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AA vs. AA

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Posted by Skar on 06/04

The only adjustment I'd make to pkok is to force your attacker(s) to be accept all (AA) if you're AA. Why? Because it's an actual incentive to turn it on if your target is already AA. Every other idea I've seen seems to be concerned with discouraging people from turning AA off -- xp fines, for example. Turning off AA isn't the problem. The problem is that not enough people are turning it ON, and everything you use to punish them when they turn it off is just another reason they won't turn it on in the first place. Let me repeat that: everything you use to punish them when they turn of AA is just another reason they won't turn it on in the first place. After considering all of these messages, one thing has become clear to me -- AA is just too dangerous for most people. Too risky. The new pkiller won't turn on AA, because he's afraid of pkill in general. He'd rather dip his toe in the water. The experienced pkiller won't turn it on. They know that if you control the battlefield, you have a great advantage. Turn on AA, and you give up some control. In addition, they're afraid that their opponents will bring friends that aren't AA and use their assistance in an unfair manner. I've seen people comment that only a fool would turn on AA. AA vs. AA is the only incentive I've seen to turn on AA. In fact, it should extend to healing also -- you can only heal AA if you're AA. Likewise with any other pkill interaction.


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