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1999 Topic Index

Posted by Tanzer on 05/12

I think there needs to be a change in the availability of the filmy vials. To be honest, the other night found myself waiting at the alter fighting with two other bowmen over who is gonna grab the filmy first. Gaidal got it of course. (figures.) anyway.. I find myself needing to log in at obscene times to hoard the filmy vials and it's getti getting a little bit obscene. Perhaps the vials could have a quicker repop time or maybe be found in a few other spots across the mud. Make a mob sell them or maybe sell and herb that makes the effect brewable and then dipped. I spoke with Charity and she mentioned there was an herb that had that effect but it was not loaded into the game. Perhaps this herb should be added to shopkeepers or a garden or two I'd appreciate it and I know all the other million bowmen would too. Also wanna make a bind potion? =) Tanzer

From: Santina Wednesday, May 12, 05:40AM

What does the filmy potion do if i may ask? Santina

From: Mugwump Wednesday, May 12, 12:24PM

I can tell you how I found out what it does. Get a filmy (or any other potion for that matter) and take it to an inn. Then quaff the potion and type status. Easy! =)


1999 Topic Index