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hps eq

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Posted by Dune on 09/28

Ptwang brought a good point.. so Im going to rephrase it in its own post... 50 hps to a dex perc is ALOT more than 50 hps to a con fighter. Con gets hit HARD. Dex perc is constantly dodging. I thought I was clever years ago when I figured out that healing characters are best when they are low con. Your dex advantage will always be there as long as you are still alive... the con advantage gets eaten away. I had a dex perc with 1200 virtual hps. Even a con fighter with the same healing ability could only get to 1400 virtual hps. The way balance was SUPPOSED to be, was that dexperc had around 400, and the con fighter had around 570. Headbutt, backstab, all the skills were balanced around this. When you give healing to both types, that 570 difference becomes really small. Between Marauder and builders that are irresponsibly adding so many hp gear, the character base is shifting towards lower con players that have non-con advantages (hitting, dodging, tumble, backstab, magic). I have a character that could do all this and still have the same hps as someone with like 70 con. The problem before was damage items, now they are gone but old players still get the advantages.] So here is the moral of the story..... When you make items that give you the advantages of one fighttype, while being another, you are creating a balancing disaster. Im my opinion, you should spend less resource making new eq and code new hometowns and skills instead. And I have to say that I would love to see all hps items, damage items, and hit items removed from the game. You could adjust backstab and immolate down a bit, increase the midpoint of zero hitdamge from 30 to 50 so that snipers and mages will usually have -damage.... I dunno. Balancing Legendmud has got to be nightmere with all the eq that mars the differences between fighttypes.

From: Darkheart Thursday, September 28 2000, 02:05PM An eq wipe would be interesting, but i'd want a skillwipe too, or an option to do so if such happened, since it'll mean a lot more useless characters for me :p But before we do any of that, the system needs serious balancing, and think all of the eq that adds more than just stats (resistances, spells, etc) should be put in only after we figure out which effects need to be introduced to prevent a rock-scissor-paper outcome, which is to say, one chartype always beating another chartype. (rock always beats scissors, for example) And, hrm, could we upgrade elbow? Its landing algorithm needs work, I can't get my 100 str char to land it as often as he would land a 90 con headbutt or a 100 dex kick, even if he's fighting somebody that's just dex. Dh


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