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Posted by Christopher on 09/29

Uhm.. what the hell happened to the mud? I haven't really played in a while, but I'm keeping abreast and reading the boards. Why is PK damcapped? What the hell is ingame healing, and why doesn't it exist anymore? Is it just me or is this turning into a PK mud? blah.. I come here to socialize.. and I can't even do that anymore because people go to bed too early. oh yeah.. and most of my friends left, citing Immortal Politics and crappy changes and other BS that I could care less about -sigh- Who's still here that likes me? -Chris

From: Rufus Friday, September 29 2000, 04:47AM > Why is PK Damcapped? Because otherwise fights don't last long enough. > What the hell is ingame healing, and why doesn't it exist anymore? Ingame healing are mobs and the like that heal players, and it still exists. > Is it just me or is this turning into a PK mud? Not hardly, but a lot more people are trying out PK for the first time since the PKOK changes went in. -Ruf

From: Dune Friday, September 29 2000, 09:17AM Hey chris, we are just trying to make the game better for people that care, while leaving socializing untouched for people like you. The funness of this place comes from the fact that imms care about everyone, and are constantly making the game better for everyone. Dont, worry, I promise you that the chat channel will always be availiable for "socializing".

From: Christopher Friday, September 29 2000, 12:19PM I dunno, I see people complaining about the socialization on chat sometimes. The punks. and I still want my Karaoke Channel!


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