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Possible solution to no meditation?

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Posted by Vortigern on 03/20

Let me start this note by stating that I have absolutely no knowledge of the code behind gradstats. But just thinking about a possible solution to mages not having meditate with the high attribute pre-requisite, I thought about the creation of a new item. Just wondering if it would be possible to make an item that disreguards gradstats, something that's say +8 spirit, -10 something else and take effect on your stats immediately. This way it'll provide all third circle mages with the meditate that we so desperately could use. If it is even possible to make, (Like I said, I have no idea), I'm sure the rent would be up the wazoo. However, rent space is easier to sacrific than 8 of a stat. Just my thoughts, go easy with the flames, it's just an idea that may not even be possible.

From: Mac Sunday, March 19, 11:52AM

From: Mariachi Sunday, March 19, 08:48PM Thoughts on mediatate... mainly i think that the non-spirit stat should be removed or changed to be mind. otherwise as a lowbie surgeon/mage, you can only meditate if that other stat is your fight stat, and i'm personally bored of fighting with that single type of weapon for all my meditation-requiring characters. Maybe that's just me. Admittedly the requirement isn't that high, but recently creating a surgeon with a different fight stat, based on what i know i needed, that other meditate stat had to come 4th at the earliest, and it was a struggle to get to the necessary amount. (i didn't even do it until level 11). that kinda bugs me, i had operate reqs at level 6, but couldn't get meditate, and since the operate reqs are so high in 2 stats, i couldn't really sacrifice anything. as for mages, i think it's worse leaned toward fighting with one stat, (even though there's plenty people myself included who use the other 2 fight stats) because you have to have 4 stats, that one included reach a certain level to get all of your words. by the time you have all your word requirements, specially for 3c (which obviously isn't at a low level, but still requires lots of eq usually), you really haven't the rent or the slots to raise a different stat for fighting with. apology if this is rambling and apology because i just noticed i misspelled meditate in line one and i'm not going back to retype. anyhoo, thats my thoughts. El Mariachi

From: Splat Monday, March 20, 02:01AM what?

From: Darla Monday, March 20, 07:07PM Expecting to get anything useful out of meditation when you aren't very spiritual is as silly as quickdrawing a rifle. Sometimes things aren't the way that would be easiest for you, but the way that is the most realistic. Deal with it.


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