Discussion Index

latin bibles

1998 Topic Index

Posted by Lethargio on 09/08

I think it needs an update, because of the added -stat, it doesn't make it worth the rent anymore, because of the timed thing...its a nice item for surgeons/druids alike, but i think the timed should be removed, or the rent be decreased...

From: Charity Tuesday, September 08, 09:47AM

All the abbey items recently went thru a review to update them for the current building specs. Many items had the NO_PRESERVE flag removed and/or had their rent lowered, but this item I left alone. For a +10 stat item, even with the balancing -5, its rent is quite reasonable. It does have a small, additional discount for being timed. I can't recall anymore if I put the -stats on it or if someone else did that for me (used to be, timed no-preserve was good enuf to not require other minuses) but if I were to redo the item now, I think -mind would be more appropriate (religion not being notable for encouraging its adherents to think for themselves). Since anyone who uses this item probably also has need of mind, I suspect you'd rather I just leave it alone.

BTW, I don't read the discussion board regularly. An issue like this is better sent through mudmail. =)


1998 Topic Index