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not fun anymore?

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Posted by Nepon on 07/09

i have seen alot of posts lately filled with people complaining that the mud isnt fun anymore because there's no rp or because pkok isnt what the players want or because eq changes give archived alts some mystical advantage or because theres nothing to stop people from crossplaying or yada yada yada. well, if this mud isnt fun for you anymore go play somewhe else! those of us who still find it fun to play here arent going to miss y ou not one single bit! i know thats not the sort of thing the legendmud community wants to hear or to even have said but i dont care! everyone wants to blame the imms for making the system too easily manipulated or not caring.....NOT CARING???????????? have any of you ever actually built and run a mud? much less one as successful as Legend? if you think that the imms dont care youre a complete and total moron! you have no idea how difficult and time consuming this stuff is or you wouldnt ever even think of dissing the imms like that! now dont get me wrong i have my complaints with certain things as well but to assume that everything that bothers me is a result of the imms not caring would be ignorance in its highest form! as far as rp is concerned if you want to rp then do it but keep in mind th not everyone wants to rp and on LegendMud rp is not a requirement so if you are looking for a place that deletes you if you break character for te n seconds there are plenty of places out there.....find one! the bottom line is that you losers that keep crying about this mud not bei fun anymore are the ones ruining it for all of us that still have a blast playing here, so do us all a favor and leave! my 2 cents.... -nepon

From: Naomi Monday, July 09 2001, 03:32PM First of all, is getting easily offended a prerequisite for being an imm? I don't think that Chaykin meant that the imms don't care. It is just that a lot of the work they do lately is behind the scenes--in coding and building. There are a few that do take leadership roles, in pk and rp. But as Cheyla said, perhaps that isn't for everyone. Even if you aren't a GM, when you are playing a mort, and people know you are an imm, they will loo (look) to you as an example. Jumpstarting the community (especially in the aspect of RP, which I am most concerned with) is the duty of all of us, bu but I believe that imms are most equipped to do it. It is easier for what you do to be taken seriously by the rest of the community. There are three main problems I see with RP here: 1. Many people RP in cliques. Even if you don't think you do this, it sure seems that way. So take a step back and think about the people you regularly RP with. Are they the same few people, perhaps on different alts ? Sometimes it seems as though there are only a handful of people here, bu but there aren't. There are only a handful of people you bother to talk with. Changing this is something that all of us can and should do. 2. There is nothing new. People seem to keep doing the same tired routines and the same RP's but with characters getting more and more omnipotent. I am so tired of the Dark Lord. I wasn't here during his heyday, and perhaps it was fresh and exciting then, but now it is just old and boring. Get ove (over) it, and come up with something new. 3. There is so much flitting between ic and ooc, that you never really kno whether somebody is in character or not. You get people talking ic with people talking ooc, and it makes it hard to stay ic if you want to. I've suggested many times splitting up the channels into ic and ooc. Some peopl seem to do this, but there is no concensus between chat being ooc and goss gossip ic, or vice versa. Thank you, Naomi's player

From: Chocorua Monday, July 09 2001, 05:50PM 1) imms will never be required to tell everyone who their mortal alts are. it is our right to play the game as much as anyone's. and everyone has the right to be anonymous between characters if they choose. 2) ANYONE can be a leader ina community, if you want a change made in the community then the responsibility of making that change is YOURS. Get people to help but its 3) Tired old RP in cliques for one person may very well be fun for another RP with who you want when you want so long as you do not force yourself on others. 4) The amount of FUN you have on a game of this nature really depends on how much responsibility you take for your own actions and how hard you work to make the atmosphere FUN for others aswell. Chocorua

From: Nepon Monday, July 09 2001, 06:29PM this wasnt targeted at chaykin's post or anything specific at all. it was aimed at all the imm bashing and constant complaining that goes on both on channels and boards. i think it brings down those of us who are having fun and im sure it brings down the imms when they work so hard to make thi mud something special and are thanked for it by ungreatful players that accuse them of not caring just because some little aspect of the game isnt set to their liking. my 2 cents... -nepon

From: Tritoch Monday, July 09 2001, 10:27PM Why bother coming up with a new rp besides knights and anti paladins? Sure they are fun for a while, but as soon as they come along, everyone in knights, or knight wanna-bes, or ap, de, etc, runs into the new rp about instatutionalized people, or whatever, then 3 monthes, and 4 ripoff clans later, we have another dark lord style rp that everyone is sick of So whats the point? besides, rp isn't as good as pk anyways :P anyone can say, thou hath thithered mine daughters purity, prepare to die, but not fight, scoundrel! Not everyone can be on thier guard 24/7(even wit with pk dead as it is, you dont take chances :P) and able to react to thin things, pretty much as fast as they see them, heh.


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