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Throwing things

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Posted by Poetry on 09/22

Wouldnt it be nice if we could dip daggers (one dagger per vial) and then throw them? Im not heart set on this, but I Think it would add some coolness to skill thats usually only used to draw out those assassins. I suggested this a year ago, and everyone forgot... but wouldnt it be cool to have alchemist from london? He/She could "brew" (concoct?) new and exciting vials... like ones that explode on impact (area effect), or ones that blind like blinding flash. Just like cause and create have similar spells that work a little better in one school, than the other (like blindflash vs causeblind, or create charmies vs cause charmies, or the create light verses the cause momentary light spell)... Now druids can have a match in alchemy. Hmmm, I could think of so many cool things to make high mind london a fun character to play... And dont you dare mention skill trees! I promise that this is the end of my tirade of ideas. Poetry

From: Christopher Thursday, September 21 2000, 03:58AM why couldn't we dip everything for a first attack? Dipping daggers for a backstab Dipping Swords for a slash having the nasty effect wear off after a hit Yay.. Blinding backstabs :)

From: Rufus Friday, September 22 2000, 07:32AM There's only a limited number of values an object can have. When dipping arrows was implemented, it was because bows and ammo had extra values to play with. Normal weapons do not have much extra 'room' ... not enough to track what 'dipping' constitutes. I've entertained the thought of doing a work around for this issue for a while -- I could hack it in, but I'd rather have it so that the code was done reasonably clean. If a reasonable code solution presents itself, and it can be shown that it won't be unbalancing (note the order in which I state those ... just because it wouldn't be unbalancing doesn't mean I'm going to hack it in) I think it could be a possibility. -Ruf

From: Christopher Friday, September 22 2000, 02:12PM doh, I've created a monster


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