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How about player-made zip strings?

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Posted by Skar on 03/19

Players can already make objects with whatever long description they wish -- they're called illusions. What if players could also make their own objects with whatever short descriptions they wished? So long as the rules for illusions are enforced, would we have any more problems than we do with illusions? Interacting with objects on channels is fun -- even more fun when you've got a string to play with. It would be nice if there was a mechanism for creating these props without having to trouble an imm -- or waiting for one. (No criticism is intended here.) For my purposes, I wouldn't even care if the object was stationary like an illusion. Perhaps LegendMUD could allow mages to set the short desc for an illusion as well as the long desc? I think there would be no more potential for abuse than there already is using illusions, and I don't see a lot of illusion abuse now. Just enforce the same rules.

From: Boreas Friday, March 16 2001, 07:09PM I think people spam channels with their strings quite enough as it is. At least having to get zip from imms slows us down enough to think hard about what we want and make sure we really want it.

From: Ryan Monday, March 19 2001, 06:56PM Well, if not available to players, what about a mob that can make them upon request? (or payment) Like a crazy inventor or a toy maker or something clever that you pay, then asks you for the long desc and you 'ask mob longdesc' and then the same process for the short desc? Oh, and put this mob in an out of the way place, too. -grin- -Ryan Tarrant


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