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Send to grave BUG.

1999 Topic Index

Posted by Mo on 02/04

For some reason, it seems that the mud decides to give you the "send to grave" message when the opponent isn't actually dead. Also, I've noticed that either elbow doesn't do any damage when you are stunned, or that it doesn't show on the victim's end when elbowed while stunned. Moreover, it seems that this "send to grave" thingy can actually prevent some of the damage from being dealt -- it seems to think you placed the target below 0 when you actually didnt, and reserves the target anywhere between 1-25 pts or so. And there is some messy stuff going on with str hitting in general; there's a log on Beam's site where I don't get hit at all (EVERY single hit seems to have been absorbed by armor, not once but a few times) Noticed this happens a lot against snipers as well -- just freaky luck? Mo!

From: Rufus Thursday, February 04, 05:04PM

Okay, after thinking about this one for .5 seconds (after having not been able to figure it out for -MONTHS-) I know what causes this... fixing it might take a while though, be patient. -Ruf

From: Davien Thursday, February 04, 07:06PM

Isn't it just annoying when that happens? I especially like it in exams when I know the answer to a question but just can't recall it exactly, then as soon as I get outside in the car home, remember what it is supposed to be. Or when you were talking about it before the exam, and then can't remember. Anyway, good luck with the fix! Davien Holyoake.


1999 Topic Index