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oldpk can't be an option in pkok

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Posted by Darkheart on 04/23

it's not just a matter of accepting ppl who are on a certain list somewhere... ppl might even just 'clan' themselves in the same clan and have it called old pk community or something. would that work? Not for me, my pk'ing reasons bordered on the ooc, since i mostly targeted folks who were 'annoying' to me, and that rarely had to do with anyones' RP... having to join a certain 'club' with those folks is just paradoxical. Also, i kinda liked the idea of one pk player having only one pk char at a time. Dusk would be Dusk and he would only be Dusk, allowing me the comfort of knowing that he would be there for me to hunt when my next pkiller was ready. Nowadays, ppl who are annoying and those who bend rules can hide in anonimity -- and still enjoy the privilege of PK. Even if somebody was 'untouchable' in pk, enough ppl would limit their playing time and range severely, which cannot happen under pkok. Though some people may not care, nobody actually enjoys losing, so the tendency would always be to accept those you think you have some shot at beating or somebody who would be 'safe' to fight against even if you do lose... a gradual task indeed in terms of expanding accept lists, and considering that one can have numerous pkers at the same time, by the time the char has enough ppl accepted, the owner may get bored with the char, or at least don't log that char as often. Of course those won't simpy go AA because there will always be one or two bad apples in the bunch (or perceived bad apples). Anyway, I miss knowing that if i am staking out an inn, the player cannot log that particular pker and will be forced to play non-pk or not at all. I miss knowing that whoever that has done something wrong cannot be sure how many others will be upset by that fact and plunge a dagger behind that fact. I miss that kind of vigilante justice though it may go out of hand every now and then. DH

From: Sasha Monday, April 23 2001, 09:50AM I don't know, lately, with the clan wars it's starting to feel like the old days... The PK clan accept override is awesome, and means that people can attack you and that you can attack others without having to accept them in particular, and that they'll stay attackbate untill they leave their clan or the accept situation changes... It also allows you to know who you can attack by their clan name (in titles usually) without having to go AA to see who's who. Anyway, it's my opinion of late that its OUR responsibility to make pk fun and I really didn't realize how much we have the ability to affect the vibe of the game. I guess the only thing I see as a hole now is the rogue pkiller... cause the clan thing seems to be working well. Thoughts? Sasha


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