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Posted by Bulk on 11/15/96

Was wondering how the arena idea was doing, whether it'd been totally rejected, or being debated, etc. I've been doing some thinking to make it probably feasible and worthy to code :P

Placing it at the east of the flaming board, we'll just have the version we used for the pkill tourney and stuff, with possible added features, such as a ticket seller, who will charge, say 100k per participant (tickets should be 0kg 0rent and rentable) and allow them to 'enter' a pre-combat room, where the players' current eq, xp, gp, etc. would be registered/saved. In this pre-combat room, a game-master mob should be present, to enable players to bet pieces of eq, by giving it to the mob--the mob will give both these items to the victor, after the combat.

The combat will end in either a forfeit or a death, where, if forfeit, the loser will lose a quarter of their xp if unclanned, and say, an eighth or sixteenth if clanned. If dead, the loser would lose half xp if unclanned, one-quarter or eighth if clanned.

The victor would also receive a free ticket, which will allow him to fight again, for free, with anyone he chooses to, whenever he chooses to. Xp adjustments can be made when they exit the combat arena and return to there pre-combat room. I am not sure if you can make this pre-combat room and the arena distinct, allowing a mock-rent which will restore both player's eq/health/xp to pre-combat condition, and have the mob adjust xp after combat when both players return to the pre-combat room. After all this has been done, both players can leave the pre-combat room.

Outside the arena, a board will be present that will have a record of every character that has used the arena, and 'read Bulk board' would result in giving Bulk's total fights, wins, losses, and even losses and wins over certain ppl, etc. Another game-master mob that could handle bettings over a match up would be interesting too, i think.

The incentive to making this arena would be to have ppl better prepared for pkill, for unclanneds to have grudge matches or brag-matches, and to give money some value if this arena becomes popular. Moreover, by offering xp-loss-discounts to clanned characters, it should not really deter ppl from clanning and stuff.

The arena itself may contain rooms that will respond to cure bleeding/blind/poison by either curing them or by aggravating them, a room where just passing by would give a certain effect, etc.

I just think it's a fun idea to toy around with, and something that could be done with relative ease :P

Bulk, bored after reaching lvl 50 ;)


From: Kaige Wednesday, November 13, 09:54PM

Bulk wrote:
>Was wondering how the arena idea was doing, whether it'd been
>totally rejected, or being debated, etc. I've been doing some thinking
>to make it probably feasible and worthy to code :P

It's been coded for a while now. The slow part is the building end.

>Placing it at the east of the flaming board, we'll just have the
>version we used for the pkill tourney and stuff, with possible added
>features, such as a ticket seller, who will charge, say 100k per
>participant (tickets should be 0kg 0rent and rentable) and allow
>them to 'enter' a pre-combat room, where the players' current
>eq, xp, gp, etc. would be registered/saved. In this pre-combat
>room, a game-master mob should be present, to enable players to
>bet pieces of eq, by giving it to the mob--the mob will give
>both these items to the victor, after the combat.

If we're going to have an arena IN the game, we're going to have it be part of the world and part of the established combat system. There is one in an area in progress. The details of the arena have been set for quite some time now.

>The combat will end in either a forfeit or a death, where, if
>forfeit, the loser will lose a quarter of their xp if unclanned,
>and say, an eighth or sixteenth if clanned. If dead, the loser
>would lose half xp if unclanned, one-quarter or eighth if clanned.
>The victor would also receive a free ticket, which will allow
>him to fight again, for free, with anyone he chooses to, whenever he
>chooses to.

Interesting ideas, but like I said it's already coded. Again, if we're going to have an arena, it's going to be within the confines of the current game system. Unclanned will not get the privileges of acting clanned without the risks of it.

>Xp adjustments can be made when they exit the combat
>arena and return to there pre-combat room. I am not sure
>if you can make this pre-combat room and the arena distinct,
>allowing a mock-rent which will restore both player's eq/health/xp
>to pre-combat condition, and have the mob adjust xp after combat
>when both players return to the pre-combat room. After all
>this has been done, both players can leave the pre-combat room.

