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Posted by Akai_Hayate on 03/22

Maybe after you loot someone before you are able to reject it could check the looted persons file to see if the item was recovered? assuming not tho...When you steal from a corpse, your timer needs to be raised to the biggest number legend can use All i hear about is non-pker's saying they dont pkill because of multi and looting, when really its just the pkillers getting looted by some arse who just accepts them.... But either way a giant timer would solve this, err, if you have to go aa to steal, like healing :) so giant super huge(not just 90 ticks cough) timer, and being accept all to steal, come on, i aint wishin for the moon, just protection from pkok raping. --Bob.

From: Mandarb Tuesday, March 20 2001, 09:37AM as it stands if you are in possession of an item not owned by you, you accept that person indefinatly until you get rid of the item. Of course there are tons of loopholes in this like giving the item to a friend with a character noone knows. If it passes enough hands, sure, the person with it is accepting its original owner, but the original owner has no idea where it is. So, in answer to your question, in a way code like this already exists, but in another way, it doesn't really solve the problem. Just causes new ones. Good luck :)

From: Akai_Hayate Thursday, March 22 2001, 05:22PM yeah man, i knews of that thing when i posteded, and like you sez too many loopholes, i was looking for a real solution :P


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