we lower pk clan limits, it lowers all clans? I would rather the Gms regulate it, really.' Slayer says, 'not being able to SL PD' Huginn says, 'ah' Chunk nods his agreement with Sandra. Kaige nods her agreement with Sandra. Adolph says to AA-Aarington, 'Three people runs killing rondom mobs is worth more xp than most big runs.' AA-Aarington says, 'all I ever hear now outside jiggs demanding SL is a bunch of newbies asking for AT' Vendetta says, 'People are just afraid to PK' Huginn says, 'I don't think its that hard to get exp outside those runs' Sandra nods her agreement with Adolph. Kaige says, 'yeah there's currently only one define for all types' Chunk says to Sandra, 'yeah i would think that would be best.. again why i mentioned i need to speak with the peeps.' Huginn nods his agreement with Adolph. Vendetta says, 'Unexperienced PKers get discouraged' Adolph says, 'india, casa, salem, boston, crusades..' Sandra nods solemnly. Kaige says, 'which could be changed, but I'm not convinced it's worth it' Nelson says, 'he has a point, not everyone gets to follow around experience points processing machines to level' Adolph says, 'africa, seoni' Adolph says, 'the xp is there, it's always been in those mobs.' AA-Aarington says, 'not everyone has the time to run around every day, get 400k xp, regen, then lose it in a PK fight' Sandra says, 'well, if they were going on those big runs, that's what they'd be doing.' Chunk says to Kaige, '?' Chunk says to Kaige, 'i didnt understand that comment.. think i missed what part was being commented on..' Adolph says, 'hell, we were getting a mill a night with three people running lops.' Vendetta says, 'XP is not the problem' Slayer says, 'you just had that removed because people were powerleveling' Kaige says to Chunk, 'To split the defines up for pk vs rp clans.' Slayer says, 'but that still happens without pd sl' Slayer says, 'look at me!' Slayer points proudly at herself. Chunk says to Kaige, 'im working on it being worth it..' Chunk winks suggestively at Kaige. Kaige isn't convinced it would solve anything right now. Kaige wishes Chunk good luck! Huginn nods solemnly. Sandra says, 'you're a slowpoke. I've got one at 48 and one at 24 in the time you got to that level :P' Huginn says, 'I'm not either' Vendetta says, 'Can you make this a PK/RP force MUD, so all players must PK and RP, or they get banned?' AA-Aarington says, 'give me an xp bonus on mobs for being in a PK clan i'd start stabbing the hell out of stuff' Chunk says to Kaige, 'ima need it.. who is gunna listen to a old crusty guy?' Slayer says to Sandra, 'Im afk more then not tho.' Adolph says to Vendetta, 'You hush.' Slayer says to Sandra, 'Just logged on.' Sandra says, 'hehe' Slayer says, 'anyway i gotta go soon' Sandra says, 'yea lets move on' Slayer says, 'can i get to my question'


Sandra points at Slayer. Slayer says, 'sweet' Slayer says, 'this is to huggys' Slayer says, 'can you look into blindside? i mean i cant land it at all unless the mob is like way lower level then me. I can never EVER land it on mobs that are a challange or above' Slayer says, 'and' Huginn says, 'bug that first part and we'll look' Slayer says, 'you should be able to blindside sleeping people' Vendetta says, 'I have seen it used in PK, and it dazes a LOT!' AA-Aarington says to Vendetta, 'who the hell uses it.' Slayer says, 'i would' Slayer says, 'if it worked' Vendetta says, 'my str fighter' Vendetta says, 'it does work' Slayer says, 'it almost like suckerpunch but worse' Vendetta says to Slayer, 'i have used it twice.' Vendetta says, 'and one time I got a daze' AA-Aarington says, 'wow, with statistics like that, who can argue' Slayer says, 'ive been using it for a week now' Slayer says, 'so far i got ONE daze' Slayer says, 'maybe landed it like 20 times' Vendetta says, 'maybe you're not optimized to blindside' Slayer says, 'maybe not' Slayer says, 'whats the main stats on it?' Vendetta says, 'I mean, just having the skill doesn't mean you're gonna be good at it' Slayer says, 'yeah i know' Huginn says to Slayer, 'Bug those.' Slayer nods her agreement with Huginn. Sandra smiles happily.