Again I'd refer you to the in game nature and abusability for this. Perhaps some of these ideas can be incorporated in the pkill tourney areas, but surely not within the context of the main mud itself.

>Outside the arena, a board will be present that will have a record
>of every character that has used the arena, and 'read Bulk board'
>would result in giving Bulk's total fights, wins, losses, and
>even losses and wins over certain ppl, etc. Another game-master
>mob that could handle bettings over a match up would be
>interesting too, i think.

Betting was taken care of in the original design for an arena. I do not know what the current state of it is in the area in progress.

>The incentive to making this arena would be to have ppl better
>prepared for pkill, for unclanneds to have grudge matches or
>brag-matches, and to give money some value if this arena
>becomes popular. Moreover, by offering xp-loss-discounts to
>clanned characters, it should not really deter ppl from
>clanning and stuff.

Allowing unclanned to particpate would I think also be considered to be a deterrent to clanning. Why join a clan when you can participate in pkill with none of the risks?

>The arena itself may contain rooms that will respond to
>cure bleeding/blind/poison by either curing them or by
>aggravating them, a room where just passing by would give
>a certain effect, etc.

And this fits with the in game concept how? Again, perhaps doable in the pkill tourney arena which is complete and separate from the game itself.

>I just think it's a fun idea to toy around with, and something
>that could be done with relative ease :P

Yup, all that needs done is the area finished.

>Bulk, bored after reaching lvl 50 ;)


From: Beam Thursday, November 14, 08:28AM

I really want to see an arena also.

From: Gho Thursday, November 14, 08:55PM

Then why not get rid of the current pkill system? I know i'd prefer a no eq or xp loss system where u might pay 10k or so to enter and have like arena stats for clans or an individuals win/loss, an arena channel etc. would get rid of the aggro currently accossiated with pkill nowadays and make it more fun.. perhaps even have points awarded from wins which can be exchanged for coupons, owner flags added or other flags altered on items, clan hall improvements like enhanced hp/mana regen etc. I dunno, i guess i'd miss the current system in some ways but being able to participate in more pkill would make up for it.

From: Haul Friday, November 15, 02:33AM

Clanned would lose less than normal xp (or none) for death in arena, whereas the unclanned will lose xp equal to mob death or more.

That does not sound too bad of a deterant for people clanning.

Maybe clanned should get discounts on tickets as well. I think with an arena there could be many ways to shift the gain/loss in favor of the clanned.

From: Ptah Friday, November 15, 10:35AM

I'm confused by one aspect of Gho's post... it asks for a no-cost pkill death in an arena, but then mentions clan halls and so on. Surely if we had no-cost pkill deaths, clans would go bye-bye and so would clan halls, except as social organizations? There would be no need of a safe refuge to defend, passwords, or anything of the sort... instead, you'd just group into teams as you chose in the arena?

Maybe I am totally misreading his post... but a no-cost pkill system would have to be totally separate from the game proper, sort of like a recall tag game?

From: Kaige Friday, November 15, 10:39AM

Repeat: We are not having a pkill system where unclanned can participate in any shape or form.

From: Gho Friday, November 15, 01:28PM

well, it works on another mud i play as their clan hall offered a lot more than just being a safe refuge, for starters you could enter from anywhere the clans mob cast heal on those in the room, the campfire regen'd hp's quicker, the altar regen'd mana quicker and also had many exits from the hall leading to various places around the mud, o'course each of these things cost a lot, either in money or bonus points gained from trivia, battles etc.

on second thoughts i really do like the pkill system how it is, i'm just not seeing enough action! :) sorry to say i'm only really here for the pkill and it can be hours between fights.. i guess this's part of the reason people jump at the chance of killing others without provocation or any sort of RP, perhaps reducing xp loss even further and adding owner flags to quest items would increase pkill activity and keep us Grendel-like folk happy :) as it is, people are just renting out at the sign of any danger, not even having a go. That's when innkeepers, transmobs etc are knocked off... it generally outa frustration.


1996 Topic Index