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How to ask for a re-eq...

1999 Topic Index

Posted by LadyAce on 04/24

Ah, the DT. I've seen a number of those going around as of late, and while I was rubbing my oldbie beard and thinking about the golden days which may or may not have been, I was pondering the topic of the re-eq. There are a number of ways to get re-eq'd after a catastrophe. Some people turn to auction with a laundry list, some mail out lists to their friends, some gather up a group of friends or strangers and go dashing about the mud. I personally prefer joining a group, as well-organized as possible, and simply going down through the list. Meet new people, stomp some mobs, make an unhappy person happy -- it's like an oldtime barn-raising. Of course, these groups don't always form, but I'll tell you the biggest thing that keeps me out of them -- and that's when I send tells to offer to join the re-eq group, and the person acts as if they don't care if they buy it or kill for it, or they refuse to co-ordinate the acquisition of their new eq. I've run halfway round the mud, draining my hp/ma to get a pile of items for someone, only to return and find they've already gotten or purchased the items in some other manner. That's frustrating, and discouraging. If you're not a group-up type, don't like to ask for help and would rather buy items, prefer a low-profile approach, etc. then those are fine too, but remember that there are a lot of ways to re-eq -- if you keep your head up enough to take advantage of 'em. Oh, and one technique that doesn't work -- chat Anyone help me re-eq? chat Great, for all the help I've given people, no one will help me re-eq? ...right after each other. If you want a group, take the time to build one up, the same way you'd build an xp/hell/sl/etc run. And nothing is a bigger turnoff than guilt trips, IMHO, because it turns any "re-eq party" atmosphere into a "re-eq so I don't feel like hell" atmosphere :) At any rate, with all the DTs going round, any other thoughts on the pitfalls and effective methods associated with re-eq'ing? -LadyAce

From: Ton Saturday, April 24, 12:23PM

Does certainly seem to be a lot more people DT'ing lately. And of course i f I say anything bad about that, I will be next. :) I'd simply like to point out the value of typing 'x' in an area that you aren't 100% familiar with. Yes, sometimes you DT because you did something dumb, even in an area you are familiar with. But I'd say upwards of 80% of DT's are simply not looking where you are going. I have an amazingly good streak of avoiding DT'd going, its been about 2 years since I hit my last, of 2 ever. I'd like to think that the difference comes from looking where I am going before I move. As for re-eqing... Helping people re-eq will inevidably get you help re-eqing when the time arrives. Nomad who just DT'd isn't here a lot these days, but sure got his eq back fast. If you help, you will be helped. So if you are someone that doesn't help people re-eq, just remember that when you DT and no one will help you.

From: Wuss Saturday, April 24, 01:55PM

Generally, for an 'established' character, there is plenty of cash in the bank after they DT. My approach to it is simply to hound Rhia, Grizzled Merchant, HOL Keeper and some others on the mud who people usually sell eq to. After that, generally your char should have the level and enough stat to solo a few of the non-sale eq (kick/flee, wither/flee, borrow ID vials, whateve r). Then there are those SL and DIS eq, and some Salem/Boston eq that probably isn't a good idea to try to get solo, esp when you are underequipped. That's when you lure ppl into helping you -- and personally that's when your reputation starts to pay off. In my case, chances are it's my pker that dt'd, so i guess i could promise future favors or future discomforts :p All in all tho, although annoying as hell, re-eq isn't all that bad if you are reasonable with the time table. You can't get everything in a day or two, (actually, i think you could, but) give yourself a week and don't overly spam people, you'll be set. Oh yeah, try to DT when lots of your friends see it too, so they can get a bulk of it done. Wuss


1999 Topic Index