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Accept all

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Posted by Shard on 04/06

Ok this is a little peeve of mine with Accept All. I find it very annoying that a person can go accept all and then seconds later reject all. This 'fishing' of the AA that are currently online is pathetic. After all what to prevent someone from going accetp all, checking the list, choosing someone, rejecting all, then accepting one of those that are AA and attacking them at no risk to themselves from any other AA online at the time. I'd like to see a tick timer, 48 ticks, just like fighting, once you go AA before you can reject all. I can't really see any drawbacks with this though I'm sure someone will gladly point them out. Shard

From: Malia Friday, April 06 2001, 06:38AM I think that's a good idea. Would prevent people from being able to toy around, and remind them that AA is for serious people. Mal

From: Moonshadow Friday, April 06 2001, 06:39AM Well, it certainly would be a step in the right direction in my opinion. I think slowly the bugs will be worked out of pkok, especially with us being so...umm...vocal about things :) Someday pkok will hopefully be something we ALL can live with. Moonshadow

From: Mars Friday, April 06 2001, 06:50AM Yes, I agree with this post completely since I am guilty of 'fishing' the accept all's just to see who is or who is not online that is accept all. It is unrealistic. The answer is NOT to remove the little astrix....I think the astrix should go on anyone who is currently accepting you because it is hard to remember who has accepted you if they are not accept all.

From: Mordred Friday, April 06 2001, 10:20AM i am fairly new to the pkil thing..so my opinion is also kind of a question....is pkil fun because of the "rush"? If it is, wouldnt it be more challenging not to see the star by everyones names?....maybe a star for people you have already pk'd would be good, but to have a person out of the blue come at you may add some challange without seeing their status on the who list....as i said, i am fairly ignorant of pkil as of yet, so feel free to correct me on my statements...as long as its polite that is..

From: Ming Friday, April 06 2001, 01:30PM yes do this please


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