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Random numbers

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Posted by Rufus on 10/03

I know people have brought up on channels and in discussions lately doubting the randomness of our number generator. I did 12 separate tests on our number generator, each with somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 million iterations and calls to random number function. 8 of those were straight tests, 4 of them bell curve tests. The straight number test came up with expected results, the numbers were equally distributed with a variance of less than 0.001 percent. Some of that error can be associated with the natural rounding of C in the analysis numbers. The 4 bell-curve tests were happy and bell-like, with an average variance of about 0.001 percent as well. Again, the variance is likely smaller, but I needed to have numbers small enough to read (300 million is a lot of digits!). Anyway, I took some time to read up on random number theory, and our method of doing randoms is reasonably primitive. However from what I could dig up, the difference between the two most common methods (higher order and lower order bit randoms) is almost negligible on current generation chipsets. I am planing to do some pattern testing, and Ea! has agreed to look into some alternatives to our current methodology of generating random numbers, but so far our testing shows a reasonable amount of 'randomness' in our random number generator. 'Bad runs' can likely be chalked up to 'karma' but I'm wondering if the rules of service apply (uh oh! Analogy time!): On the average, if you get bad customer service at a you will remember that incident and talk about it for the next 23 years. If you receive good customer service at you will likely only remember it for 18-24 days. Maybe a stretch on the analogy, but if things are going right, many many many times in a row, it's harder to notice =) Food for thought (and yes, running that many iterations takes a while, I'm a glutton for punishment). -Ruf

From: Christopher Sunday, October 01 2000, 04:13AM Rufus, get a job.

From: Rufus Sunday, October 01 2000, 01:15PM I'd like to, but until then, you'll just have to deal with me working on Legend, testing stuff, listening to people and acting on it. thanks for the encouragement. -Ruf

From: Splat Sunday, October 01 2000, 11:54PM off back to your Karaoke bar Christopher.

From: Christopher Tuesday, October 03 2000, 02:04AM I didn't mean it like that :P


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