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HoL merchant

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Posted by Elisa on 09/26

I miss him dearly. He was good not only for selling eq when money running, but also as an area for people who are trying to get eq to check in cse somebody sold something good. Most of the other vendors in medieval don't accept as wide a variety of merchandise, don't function as banks, have lousy prices, or are good xp mobs themselves and die frequently. I suggest adding a new mob--a wandering gypsy (perhaps the carnival's predecessor) who would move around Europe, and be much like a medieval version of the camel driver's son. If this is not feasible, then perhaps some of the existing merchants could be improved.

From: LadyAce Sunday, September 24 2000, 03:46PM Cool idea, Elisa.

From: Karla Tuesday, September 26 2000, 06:29AM Nice idea, but wandering merchants don't help huntless, low-mv low level chars. What I'd like to see is a merchant who buys almost everything, stays in one place, is a banker, and sells lowbie eq. Any era will do :) Perhaps the merchant near the abbey could be converted? Currently he doesn't sell a great deal. Yeah he's an imm mob, which may frustrate people on Klein runs when he gets full, so perhaps he could also recycle his inv after a while, or when he reaches x number of a particular item. Karla (who doesn't use the camel driver's son yet, cos she won't be learning hunt until after she's finished learning all her words)


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