Sandra points at Adolph. Adolph says, 'oh, wow.' Beverly disappears into the void. Beverly has returned from the void. Adolph says, 'beyond the fact that i've always sucked at pk, still suck at pk, and always will suck at pk. is there a reason that i'm sutnned by every shot from a little sure shot?' Huginn says, 'bad luck' Sandra says, 'you also have bad karma' Meue giggles. Slayer says to Huginn, 'Simple enough?' Adolph smirks at Sandra. Adolph nods his agreement with Meue. Meue says, 'and you are easy' Nelson says, 'that happened to me yesterday' Huginn nods his agreement with Slayer. Meue giggles. Nelson says, '10 shots 10 stuns at least' Meue says, 'just kidding' AA-Aarington says, 'the sure shot is a sacrifice' Adolph says to Meue, 'I didn't even have time to flee between stuns.' AA-Aarington says, '2 stats, rent up the wazoo' Vendetta raises his hand. Slayer says, 'can i spam real quick without gettn slayer?' Adolph says, 'six or so straight stun shots isn't bad luck.' Slayer says, 'er slayed' Sandra says, 'probably not?' Slayer says, 'oh well' AA-Aarington says, 'hey at least it's no ladyace drow gun' An aura of heavenly light appears above AA-Aarington's head. Slayer gives Sandra a great big smooch! Slayer gives Kaige a great big smooch! Slayer gives Huginn a great big smooch! Slayer slaps Adolph. Slayer punches Nelson in the face - better stand back! Slayer begins flirting with AA-Aarington outrageously. Meue says to Adolph, 'Maybe I shoot on stun rather than backstab on stun and all those shots were in a row?' Slayer kisses Vendetta tenderly. Sandra giggles. Chunk says to Adolph, 'there are days where i can para bs ppl and not even take a point of damage... then there are days where i could totally get beat down and not a skill works for me.' Adolph says to Meue, 'No, i was waking from them i thought.' Huginn says, 'the accuracy of a gun will help put you down' Adolph says to Meue, 'And even if i wasn't, they were repeated stun shots.' Huginn says, 'but it sounds more like bad luck' Huginn says, 'for so many in a row' Meue nods his agreement with Huginn. Meue beams delightedly. An aura of heavenly light appears above Meue's head. AA-Aarington says, 'nah, you can get badass sure shot stun streaks especially with the right targetted shots' Nelson says, 'I was down the entire fight' Chunk says to Adolph, 'dont let it panic you.. we all have bad days and good days.. and the first thing in pk you learn is luck = winning edge.' Nelson says, 'if i didnt bind meue i'd be so dead from backstabs' Adolph says to Huginn, 'Really, i think there's a bug.' Nelson says, 'which i ended up dying to anyways' Meue says, 'you were stunned Nelson, because I was bound and couldnt backstab' Huginn says, 'well we're doing more shooting fixes so we'll see' Nelson says, 'i kept waking up too' Adolph nods his agreement with Nelson. Nelson says, 'not like you had an 18 round stun' Nelson says, 'you had like 11 little stuns' Adolph says to Nelson, 'He did it to me too.' AA-Aarington says, 'btw huggies, good work on shoot head :p' AA-Aarington says, 'best targetted shot *ever* :P' Chunk says, 'hey i miss a lot of those shots at 100 perception..' Chunk sighs loudly. Nelson says to AA-Aarington, 'after meue, yer next.' AA-Aarington says to Nelson, 'for what.' Nelson says, 'hugs and kisses' AA-Aarington cheers wildly! Sandra says, 'any last minute questions before we close up? It's almost 9:30' Nelson says, 'from adolph' Nelson raises his hand. Nelson says, 'wheres the updates?' Vendetta says, 'yes' Sandra says, 'no code updates today' Vendetta says, 'I got one' Nelson raises his hand. Vendetta says, 'Why is the rent for