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Posted by Lagmonster on 03/11

First i'd just like to say that i have no idea how memory extensive running two copies of the same mud would be. If it isn't feasible at all, then don't read further. If it is, tho, we could have an all-pk mud on one port, and a non-pk mud on another, with a command that allows a player to transfer the non-pk charfile to the pk port at the cost of some cash, and pay "rent" for their chars on the pkport the way housing works -- 10% of their total rent cost in gear, paid from either port's account (porting a char shouldn't copy their cash, of course). Archiving the non-pk port will automatically archive the pk-port, but not vice versa. Guess non-clanned will have a lot more of an edge in terms of maintenance this way, but as charfiles aren't like housing which eat up memory constantly, it's prolly more friendly that way :p In order to prevent the pk port from going totally mayhem with people who simply think "i'll just re-transfer chars over," transfer of chars should be limited to once per char + per redemption point. Also, after each RL day, 10% of either the gain or the loss of the pk-port char will apply to the non-pk port char. I know it all sounds very complicated, but a simple free-for-all just causes total mayhem and is not interesting for any after the very first fight, so there needs to be some built in deterrances toward that end. With this, one never has to bother with retiring a character, since they can simply cease to use the pk-port char, or 'delete' the pkport version and simply continue playing on the nonpk port. They have a chance to retry once they hit 50mil, or it could prolly be offered as a 'participation prize' to tourneys involving pk in any way. Oh well, that was just me imagining what it'd be like if we could rem cloak have two ports at once that could share data on the fly. (If not, we can simply have it process the transfer request upon reboot/crash) Lagmonster

From: Craven Saturday, March 11, 07:45PM okay. no.


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