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Posted by Davien on 03/04

Gradual stats are introduced. Spam gear is rendered next to useless. People lose the spam gear, find themselves with heaps of rent. To use that rent, they get those +dam/hit/hp items that were too expensive. Cries that these items are overpowered. Claims item guidelines should be tightened. Is this a co-incidence or would it have happened anyway? Rather than bitch about the items in the game, why not suggest other ways to spend that rent? I hear about tools, but no one seems to know what is out there or where to get them. The odd rumour on a local board or some such might be helpful, or maybe they don't exist? Davien Holyoake.

From: Tirasala Saturday, March 04, 09:27AM Well, i do know of two tools that exist in the game. One of these two is near impossible to get, and if someone shows you exactly how, it still takes hours and hours of real time to get it. I don't even know how to get the other, but apparently it is doable, because i see them lying about once in a while, it's just not very useful to most. Scratch that, i just remembered an item that may or may not be a tool. That makes three, each for a different skill. It would be nice to see more tools around, especially for those of us that are always running out of practices. Low level mages, for instance would LOVE to have tools so they can mend, repair, etc. I even had one character that didn't learn bandage until he was level 28 because he was too busy learning magic words. If someone says 'just wait until skill trees' I will be rather annoyed. Tirasala, Captain of the Dred Pyrats, Lord of the Oshan See

From: Chupacabra Saturday, March 04, 01:17PM There are actually quite a few tools around.


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