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Posted by Omicidio on 03/21

I've thought about it and want to point out just a few things. First of all the immortals here have made a great MUD. What I think may have been lost track of is how big and complex it has become. If it is bigger and more complex, more information MAY need to be given to newbies. My experience was frequent frustration. One person commented to me that maybe this MUD is wrong for me and all I can say is that a sense of frustration is not enjoyable for anyone. Figuring out a puzzle yes. Frustration no. Remember how big this MUD has become and remember that a NEWBIE knows nothing. You are recommended by a couple MUD sites which is why I came here. So you will get real newbies because of that. The players (including Imms as players) have been for the most part extremely friendly to me and other So what is my suggestion/complaint? A lack of information for the Newbie. So what is my suggestion/complaint? 1) Quests should be able to ALL be done with info within the game. Newbies should not be made into beggers every time they want to do a quest 2) Newbies should be told the rules more clearly. The frequent requests Imms get that they can't do anything about should be BOLDLY and Imms get that they can't do anything about should be BOLDLY and UNMISTAKABLY given to players up front. Arguing with an Imm is not fun for either. Knowing more about what Imms are and do would help. 3) Negative comments on chat towards others should be toned down. This is players choice but occassionaly here (as any chat program) a jerk can hurt things for everyone. 4) PK should not have to be chosen before 50 for a newbie. Why give the newbie "time pressure"? If he goes PK he will likely get beaten at level 50 as well as 35 . . . Experienced should still have to choose at 35 or whatever. Matching IP on entry could do this. This would allow a real newbie to cre create a character leisurely, not worrying about having to learn a character slowly without having to rush to get info if he wants to someday PK and then go PK when ready regardless of level. Saying creating a new character or doing X, Y, or Z does not work for most new players. New player gets attached to character or thinks leveling a new one is big job (which it is). But the main thing is to allow newbie to enjoy Legend without thinking he has to run before he knows how to crawl. I think on this point the system should favor newbies and not worry about some experienced players trying to game the system. What is the big deal if an experienced player wants to cheat and delay going PK? Better than frustrated newbie. 5) Maybe newbies should be told something about Pueblo or Zmud? Many don't know it exists So enough, I should not have said the Imms "fault" about newbies -- what I mean is that it is the in game information that Newbie needs more of. And only Imms can change things to make more information in game. Hope this helps not hurts.

From: Yvonne Sunday, March 19, 10:30AM Pkok will solve your beef about newbies and pkill. Although I have to say, I don't think it would help newbies at all to be able to enable at 50. I enabled an earlier incarnation of this character at 19 or so, this was my first pkiller, and booooooy did I ever suck. Anyone who killed me could probably tell me how much I fumbled around. It was like, backstabs do -how- much damage? Bash sets you to sitting for -two whole rounds-? I learned far more leveling from 19 to 50, while having the snot beat out of me on a regular occasion, than I would have if I had just enabled at 50.

From: LadyAce Sunday, March 19, 02:41PM A lot of the information that you're asking for, Omicidio, are covered in one of two places if not both: help files and the web pages. For example info on clients is on the web, and info about imms is in both places. It would be really helpful if you could put your suggestions in a form like: "the help file on immortals should include A B and C" or "the web page on clients should include X Y and Z". That way we'd know more specifically what we can do to increase the information available to you. -LA

From: Danar Monday, March 20, 04:07AM Some good points, I think. Many quests (in fact I'd say most) have sufficient clues within the mud to complete. There are a few notable exceptions, but if you have the puzzle- solving mentality (Infocom!) you should be able to handle most of the problems here. I also think that, while it's certainly important to help newbies, the facilities exist: Legend has the most extensive help system I have ever seen on a mud. It should handle most of the problems newbies have. (And, of course, everybody has to read the rules when they start a character.) Danar

From: Tyrant Tuesday, March 21, 09:25AM Regarding #'s 1 and 2, like Danar said, it is possible to figure out MOST quests. There is an extensive list of rules and such listed after you create a char, before the first time you enter. Bet you just hit 'enter' several times, eh? (chuckle) I'm thinkin' maybe your not asking the right questions? Your 3rd complaint? Only people who make 'negative comments' to or about me are the ones I have treated bad, myself. Everything else is observation. Pretty well get what you give. Unless your looking for some kind of 'chat Nazi' it's about as good as it gets, I say. You obviously didn't give much thought to this newbie pkill level idea of yours. Heres an idea - Don't enable till your ready? Pkill isn't mandatory, there is absolutely NO in-game pressure to enable, and I was never pressured by anything else to do so, either. I am glad I enabled my first char, though, if I hand't I am sure i'd still be learning things I already know. Nothing like knowing theres a dagger trying to find a way into your back to motivate just sayin' investigate a bit more before you get all up tight about stuff.


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