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Posted by Dune on 01/07

Ok, its no secret that the Beatles secretly inhabit ooc. Poor Ringo as the florist, George as waiter, John on the piano, and of course Paul the bar tender. (even George Martin and Pete Best!) As a Beatles fan, I have to point out that Paul's written desc is wrong! He never played a Rickenbacker bass... he was actually VERY famous for his Hofner bass, the one that looked like a violin. It was John and George that used Rickenbackers. And really only John towards the later years when George got weird with sitars. Dave

From: Ahurn Friday, January 07, 12:07AM I would like to say that although I responded with a PK angle My post had nothing to do with PK other than my solution to the problem, or the way in which I will contribute is to make it a consequence for people who aren't nice. A death for an injustice. One on One, no more no less. I may not always be able to make due on my promises, but I will try my hardest. And while I'm rather unexperience at PK and are too small to do any real damage, I will bide my time and wai until I can accomplish my goals. I will not multi and I will not loot (other than as stated in my previous post about eye junkers. and I most certainly will not jump people who are at Low HP (unless ofcourse I am) Just my promises to the MUD Ahurn


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