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Posted by Typ on 02/12

can empathy be changed so that it can be cast on people you wouldn't normally be able to fight? I know it was made that way for some kind of pkill reason. With pkill timers could this not be changed. And from what I understand of the empathy spell it just gives hps and such right away.. kind of like a nice heal for 2nd circle. I dont see how this could interfere in pkill anymore than any healing skill/spell could now. Please, there aren't many percs to being a good player in the game.. make the spell given to good people only at least useable. -a slightly frusrated healer.. that can't heal to his full potential Typ

From: Manticore Monday, January 31, 09:30PM empathy, when i used it in pk, was fairly powerful, and it'll really make mobkill a serious fuss.. but guess we can make it non combatish or something... dunno what i was gonna say, but i like it just the way it is :p

From: Splat Tuesday, February 01, 12:03AM I see no reason why it shouldn't be used between unclanned.

From: Malach Saturday, February 12, 10:20AM I agree with Splat, if your wussy 300 hp healer wants to take a last ditch effort to heal you while you fight the demon kings, why not? It's a sight better than the healer in question (if they're the suicidal type) jumping and rescuing. Malach


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