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make staff

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Posted by Fynn on 06/23

Just to give me something to do other than mobkilling, or engage in mobkilling more experimentally, could we have some changes made to make staff? It would be much more interesting if the player could choose the weight of the staff, at least from the weights we were used to be able to make them from over the levels. This is because you can't recover the silly staff made at lvl 30 if you die at lvl 50... Making them recoverable by their former owners would be nice, and what i would like most is to have the staves get a minor bonus of sorts depending on the tree they are made of. Say, oak will give you 20 hp (1stat points worth), cinchona will give you 20 mana, black-walnut will give you 1 dam, palm will give you 1 hit, birch will give you +3% parry, etc etc. And with stuff like erin's whip that has amazing weight to max dam ratio, maybe the staves could get a tinsy bit of upgrade as well..


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