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Posted by Conspiracy on 11/02

ok, here's my stats, and situation, Someone please explain: Level 33 con druid - 93 con, 35 dex, 48 str (after flavor), 31 perc, 51 mind, 60 spirit. at full agg, I have 12 hitroll and 6 damroll. Roughly 0 AC. now, while fighting Shmeck, we determined that when I stun him on a headbutt, I'm doing an average of 7 to 9 damage per round, every once in a while I'll get lucky and do upwards of 20 damage. I have no idea what Shmecks stats are, he's a dex 3c cause mage. I'm sure he has 100 AC, which could explain a little, and 6 levels over me (he's 39, I'm 33) meaning hit tables could play a factor. I don't, by any means, expect to rip and damcap. However, I do expect to be able to do much better than 7 to 9 average damage with these stats. Oh, one more thing, I'm using a blackstaff, if anyone thinks it matters. Truly annoyed -Cons.

From: Zeppelin Thursday, November 02 2000, 12:04AM My understanding of the fight system is this: Dex hits the best, Str hits the hardest and Con is supposed to tank the best. However, this is not how it works. Dex hits the best, hardest and tanks the best due to the way AC, dodge, tumble work, and also due to the +HP gear in the game that is also +4 and +5 to a stat.

From: Zemus Thursday, November 02 2000, 12:08AM get chalice 2.pouch drink chalice fill chalice trough put chalice 2.pouch WELCOME TO DEXMUD. They got best weapons too might I add. Sucks really

From: Poetry Thursday, November 02 2000, 10:01AM So you have con AND the ability to heal a lot? why? So you are fighting people many levels above you that have -100 ac... and you have 60 stats going to spirit.. a retarded 35 dex...and you are wonder why you arent hitting? What if I made a high mind surgeon, that was con.... and then I fought a dex mage with -100ac thats many levels above me... do I really have the right to complain that he doesnt hit? What if I made a 100mindspirit druid that had 60dex and a dex weapon.... am I allowed to complain that I dont hit? Did you ever consider that the design of your character and the circumstances underwhich you are making your judgements are ridicules? There is no rule in legend that every character must work well. Some characters are just plain bad design. Given the circumstances you stated.... you have no right to be surprized. Lose the spirit... get some damage eq (new is fine) get 100dexcon.... gain 6 levels... and then fight shmeck. You will do a lot better... if you insist on playing an augmentor... then figure out what the most viable augmentor is. Ill give you a hint.. its not con! If you make a dex.. or strength augmentor.. then every poultice you make heals more relative to your max hps... you lose the con advantage of tanking... which you get anyway cause you poultice... and you gain the str or dex advantage. Its all about character design. Not all characters work well. Some work ok against lots of types... some work excellent against certain types and are very weak against others. Figure it out! Too many people have the attitude that if they make a character that they think is cool.. then imms should code it so that they are effective. You guys have NEVER seen a post by me complaining that some character I made isnt hitting hard enough. When that happens... I figure out why, and adjust my stats and setup until Im doing ok. Poetry

From: Bonk Thursday, November 02 2000, 09:13PM dex isn't like con or str, you need a lot more than 35 even with old eq.. plus the hittables are screwed, you could do ok at 45 vs lvl 50's under the old system but I wouldn't even sit on 49 anymore.


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