snipers so freakin' low' Kaige says, 'aren't any this week except for the fix for the extra descs' Vendetta says, 'I mean, if you are getting con/dex/perc eq' Sandra says, 'you're complaining?' Vendetta says to Sandra, 'i want the rent higher.' Vendetta says to Sandra, 'yes I'm complaining.' Vendetta says, 'I am fair!' Huginn says, 'depends on the weapon you use I think as well' Nelson says, 'i have a last minute question also' Sandra says, 'it's usually lower because they'll have a 2h gun a lot of times, and their weapons are lower rent' Vendetta says, 'I mean, mages and snipers are KNOWN for having like 10K free rent with all eq' Nelson says, 'because a strength fighter can do fine without things like vials, so crap like horns has to be rentier' Meue nods his agreement with Nelson. Nelson says, 'a tank dont need no damned chalice' Vendetta says, '+dam/hit eq I understand, but still, some people have TOO much rent' Vendetta says, 'free' Sandra says, 'it just depends on the eq you use' Meue nods his agreement with Sandra. Sandra says, 'I have a sniper that's at like 45k rent' Nelson says, 'like people who run around with guns and vials and a weapon they spam to for backstabbing' Vendetta says to Sandra, 'that's part of the 'skill' right? Making your eq?' Meue says, 'the most popular sniper weapon is 9k rent' Chunk says, 'my sniper is at 50k rent.. without a perma light..' Sandra says, 'I tend to try and make mine light on the rent so they can lug stuff' Vendetta says to Nelson, 'i have VERY little rent.' AA-Aarington says, 'my sniper uses a permalight, gilt lyre, recall scrolls, and a good 12 vials with 4 sure shot ammo pouches and is 1.5k underrent' Vendetta says to Nelson, 'but I make illusions!' Nelson says, 'you do not!' AA-Aarington is lying here, stunned. Sandra says, 'ok so anyway, it's just dependant on the eq you choose to use' Vendetta nods solemnly. Vendetta says, 'I suppose' Sandra says, 'dependent? dependant? whichever'


Sandra points at Nelson. Sandra says, 'last one' Nelson says, 'ok its just a mobs repop ive noticed is horribly long' AA-Aarington laughs. Nelson says, 'like horribly horribly' Vendetta says, 'Phlegyas?' Nelson says, 'i was wondering if it was an accident or if it was intentional' Nelson says, 'no' Nelson says, 'Marauder' Sandra giggles. Vendetta says, 'Oh' AA-Aarington nods his agreement with Nelson. Kaige bonks Nelson on the head! Meue giggles at Nelson. Sandra says, 'we've perma'd Marauder' AA-Aarington says, 'i just use sandra instead' AA-Aarington says, 'shes not very responsive' Vendetta says, 'eva gives out orbs' Meue says, 'not to me' Vendetta says, 'you just have to ask her nicely' Adolph peers intently at a simple lyre with silvery strings. Sandra says, 'there are quite a few that will give them out' Adolph hugs a simple lyre with silvery strings. AA-Aarington says, 'ask sandra timesight agate' Adolph plays random doodlings on a simple lyre with silvery strings--he is quite good at it. Rusalka slowly fades into existence. AA-Aarington says, 'blah' Adolph plays random doodlings on a simple lyre with silvery strings. AA-Aarington launches himself across the room and tackles Rusalka to the ground! Rusalka blinks. AA-Aarington says, 'russkie!' Adolph attempts to whine at a simple lyre with silvery strings, as if it cared. Rusalka says, 'and?' AA-Aarington says, 'suade shag-meitser!' Rusalka chuckles politely. AA-Aarington bounces onto Rusalka's lap. Kaige says, 'SUEDE' AA-Aarington says, 'swayed?' Sandra says, 'ok, let's close up for the night. It's been a 2 hour Q&A tonight! :) Thanks for coming everyone'


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