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RE: Brew's Post

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Posted by Kaige on 08/08

Brew's post bothers me deeply and I feel it ties into the concerns voiced in two of the player reviews on the MudConnector (www.mudconnector.com). The reviews can be found at: http://www.mudconnector.com/mud-bin/prev/review.cgi?mud=LegendMUD I post this link as something to read, digest and move on from. I do not want to hear of any repercussions for the players who were kind enough to take the time to write the reviews in the first place. I'd rather encourage people to write their own if they disagree or agree with the reviewers. Which brings me back to Brew's post. This board is primarily for the discussion of Legend's game design by ALL the players of LegendMUD. It is not for flaming players of Legend. Lines like "then don't even post, retard!", "You've had some of the stupidest ideas up on this board", and "Poor little retard," do _NOT_ belong here. Be as polite as you can. It does affect how you and your opinions are viewed by the community as a whole. Think of the boards as another way to make contact with the other LegendMUD players. We appreciate the effort that goes into writing posts that offer valuable feedback, something we don't always recognize publicly enough. We do not, however, appreciate their use to harass other members of the Legend community. We do have the ability to restrict characters from posting to the boards if they continue to harass other players in the fashion mentioned above. Thanks, Kaige

From: Brew Tuesday, August 08, 03:22AM Jean is on one of those reviews...

From: Kaige Tuesday, August 08, 09:38AM Yup. But he replied to the third one. Not the most recent two that I was talking about. =) -Kaige

From: Brew Tuesday, August 08, 11:07AM But I liked the post that Jean appended to most of all. I thought the one about chat was pointless. Everyone knows that chat gets spammy sometimes. I don't know what this person was talking about "only" one channel. I mean, we have plenty of Info and Auction conversations. And there's always gossip. Chat's not that important.

From: Jesus Tuesday, August 08, 04:36PM I remember when Kaige took out all the channels, I thought it was pretty cool, actually. Some muds are like that. -JCS.


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