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eq swapping

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Posted by Adolph on 07/08

say i drop a ring, with my alt. what is the time frame that I can pick it up with another alt? I mean, I can't be expected to know it's the same ring, say.. three rl days later. after all, I don't get the nifty commands imms get to check previous ownership. Another example: I drop a ring, someone picks it up, and wears it for a while. I log on an alt, here sits a ring like the one I dropped. it could be the one I dropped, maybe someone wore it, over rent, and took it off to rent at this other inn. can I not pick this ring up? According to imms, I guess I can't. in fact, according to imms, if I've ever dropped an item, I can't pick the item up with an alt. after playing here for over six years, that seriously limits what I can and can't pick up. Why do I even care? Because destructive crossplay falls under the exact same rule. imms will issue me 4 warnings for this, but refuse to do anything about people alting out to kill you when your low, etc. Using one char to benifit the other is, simply put, illegal. now, someone (preferably an imm) please explain how what I did is any different, according to this rule. Chanel, Fear, Adolph, etc..

From: Kae Wednesday, June 27 2001, 11:27PM I believe that I explained that you have to let the item sit within reasonable time. Let's say you sell the ring to a shopkeeper and return those 3 days later and buy one like it -- then no, no way you can tell if it's the same, nor any harm done because everyone else had a chance to buy it from you. If we have to go by the letter of the rule, then yes, you can never ever get that ring. However, use common sense -- if there is no way you can tell, and the item's been available for days, and so on -- then no one is hurt. Disclaimer: I said shopkeeper, not out of place mob, hiding place, house, clan hall, etc. Bleh. It's 6am and you know what I mean. -Kae, no admin but usually not finding that this is really a huge, recurring problem.

From: Fynn Thursday, June 28 2001, 04:00AM wondering if you fixed the feature with shopkeepers not emptying the contents of bags they've bought. but who'd bother with dropping things and stuff when you can just give your item to a rat or a mouse then kill it? or some other mob who won't eat stuff they pick up oh yah, is it illegal to give it to your dop, log out, and your alt kills the dop to get it? :p

From: Kae Thursday, June 28 2001, 04:58AM What do YOU think? :p

From: Anaiya Thursday, July 05 2001, 07:04AM Well for one thing, i believe the ownership list shows the three most recent owners, so if you give it to a mob your newbie can kill you sorta asked for it. -Anaiya p.s. and i don't even understand why people do it. Ever since the boxes were put in hometowns, most times, newbies don't have a hard time getting decent eq, other than that, what's a few days wait till someone will sell you the item you want?

From: Christopher Sunday, July 08 2001, 12:03PM I haven't been around in a while. But with the recent crashes, the donation boxes stay pretty slim these days.


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