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Posted by Fynn on 05/25

How about making it so that you are automatically sent IC or be autorented upon voiding in ooc? I see no point staying ooc without doing anything, not even regen or offer bot-services. Of course it won't do much good considering triggers could be made to automatically relog and come back ooc, but at least this would be a start.

From: Dashiva Wednesday, May 23 2001, 05:32PM yea but...there's no reason why they should not be able to either, there not hurting anyone, its like a wax muesum.

From: Fynn Thursday, May 24 2001, 04:05AM There is one whois quest that's hard to do with somebody online not doing anything happens to be one with a certain whois, to think of one reason. Another would be that it makes statistical data less credible -- what good is it if pkenabled chars are online 24/7 without the players behind them? Other than these cases though, I can't think of much harm these chars do either. Not good enough to justify a coding change, maybe, but enough to let people know that such isn't entirely harmless.

From: Drakkon Friday, May 25 2001, 11:11PM either way tick timers can be set to like 2 minutes below 15 minutes to set off a trigger, and make it so you don't void :P so it wouldn't be a void trigger, then it would be anti-void triggers :P


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