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another poll, please vote|U6

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Posted by Aegir on 10/06

ok, another question: do you think that the bonus from dex, i.e. HITROLL, AC, skills, etc is overpowered vs. the benefits from strength, i.e. DAMROLL, carry more? |U6

From: Aegir Tuesday, October 01 2002, 11:34AM yes, i think the advantages of dex (and con for that matter) are better than those of strength. here's why: char one, lets say, goes 100 dex 40 str plus other stats char one also has 1 +DAMROLL item, giving him +9 total DAMROLL now, char one, while fighting, with his 23 HITROLL and 9 DAMROLL will routinely oblit and decimate char two, goes the opposite - 100 str 40 dex plus same other stats char two has 1 +HITROLL item, giving him +9 total HITROLL now, char two, while fighting (with 40 dex lol) will occasionaly rip, and decimate, and often pulverize, slice hard, what have you assuming char one is using a 9kg dagger and char two is using a 17 kg sword, char one will do more damage over time. on top of that, char one has better AC, and tumble and a better dodge and parry. char one also can flee with ease from combat. thoughts on con: con = hp, and personally i think con is balanced. oh yeah, one more thing, why do heavy weapons rent for more (ya i know its the immort rules) but why is the rule such? it only seems to punish str chars via rent caps because the str weapons do more max damage but thats why you choose chant vina vant dyn ex over dex or con... |U6

From: Craven Tuesday, October 01 2002, 02:28PM This is obvious, and everyone knows it, including Ea!. It will be fixed at some point, but to write about it here and how to fix it is truely a waste of time. If you have played here for any amount of time, you will start to notice patterns. One stat will become much better then the others, usually from unintended concequences from other changes. After awhile, anywhere from a month to a year, they will attempt to fix this obvious inbalance and proceed to create an entirely new one. Basically what I'm saying is that this will end up righting itself only to cause other problems, but unfortunatly thats the way it works. :) - Craven |U6

From: Wraith Sunday, October 06 2002, 07:18AM Heavy weapons have higher rent because it was logical at the time the MUD was originally designed. Characters only had one attack, period. Heavier weapons could do more damage so it was beneficial to use them. Increased benefits = increased rent. When weapon speed and multiple attacks were introduced, the benefits of heavy weapons became more dubious. However, changing the formula used to calculate weapon rent is non-trivial because of the complexity of the issue. Rent is linear at this time, but taking weapon quality, weapon weight and damage together to find a weapon's rent leads to non-linear results. Also, because rent was based on damage done and likely has to continue to do so, the stats of a character can make the same weapon better for one character than another. Personally, I think light weapons should have higher rent if they can inflict as much damage as heavier weapons. - Wraith |U6


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