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pkok, my opinion.

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Posted by Jesus on 08/13

I've given this a great deal of thought, so much thought that it has stressed me out at times, thinking of a way to "fix" pkok. I've posted, I've given ideas that go against what Ea! said in his post. Now I've come to a conclusion. It was decided that players will govern pk, so to speak. we are to fight those we want, and reject those we don't. In a way, part of me agrees to this, yet part of me doesn't. I like it that I can reject someone who multi's me, someone who loots a string, or valuable piece of eq. I don't like that someone can accept me, kill me while I'm at 20 HP, then sit in a house or clan hall and reject me forever. But to have one, we must have the other. This is where we, the players, must unite. We need to face the fact that imms aren't going to change pk for us, and the fact that we must change it ourselves. But how do we accompish this? I'm in a pk clan, my clan accepts all other pk clans. yet I still have no one to fight, just the same 2 or 3 people every day. If you people would actually log in, it would be the start that we need to revive pk. Talk to your GM's, ask them to accept all other pk clans, ask them to seek out active members, trustworthy members. If they refuse, vote them out of GMship. Or simply join a new clan. This leaves rogues and RP clans. This is where GMs take control of their clans, by picking and choosing who the clan fights and doesn't fight. Who we are willing to let in this "inner circle" of pkillers. This is the way pkok is designed, folks. Everything is dependant on pkill clans GM's. And frankly, from what I can tell, most GM's of pkill clans are inactive, or simply don't care. anyway, I'm rambling, but I think you get my point. And I hope you'll consider it. -Jesus Christ, Superstar.

From: Brew Saturday, August 05, 02:35AM Sounds good to me

From: Dune Saturday, August 05, 07:26AM If it worked that way, then that would be great. For some reason it doesnt work that way. I can offer no answer.... only the fact that it just doesnt work. I really think we need a hardcoded answer, for good and for bad. GMs were always not logging in. The PK community is small enough that it needs some auto pilot. If GMs have to run the show all the time, nothing will happen. They were always flaky. People just dont have time to actively make pk work. You guys can theorize all you want. Ive been here long enough to predict that a playerbased answer to this is just not going to work. We have a couple months of proof of this... How many more do we need? Im happy that people are trying to think up solutions, but Im pretty sure that rallying up support among players only goes so far. The best effort Ive seen is that of Craven's. That only went so far. Even Craven is afk most the time.

From: Raz Saturday, August 05, 09:41PM craven, like myself are afk most of the time for a reason...pk/ok sucks

From: Tiki Sunday, August 13, 01:47PM Sounds ok to me Jesus, and if you think the past moths proven it doesn't work, take it up with the GM's. After all, we're not children, are we? Tiki


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