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Posted by Fear on 06/20

well, you all know the story by now of the xplay. so I won't go any further into it. I'm extremely upset right now, at two people, Kaige and Zandy. I originally emailed a copy of that log to zandy, I was told, through imms (mostly builders) that the whole thing was under discussion whether this was legal or not. I made it very clear that I could care less about what happens to the person who did this, if anything. I simply want to know if this is legal to do, or if it isn't. I mudmailed Kaige, I mudmailed Zandy about it, both have gone unaswered. I've talked to various other imms, requesting an answer (again, mostly builders) and they seem to know nothing, or simply won't tell me. So, being the levelheaded person that I am, I'm going to simply post my question here, and hope that someone will take two minutes out of their time to answer it, right here on the board. - - Simply, can someone legally kill my alt, with their alt, for something that this char did? keep in mind, that this person admitted, on log, to doing such.

From: Wes Sunday, June 10 2001, 09:54AM It's been done to one of my characters, and nothing was done to the other character as far as I know.

From: Ganja Sunday, June 10 2001, 04:04PM why don't you just kill him and be done with it and stop whining?

From: Wyvern Sunday, June 10 2001, 11:50PM It's a very difficult question. What is "legal" Morally is it right? Or by the rules that govern this mud? g chalice pouch fill chalice waterskin drin chalice put chalice pouch blah! And yes, I admit it, i've done that too and i'm sure a lot of pkers do that.. =) I'm not for it or against it... I just wanna make things more complicated! -Cackle!-

From: Milamber Monday, June 11 2001, 10:03AM Be blood thirsty and kill it.

From: Chanel Wednesday, June 20 2001, 06:41AM Still, a month later, no clear ruling on this matter, amusing. I guess Kaige and Zandy don't care, so I'm going to unarchive all my old chars, and perma anyone that even attacks me. Blessed Be. - Chanel


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