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The sing skill

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Posted by Fraegis on 03/17

One thing I don't understand, which I hope some imm can clarify, is the large requirements for the sing skill...I mean, it is not as good game-wise as praise, it is just a cute rp skill. Would be nice to see the requirements lowered at some point. Fraegis

From: Zafira Saturday, March 17 2001, 01:35PM I would like to see the higher bardic skills made more useful/powerful. Isn't sing supposed to let you entrance without an instrument? And lullaby doesn't last very long, when it works.

From: Israfel Saturday, March 17 2001, 09:46PM It's supposed to let you do that. Unfortunately that isn't implemented. Sing currently only seems useful for a specific quest. I don't care much for it as an RP tool, it doesn't work often enough, even with 100mind/spirit, or 91dex 80mind/spir. Perhaps my stat configurations are just wrong for using the skill. At any rate, currently it doesn't seem terribly useful unless I feel like RPing a cat stuck in a tree, although getting serenade as a by-product of it is quite nice. Israfel


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