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meditate, chalice, etc.

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Posted by Fear on 03/21

ok, you guys are whining. first of all, no char has the versatility of a 3c mage, period. secondly, it's a sad day when you look around, and nearly every dominating force is a 3c mage. what you people fail to realize is that in many years of playing here, I can only think of one person to play a 3c mage the way they were meant to be played, that being Skar. mages aren't suppose to have high fight stats, thier fight stat is mind, they already have so many options they don't need to rip and damcap to be sucessful. but now, we're so used to playing 3c mages "our" way, because the code has let us, that we're going to bitch and moan and complain? lets look at meditate.. again and again I hear people wanting a 40 spirit req on meditate. well tough, I say. at 40 spirit you are giving up nothing for the privledge of rapid mana gain. I think it should still be the old req, honestly. chalices.. hmmm, maybe cut down the ratio that it gives you mana. maybe in half, my mage used a chalice and meditate, together thier just sickening. and in testing, I've found that you get around the same mana in the same amount of time, with the mind that I had. anyway, pull out meditate, pull oput chalices, and pull out the god damn shaman, I' I'm tired of hearing you all whine that an obviously overpowering char type isn't good enough. -Fear

From: Sammael Monday, March 20, 09:19PM I'm not even going to justify your post with a response.

From: Poetry Tuesday, March 21, 08:17AM I dont think overpowered is the word. What I think is that a good player would rather play a mage that has more options to get creative with, rather than a fighter type that just headbutts headbutts headbutts. I can at least speak for myself in that I would never make a pure fighter type, simply cause their options are so limited. Its all so the experienced player that could make a decent mage. Start looking at the strength of mages that way, and then you could understand their apparent "dominance" in pkill. Its really just the appeal of more options, and more fun to experienced players. Poetry

From: Fear Tuesday, March 21, 10:31AM ok Poetry, you do seem to make alot of sense, and I feel your right, for the most part. however, there is one small thing you overlook. not everyone can pkill at the level of Poetry, Sammael, Manticore, and a few others. it simply shouldn't lean towards complete dominance for the more experienced player, and since backstab was downtoned, it has, in my opinion. now, maybe the imms are trying to change that. maybe they want to see pure druids have a fighting chance in pkill, who knows, who cares why they do the things they do, I'm tired of worrying about it. when backstab was downgraded, snipers suffered. to the point that they were nearly not worth playing. people whined, people bitched, backstab still isn't the same. when the xp scale came in, replacing the 100k dun mobs, etc. people whined, people bitched, and it took a very long time to get the scale to a nice medium. changes take time, imms likely won't base desisions on change based on a few fights between poetry and sammael.. or change something because is (it rather) makes you, and a few others, a worse char. maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm stupid. but I think your all being quite selfish. I don't hear non-pk whining that much about meditate, face it, your desperate for any stat point you can find, because for the first time, you actually have a weakness in your char. done for now.

From: Poetry Tuesday, March 21, 11:23AM I think it should lean towards complete dominance for the experienced player. I guarrentee you that if newbies can beat experienced players in pkill consistantly enough, that the experienced player will get frustrated and the randomness of it all, and leave. "face it, your desparate for any stat point you can find, because for the first time, you actually have a weakness in your char." What are you talking about? meditate? Im more powerful than ever because of the change to meditate. You know why? Because chalices allow me to get the same regenning effect.. only while Im running around. Think about what you are asking for. Whining for a lower meditate req, and no chalice will definately weaken us if anything. Poetry


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